Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

152 – Epilogue (Part 3, Final)

After Mira and I had our respective fun with our extended partners, we bid them goodbye and made way for home.

If it were up to me, I'd have spent up to a year with Taurac. How fun would it have been to essentially be on a honeymoon with him, spending every waking moment of our time screwing to our hearts' content.

I didn't want to keep Mira waiting outside, so Taurac and I spent only a week in there fucking like beasts in heat, which amounted to about an entire day in the real world. When I returned, Thelia and the twins were in a state of mind brokenness, chained up by their ankles and wrists, begging Mira for more.

Leave it to a lady killer like Mira to reduce all manner of women, including demons, to nothing but slaves to her pleasure.

With Thelia, Xana, and Lorica presiding over Eudora's tower in the meantime, there was no risk of a rogue witch getting their hands on the valuable research and laboratories within. Though, it was too bad Taurac rejected my offer of coming to Ellowyn. He wanted to make way back to Saquin to find his kin. Lantessa was kind enough to journey with him once she was ready, the Valisca Archipelago was on the opposite side of the continent after all.. A long journey awaited him, but I was sure we would find each other again. 

And when that time came…

I was already getting wet thinking about it with the memories of the past week inside the megatower still fresh, both in mind and between my legs.

Once we landed in Ellowyn, we wasted no time taking the teleportation circle to Lotherain without informing anyone of our return.

"Hm. Everything looks in order. My feet are still attached to me," Mira said, stepping off the circle.

When the war ended, the first step to rebuilding the capital of Parthun included the renovation of King Marcus' royal manor into a teleportation hub. It took twenty witches working day and night for a week to create five teleportation circles— one to Ellowyn, Vessyra, Semiramis, Thanreas, and Grathir.

Of course, we had to use them sparingly. Every use consumed a handful of magic crystals, of which we were in short supply of. Overuse might break the entire system since every circle was interconnected, and could potentially send someone to the middle of nowhere. The runes had to be maintained and recalibrated every month so as to avoid such a possibility.

"Talos, be a dear and check the teleportation circles for me," the witch of envy ordered.

"Belle had recently taken it back to Grathir. I'm sure she checked the integrity of the portals," I said.

"Given that she's so uptight about her creations… I suppose you are right. If only she puts the same amount of effort into wooing that lady knight." She chuckled.

Talos flew back to perch on Mira's shoulder. Both of us took a step onto the teleportation circle to Vessyra.

"Actually, Belle told me Eleanor had proposed courtship before she left to assume the position of Lord-Commander of their new order."

Mira nodded with approval. "Slow and steady isn't quite my taste, but good for them."

The teleportation circle landed us in an antechamber where, several paces away from us, was another circle which lies defunct and inactive. We were in a worship chamber.

This was the same place we had landed many moons ago. Back then we were met with a small army of spears and terrified demi-humans. A carved, wooden statue of Vessyra at the back of the room welcomed us this time around.

"High Priestess Ellori, High Priestess Mira!" A familiar dark-skinned elf, dressed in white ceremonial robes that clung loosely to her body, waved to us from the archway of gnarled roots and vines.

"Ysolde, it's good to see you again." I smiled.

"Why, hello you delicious—" Mira licked her lips and stepped forward, but I grabbed her shoulder before she could lay a hand on Ysolde.

"Uhm. If possible, High Priestess Ceris wishes for you two to change into our garb. You may leave your belongings here. You have my word no one will disturb your things," she said, handing us an outfit similar to her own.

The sheer, almost transparent gown did little to cover our genitals. We might as well be naked.

Mira purred. "I would kill to have you dressed in that forever." 

"Not happening."

"This way, please. High Priestess Ceris awaits upstairs." Ysolde gestured out of the worship chamber.

As we followed the young priestess through the tree home, I felt an extremely powerful magical signature wandering about. It moved too fast for me to pinpoint. Mira had detected it, too. Her brows furrowed, eyes glancing in every direction. The scale of its magic was on par if not greater than Queen Zathira.

How was that possible?


I put a hand to the wall that made up the interior trunk, and a voice whispered into my mind.

Vixie, the melodic voice introduced herself to me. She sounded excited to have met.

Mira and I traded glances. She caught on quickly to what I had figured out. A forest nymph had spawned.

It looked like the city of Vessyra was going to be in good hands.

"Is that them?"

"The human high priestesses we were told about?"

"No, no. They are witches! The very ones who last year completed the trial!"

Whispers amongst the lesser priestesses were many and receptive of our arrival. Mira was especially enjoying the attention.

"Look at them lusting after us. You can't tell me you don't want to just eat them up. Such young fruits, ripe for the picking." She gnawed on her finger. 

Oh, gods…" I put a hand to my face and groaned. "Can you please control yourself— huh?"

Mira was nowhere to be seen.

"Yes. It is I, the high priestess witch you have heard so much about. My dear little doves, how about we find time to worship the goddess together?" 

The three priestesses she was speaking to swooned and squealed.

"Okay, lover girl." I clobbered the back of her head and tugged her back to follow Ysolde.

We finally got upstairs without any more distractions. Standing guard at the door of the high priestesses' grand bedchamber were Io and Mana, the bunyips demi-humans that previously guarded Ceris.

"Hello," they said together, still expressionless and monotonous after a year.

"In sync as always." Mira grinned.

A much tiner bunyip popped her head out from underneath Mana's thick woolen fur. The baby bunyip chirped. Then as though on cue, half a dozen revealed themselves on both Mana and Io. They were the size of human infants, staring at me with yellow beady eyes behind dark sclera.

"W-When did you two give birth to so many children?" I asked, but when my eyes met with Mana and Io's, my desire to know vanished. "Never mind…"

The two of them wordlessly opened the doors to the chamber. The baby bunyips retreated back into their mothers' furs.

Ysolde remained at the entrance and bowed as we went in. The doors closed shut behind us.

The grand bedchamber was just as magnificent and humble as I last remembered. Yet, oddly empty. Ceris sat at the balcony with her back to us, gazing off into the city. Neither Sheila nor Gale were present.

"I thought the three of you would be here together?" I asked, walking up behind her and noticing there were in fact three. Just not the ones I was expecting.

Ceris was breastfeeding two infants. One had pointed ears and skin as light as hers. The other had feline ears and purred quietly as it nursed.

"Sheila and Gale are on a pilgrimage to check in on our bannerlords. The little ones are still too young to travel, so I volunteered to stay behind," the high priestess said, smiling at the babies.

"Are they both yours?" Mira asked. She then nudged me in the arm and grinned. "Looks like we aren't the only ones birthing children left and right."

Ceris stood up and offered for us to hold a child each.

"We are all their mothers. The elf child is Chloe," she said, ushering her into my arms.

Instead of handing the other child to Mira, the little thing leapt away from her arms. Mira caught the spry beastborne in mid-air.

"Her name is Rella." Ceris giggled.

"Charming." Mira held Rella outstretched in her hands, but her own motherly instincts took over and began to cradle the infant affectionately.

Chloe's two very blue eyes stared back at me. I knew right away who they also belonged to. They must only be a few months younger than Beatrice, but I could already see some similarities in their cheekbones. More than that— their magic signature.

"The two of you have come to assess the effects of magic in returning to our lands, yes? See for yourself how wagons full of harvests come and go, the charity of neighbors to share the fruits of their labor." Ceris danced up to the edge of the balcony and put her hands on the railing.

And she was right. The atmosphere was much more joyful than before. Gale and their bannerlords suffered many deaths during the war due to my mistake in being captured. Their sacrifices weren't in vain. The city of Vessyra thrived, prospered, and had grown into a sprawling metropolis in a year's time with no signs of stopping.

Life moved on.

It made me a little sad that all the friends I made along the way were departing. With so much of this world left to discover, there was no telling when I might see them again.

I thought of the harpy sisters and Zeke. A few months ago they had bid us farewell to explore beyond Talmora. They were young, so it was no wonder their curiosity became too much to contain. Even sex couldn't keep Zeke to stay.

Though I had heard from priestesses journeying to Ellowyn that the group of four had made a visit to Vessyra. I wondered how long they had stayed?

"I don't suppose you have seen a silver dragon and trio of excitable harpy sisters come by?" I asked.

"Funny you should ask." Ceris tapped the wooden railing and glanced up.

Talos noticed it first. He squawked at the branches.

A sudden gust of wind knocked my hat away. I couldn't reach for it since I was holding Chloe. Something like a green blur sped across my line.

Landing perched on the wooden railing next to Ceris, holding my hat was a harpy with a green coat of feathers.

"Green!" I shouted her name.

"Raa— Just kidding!" The adorable harpy smiled wide.

Taken back by her manner of speech had left me speechless.

"Looks like all those lessons paid off." Mira stroked the harpy's head.

"Hehe~ Praise me more! I've been visiting Ceris and Mira in secret. They teach me how to speak," Green explained.

I guess it couldn't hurt to spoil the harpy a little. I also went to pat her head, and she responded by rubbing her cheek against mine. It was a little rough around the edges in her enunciation of words, but I could tell she had been working hard on learning to talk.

"But what about Zeke and your sisters?" I asked.

"They wanted to explore far. I didn't want to go too far from Ellori. Wanted to stay and play. Help priestesses. I'm living here now!" she replied gleefully.

The four of us spent the next two days catching up. Ceris encouraged us to breastfeed Chloe and Rella from time to time. Lucky for them, we still produced milk because our own children back home were still breastfeeding.

In the night, we slept together in the grand bedchamber. Green was even welcomed to stay with us. She remained as cuddly as always compared to her more sexually ravenous sisters. Mira would escape the room in the night to visit the other priestess' bedchambers. I expected nothing less of her.

Our time here wasn't all play. Mira and I assessed the flood of magic's effect on outer Talmora. What we found was both troubling and fascinating. Vegetation and livestock grew more healthily. The quality of harvests improved dramatically.

What Mira and I feared would happen was beginning to take root. Eudora had hoped for it.

Babies given birth after the war possessed stronger magical signatures than those born before. Not enough that they had the potential to become witches, but enough that they would be sensitive to magic. After several generations, however, that might be a different story.

One day, far in the future, witches might become irrelevant. Using magic would become commonplace. Perhaps that might not be so bad, but who knows how the road to that future could be paved.

On the morning of the third day, it was finally time for us to leave.

"I wish you could stay longer," Ceris said. "It's too bad Sheila and Gale will have to wait until your next visit."

"Yes, too bad for Gale." Mira smirked.

"Lucky for me, I can fly!" Green giggled.

As we made our way to the worship room containing the teleportation circle, an elven woman was causing a commotion in the hall. She had a younger elf in her arms, perhaps of teenage years. The girl's face was red and covered in sweat, every breath she took was shallow and dry. Several high priestesses were trying to console the woman, but it seemed even they were at a loss at what to do for her daughter.

"Please, I beg the high priestess and Vessyra. Save my little girl!" she cried.

"Elyza? What's the matter?" Ceris rushed over to the woman named Elyza.

"Ceris, thank goodness. My Reina has been running a fever for a week. She's only gotten worse. Nothing I nor the healers give her have helped," she said.

Mira put a hand to the elven girl's short, blonde hair head and came away with a sweat-dampened palm.

"The girl's exceedingly hot. It could be a spontaneous adverse reaction to magic in the air. You did well to bring her here," Mira said, beckoning me over.

"This should help." I produced two potions, a restoration and another of magic resistance.

Once the liquid slid down Reina's throat, her muscles relaxed. Almost immediately, the pained expression softened and breathing returned to normal. Eyes that were previously squeezed shut opened just a little. She tried to mouth out the words 'thank you' but couldn't and fell asleep from exhaustion.

"Give her this should she ever run an unnaturally high fever like this again. But never more than one a day," I warned, handing her a batch of six magic resistance potions from my belt.

"Thank you so much, high priestesses!" Elyza wept, cradling her daughter close.

We received her thanks several more times before parting ways.

As priestesses always did when they said their goodbyes, Ceris demanded that she, Mira, and I share a three-way make out session. So we did, much to Green's amusement. The harpy settled on a bear hug instead.

"Perhaps when our children are old enough, we shall have them play together," Ceris said.

"I'll have a few more coming soon." Mira patted her stomach.

"Bye-bye! I'll visit you guys soon!" Green waved enthusiastically.

I was excited to return to Gurk and our children. Nowadays, going without sex with my goblin husband made me anxious. Mira appeared just as eager. When we get back, it would be another nightlong threesome.

However, as the curtain of light from the teleportation circle consumed us, something went wrong.

Seagulls squawked above me.

Seagulls…? In the forests of the Weeping Expanse?

I awoke to a mouthful of sand and the crashing of waves.


Ocean as far as the eyes can see, several land masses which I quickly recognized as islands were a short flight away. Behind me was a jungle of tall palm trees and a mountain in the distance.

Mira was nowhere to be seen.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I groaned out loud.

The teleportation circles… we messed up. They weren't recalibrated like I thought. Damn it, Belle. I should have trusted Mira to double-check first.

At any rate, I needed to get my bearings.

Judging by the smell of salt in the air and ocean all around, this must be… the Valisca Archipelago? There were no human civilizations out here. The islands were all inhabited by humanoid fish and amphibious creatures.

Gentle waters crashed against the sandy shores. A warm, comfortable sun beat down on my skin.

Flying home would take a while. I might have to take a shortcut to Grathir and tweak the teleportation circle there in order to get home.

The sound of a dozen footsteps approached behind me. They emerged from the thick foliage of the island's vegetation, pushing aside giant palm leaves and shrubberies. Creatures with the body of men and head of serpents pointed spears at me. Midget-sized fish creatures that walked on two legs gurgled at each other.

Underneath the rags that they wore as pants, a bulge began to form between their legs. They were getting an erection… at the sight of me?

"Human woman. What we do?" the serpent-headed man asked.

A fishman, who wore beaded trinkets and shells that adorned his neck, appeared to be their leader.

"Enslave her. She shall make for breeding fodder," he said. "You, woman. Drop everything to the ground and come with us if you don't wish to be shark bait."

Enslave me? It seemed like they didn't know I was a witch. I could easily blow them all away with a spell or escape by flight.

Although, seeing their erections was getting me in the mood. It couldn't hurt to stay a while and humor their belief that I was powerless. Mira and Gurk would have to wait. They had my blessing to have fun without me while I enjoy myself out here.

I discarded my robes, staff, and satchel to the ground. My face grew as hot as my groin, eager to lay with these creatures that I'd only seen in textbooks and tomes. I could only imagine how their cocks would feel inside me, how many I might need to service until they let me go.

"Please, don't hurt me." I gulped hard and licked my lips. "I'll do whatever you ask me to do."


Or buy the Ero Witch books for ONLY $2.99! Book 1 and Book 2, later volumes to come in time!

H-Scene commission links

Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

Thank you all for reading Ero Witch! Please leave a rating and review on this story as this is the end, and I'd like your honest feedback, negative or positive. 

There will be a spin-off sequel coming very soon titled, "Atelier Reina, the Ero Alchemist of Vessyra"

Give it a try when it comes out! Atelier Reina, the Ero Alchemist of Vessyra | Scribble Hub

Commission image of the two protagonists for the next story.

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