
Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

Peering into the crystal to the landscape below was snow as far as the eyes can see. A strange sight. The earth was painted over in a layer of snow and ice, but stained in a red hue. For as long as Edith remained in control, demons continued to run rampant in Talmora.

Gale's forces had several runs in with demons for their first time. Though spooked and put off by their gruesome visages at first, the demi-humans' overwhelming numbers proved too much for rogue groups to handle.

We were a massive force. One that could besiege and occupy any city save for the largest. Human settlements that had the strength and manpower to ward off demons trembled at the sight of our passage. Fortunately, none dared to attack us. Lisette was a much keener political player than I could have ever given her credit for. She had sent envoys to every city that we would be passing through ahead of time.

I knew, however, by the people's terrified expression rather than an assured one, she used our presence as a show of force instead.

Mira descended the steps into the sex slave's chamber. She was looking a lot more lithe again, no longer burdened by pregnancy.

"If we were to fly a smidge more westward, the spires of Grathir and our academy might be visible from here," she said, staring up at the crystal's projection of the surroundings outside the tower.

"I wonder how many witches out there are sided with Edith, and how many are just lost as to what's going on." My eyes and feet grew weary from piloting the tower for almost three days straight. I had Rio trade places with me so that I could rest every once in a while. If it weren't for Mira and the others occasionally coming downstairs to keep me company, I might have just fallen asleep standing.

The glorified tower-batteries were in here, too. But they didn't make for great conversation. Being around them constantly undergoing climax certainly didn't help my libido either.

"You will have to prepare for that eventuality. Some of our colleagues may see eye to eye with Edith. Remind yourself that they are wrong and endeavor to correct their misguided ideals," Mira said.

"Easy for you to say." I rolled my eyes and took a seat at the edge of the bed where Aurelias laid unconscious.

From the other side of the room, our captured incubus stirred awake after being forced to orgasm endlessly.

"Why fight? My masters will rule your realm one way or another. I still offer you clemency. Swear your bodies to me, and I will spare you their wrath," Auren said.

Mira and I traded unamused glances.

"And what? We join your harem and live in pleasure until the end of our lives? Please, we have a goblin lover who makes for a better partner than you," I taunted.

"G-G-Goblin? A meager, filthy goblin, you say? A goblin cannot possibly compare to the great me!" The incubus reared back, never more offended in his life than at that moment.

"Oh, be silent." Mira snapped her fingers. A tentacle emerged from a hole in the floorboards beneath him to plug his mouth.

We left the basement to Rio and went upstairs to a laboratory where Miuna had taken up residence. The slime had reduced itself to an amorphous blob in the middle of the room. Something about the wellspring of magic inside this forged world put it into a drunken stupor-like state since the start of the journey.

"Heya, guys! Don't mind me… still a little… woozy," it said as we entered.

I bent down to pat the gelatinous form a few times, causing ripples across the surface of its body. "We need you to check up on the others. Are you sober enough to do that for us?"

Miuna returned to its humanoid female form in a cross-legged, sitting position.

"Hmmm… Everything's all peachy back home. Down below— ah!" The slime reacted like it was getting attacked.

Mira and I tensed up.

"What happened?" I asked, clutching my staff and readying myself to go down at a moment's notice.

"Those harpies are having a snowball fight. One of them hit me in the eye!" Miuna complained.

"You don't have eyes. You have slime." Mira put a hand to her face and sighed.

"And the last place with the human army looks fine to me. That redhead is filing her nails and…" The red slime gasped. It looked like it was focusing on something far away, squinting to get a better look. "There's something in the sky. A couple of somethings in dark clothing. Quinny sees it, too. Now she's screaming for everyone to take cover— Aaah!"

Miuna shielded itself with its arms as though about to be hit by something.

Quinny and her army were under attack. By who?

"How far are we from them?" Mira asked me.

"Our forces were supposed to converge at a three-way road by the next morning. They should still be crossing the mountain path, but if we hurry…" I dreaded to think what would happen if we were too late.

We made a miscalculation. Of course Edith wouldn't just let us march peacefully to Thanreas. She sent a force to deal with the weakest of our armies. Quinny didn't have any witches or substantial firepower under her arsenal other than sword and steel.

If a group of us who could fly at breakneck speeds went to help Quinny now, we might be able to save them. But who and how many should I send? What if, as soon as we left, another assault was lying in wait here?

"In my opinion, we should leave them and continue to our destination," Mira said.

"They're our allies," I responded in shock of her willingness to let them die.

"Allies?" She scoffed. "Opportunistic vultures, the lot of them. Just like the nobility of Juna and Randover."

But Quinny wasn't her sister Lisette.

Mira continued without hesitation, "Sure, it was an army you befriended and allied to our cause. As a human army, what use will they be at the Eternal City against witches and demons?"

She was right, of course. Cutting our losses would be the most optimal and tactical play here. Humans didn't have the same brutish strength that the demi-humans offered, nor did they have the magic that we witches possessed. Edith knew that and sent a force to chip away our weakest link.


To think this way felt wrong.

"I'm going," I declared.

"Then I come with," Mira said.

"One of us has to stay to pilot the tower. I'll have Belle and Thelia tag along. I'm sure she's been itching to stretch her legs."

Mira relented. She pressed her lips to mine and sighed. "You're far too kind for your own good."

I went to fetch Belle who was lounging with Eleanor by the fire downstairs. They were also surprised to hear Quinny's army had come under attack.

"We'll blow away whatever they are and be back for supper!' Belle waved as the two of us were teleported outside.

Thelia, Belle, and I, along with our familiars, made haste across the frosted savanna in the direction of Quinny's army. On foot, it would have taken an entire day before we reached them. However, our flight enabled us to cut the distance by a large fraction. Around this time, they should have been exiting the mountainous path and into the expansive savanna plains we were flying through.

None of us were prepared for what awaited. In a sea of flames, wagons were flipped over and bodies strewn on the ground. Soldiers scrambled to help their fellows. Trees burned like pillars of fire. Quinny was pinned under a cart, cursing loudly rather than asking for help.

Above the destruction, flying in the sky on the same elevation as us… were witches. They weren't dressed in the academy robes, but appeared to wear shadows that clung to their bodies. Each had a horn protruding from the side of their heads. It reminded me of Eudora when I first met her in person, and Edith when she escaped from the voidal collapse.

A demonic form that sent shivers down my spine.

What truly gave me and Belle pause was that we knew them. Likewise, they knew us.

We were all colleagues of the same academy once.

"Be careful. They are no longer humans. I sense they are more akin to me than you now," Thelia warned.

"Ellori, Belle. A lot's changed, hasn't it?" a witch I recognized as Elvyra said.

Elvyra Kennison was a year below me, who excelled in philosophy and ethics over a witch's more favored subjects of alchemy and magic arts. No one could best her in a debate. She was always so prepared. The studious bookworm and orator before me seemed uninterested in a discussion this time around.

"Crisp look you got there. I take it you're not here to give us a hand?" Belle asked.

"Before you two go into a spiel about us being in the wrong," Elvyra began, "we know Councillor Anora's true identity is Edith Percouli. We have sided with her on our own accord."

I looked into each of their eyes. Elvyra, Jen, Cresha, Patrice, Daphne… I knew all their names. We studied together, helped each other's dissertations on new alchemical applications, shared the same room in the dormitory, and more. 

Now we stood on opposite sides of the field. I couldn't back down now.

"I'm sorry, everyone. We can't let Edith have her way, even if it means fighting you."

The magic within me transformed my robes into the goddess' ivory vestments. Feathered wings sprouted from my back. The staff in my hands crackled with energy, morphing into the golden lance.

"On our own, we do not stand a chance against you and Belle put together. But we weren't sent here to defeat you to begin with," Elvyra said. Their magic signatures pulsed at once. Runes we didn't see before on the ground below us glowed brightly, then swallowed us in a pillar of light.

It was a trap. Belle realized first what it was.

"A teleportation circle?!" she tried to conjure a spell, but it fizzled out in her hand as we're sucked through.

My feet found purchase on solid ground. I was no longer flying. Belle and Thelia were unlucky, landing on their butts instead.

"Damn it… How did we not see that coming?" Belle cursed, rubbing her ass.

"Where did it take us?" I asked.

The large chamber was illuminated by blue torches that floated in the air. At the back of the room, stained glass windows as tall as the room itself depicted the history of humanity and witches. 

Below them, upon a throne as wide as a bed, sat a woman who was more demon than human. Her skin was an ashen grey, eyes as red as the skies outside, and horns that could put a minotaur to shame— Edith Percouli.

"It brought you directly to me," the crimson witch sneered.


Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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