
Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

The succubus twins, Xana and Lorica, were more amiable after getting their guts screwed out by the Goddess Vessyra. When it came to sex demons, the only way to really get them to comply was… well, sex. To have a literal god dominate them harder than they had ever thought possible turned out to fall in everyone's favor.

Although there were still plenty of hard details to smooth over, I wasn't safe yet.

"We cannot form a pact with you as easily as you think. All of us have sworn to our masters to serve Edith. As our strength comes from those whom we serve, it is against our better nature to create a pact with a weaker being," Xana explained.

Lorica continued, "With Zertos, it was clear which of you two were stronger. However, at the time, only Zertos and Thelia were made to serve under your thumb. The rest of us became free agents."

"Did demons always have such an odd bureaucracy regarding whom they served?" I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

My things were missing, I was still naked, and Rio was nowhere to be seen. The only allies I had were two reluctant succubi who might turn on me the moment Edith exercised her powers.

"That isn't to say we cannot help you for the time being," the twins said at once.

"Several things I'd like to know: First, where are we? Second, are Belle and Thelia in this place, too? And lastly, how much time has passed?" I inquired of them.

"This is a micro-dimension," Xana began as a matter-of-factly. "I suppose it functions similar to what witches like yourself call a forged world? Edith created it to house her enemies."

My mind wandered back to every instance Edith opened a black portal. This must be where it led. There was no telling how large this place was and how many of her 'enemies' were in here.

However, if that were true, then Belle, Thelia, and Eudora were in here somewhere.

"As for how long, four days in the real world and… five months' time in here," Lorica said.

I choked on my spit. The copious amount of demon cum in my womb suddenly felt a lot thicker. They had made me a sex slave for that long? Did I just blank out all that time? Curse forged worlds for being so inconsistent with their passage of time.

The magic flowing through me remained inert and wouldn't answer my calls. I couldn't tap into my magic for as long as I was in here thanks to those anti-magic etchings. It might have been that Vessyra was able to take form due to this place being like a forged world. Her soul had gone to slumber within me. She must have exerted a lot of power in order to manifest herself.

"The answer to your last question, I suspect you already know," Xana said.

"I need you two to take me to them."

The twins looked at each other and shrugged.

"We were defeated by Goddess Vessyra, not you." Lorica sneered.

"If anything, we keep you as our sex slave and occasionally indulge in being fucked by the goddess." The other giggled at my helplessness.

I should have known they wouldn't be easily convinced. What bargaining chips did I have? Perhaps their brother Auren's life.

"How about a trade? I have a certain incubus you may know imprisoned as a glorified battery. You help me free my friends, and I release him safely back to you." I offered an exchange of prisoners, something often done during times of war.

Unfortunately, the two of them laughed in my face until they were in tears.

"Ahahaha! So that… that's where— pfft…" Xana keeled over, clutching her stomach.

"Oh, how tragic! Our poor, dear brother… Hahaha!" Lorica, too, was in pain from laughing too much. "A good fuck and a good laugh. Today turned out to be a great day. Hasn't it, sister?"

I blinked absentmindedly, dumbfounded by their outrageous and carefree reaction to the misfortunes of someone who was their family. Did I… lose my only leverage against them?

"Change of plans. We shall help you," Lorica declared, brushing the purple hair from her eyes to wipe a tear.

"This is not how I expected things to go down," I said, trying to make sense of this jump in logic.

Xana interjected to fill in the blanks. "If Edith defeats you and your people, Auren will no doubt be reinstated to his post. He would never let us hear the end of it. If you win, then he remains imprisoned. We help you in exchange for keeping that arrogant brother of ours in his enslaved state."

"If sibling rivalry is what it takes to turn the tides of war, historians and military strategists will be very disappointed when they look back at this time period. I'll take it." I shook their hands on it.

Lorica ripped the chains from the wall which I had previously been bound to. She tossed the shackles to the ground and looked at me expectantly.

"If we're going to roam around outside, you must look the part of our prisoner. Or are you having second thoughts about being paraded naked in front of all the demons you fucked?" she asked with an impish grin.

My heart rate sped up. I put the shackles on as I was told and was somehow excited at the prospects of being shown around naked. Chains locked my wrists together, but my legs were free to move as I pleased. Xana made the finishing touches by putting an iron collar around my neck.

"This is… a little excessive, don't you think? Just the wrists isn't enough?" I asked her.

"Not at all! Gives character." She brushed a hand across my clit, sending pleasure signals through my body, and showed me how wet her fingers got from just touching me. "Don't pretend you aren't enjoying this."

I had no choice but to trust their disdain for their brother was great enough to follow through.

They led me out by the chain collar. What surprised me the moment I stepped out of my cell was the incredible flow of magic that swelled within me, filling me faster than pouring a carafe of water into a cup. Those runes really were all that kept my powers at bay. If I wanted to, I could break out of these chains with ease and defeat any demon that came my way.

That wasn't the right move. I knew nothing of where I was. If I started fighting here, I might end up slogging through an endless army of demons. For now, I must preserve my strength.

I followed my pretend-captors down the torchlit halls of the stockades. The other cells contained all manner of creatures: upstart demons, weary humans, and creatures I couldn't put a name to.

We passed by several patrolling demons that gave us no mind. It seemed like smooth sailing from here on out.

Or so I thought.

A pair flying imps came up to me with their hung cocks swinging between their legs.

"Where taking this human?" one asked, shoving a rusty spear in my face.

"She's being difficult. We're taking her for a walk to show her how good she's having it," Xana replied.

"In the first place, we don't have to answer to you. Or shall we send you to the frontlines, hm?" Lorica folded her arms and raised a brow, daring the imps to talk back.

"N-No questioning succubus! Just want to fuck the human," the other said.

The chain on my neck was yanked hard. Lorica gestured for me to get down and made a face, telling me not to resist.

"You heard them. They want to fuck you. Now be a good girl and get on all fours to service them." She smirked.

"Ngh…" I bit back the urge to retort and dropped to the ground. My excitement was rising, and the wetness from my crotch was proof of that.

One imp pushed his dick into my mouth, and the other went behind me to put his in my pussy. They made a show out of fucking me, smacking my ass loud for prisoners to hear. The one I was sucking off grabbed my head to facefuck me.

Male and female prisoners within their cells couldn't help themselves and started masturbating to the sight of my debauchery. Xana and Lorica leaned against the iron bars, fingering and kissing each other as they watched.

The imp threw his head back as he unloaded into my mouth. Sharp claws dug into my butt cheeks as the one behind me squirted his load inside me.

"Ahh… more, more!" the imps said together, pistoning their hips again.

Xana and Lorica each kicked the imps away from me. The dick in my pussy came out with a sloppy plop. For pint-sized demons, they sure packed a lot of cum in those tiny nutsacks.

"That's all the time you have. Get lost and find another human to fuck," Lorica growled at the imps, sending them scurrying away.

"Was that… really necessary?" I asked, swallowing the load and wiping the cum from my lips.

"They didn't suspect us." Xana shrugged. She gave her sister another tongue-deep kiss before fetching my leash and moving on.

At the end of the hall was a spiral staircase that led into another long hall, also filled with prisoners. The lack of windows and magic emanating from the walls indicated that the forged world was specifically designed to serve as a dungeon. Though given how much magic Edith had siphoned around Talmora thanks to the towers, she had plenty to spare to build whatever she wanted.

We at last reached two cells imprisoning Belle and Thelia in each, including a gang of demons in the process of ravishing them in their mindbroken state.

"You lot have had your fun. Out. Now!" Lorica demanded.

The demons vacated in haste for fear of angering their greater counterparts. As soon as they were gone, I raced into Belle's cell where my magic was promptly nullified by the anti-magic runes. Her slave collar had at some point worn out and fallen off her neck as it laid stained with cum at a far corner.

"Are you okay?" I asked, picking up her cum-stained body.

"Ellori…? Took you long enough… Don't think… I ever want to see demon dicks ever again… I'm going to incinerate this place darker than charcoal…" She gurgled and coughed up ejaculate.

"You're okay alright. Glad your mind is still intact," I said in jest. "Let's get out of here. We still have a crimson witch to payback."



Large, slimy tentacles wrapped around Xana and Lorica. They stared down the hall where we had just come through, petrified with fear. More tentacles entered my view, pulling away the twin succubi's clothing and invading their orifices.

"Jailbreak? No one escapes. Punishment must be given." A low groan echoed from the end of the hall.


Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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