When Rio and I get back to our cabin, Gurk snarls at me. "Mistress smells like orc!"

"Um, we don't have to talk about that. Anyway, tomorrow we're following them into the forest to investigate the centaurs. Do you want to come with?"

"Don't like orcs… but go with to protect Mistress."

I skip over to my goblin companion, draw him into my arms, and give him a deep kiss. "Chuu! Aww. You'll protect me, will you? Even though you didn't come with me to the gate?"

"Want to help, but scared. Not strong like orc or centaur or Mistress…"

I suppose it isn't Gurk's fault. There's only so much to expect out of a single goblin. Their race normally hunts and fights in packs. Like many bottom of the barrel races, their strength is in numbers and I took him away from his tribe.

The best way to get him stronger is by training and gearing him up. Get him some armor and weapons, and even he'd feel a bit braver. The problem is, I can't exactly bring him to an armorsmith to have him outfitted.

Set that aside for now and leave it as something to think about once we get home. Tomorrow morning is going to be another long day, and who knows what we're going to encounter out there.

But before that…

Seeing Clem's enormous dick erupt with so much cum earlier got me real horny. But I wasn't going to let it show on my face. If he pushed the idea… I might have actually had sex with him though...

"Maybe… I just need to take your mind off things." I undo my dress and slip a hand into his pants, his dick quickly gets hard in my grasp. "And then, you return the favor."

I drop to my knees, pulling his pants down along the way. 


The next morning, our scouting party gathers up in front of the gate. Luugen and Roga are the only two from the original trio joining us. Fergus has other obligations within Shallowglade to attend to. 

Four additional orcs seasoned in combat will be accompanying. Including my group, we make for a total of ten. We're sizable enough that any normal size group of aggressive demihumans would think twice about attacking.

Should the orcs' brute strength prove insufficient, we have my magic to fall back on. Fortunate still are my healing potions, slumber vials, and fresh arsenal of explosive flasks. 

"Alright, time to bash some centaur skulls!" Luugen brandishes his tree trunk of a club, just barely missing Gurk. "Oh! Sorry little guy, didn't see you."

Gurk runs behind me, trembling in fear. I give him a pat on the head. That he's joining us is admirable and worthy of some praise, even the other orcs were pleasantly surprised.

Roga and Ana embrace one last time. It's an odd sight, if not just a tad heartwarming. In a perfect world, humans and demihumans would coexist peacefully. One of the Witch's Academy's major pillars is to work towards that end, but it isn't easy to reconcile racist values.

"Be safe, you hear? Don't do anything stupid." Ana punches her orc husband in the arm.

"Ellori will be out there, too. She'll be watching our backs."

"I get that witches are powerful, but you're all very much mortal. Just make sure you come back alive, or I'm spreading my legs to the butcher's boy since he's been eyeing me."

The two of them share a laugh. While I can't relate to their appalling exchange, I do see how their sexual freedom has made them more open. Human to human relationships are just way too different from human to demihuman.

Though… I'm not one to talk.

The more time I spend with Gurk, the more I become fond of him. I'm not in any way romantically attracted to him, but he does provide a unique companionship I can't find in another human being. Like something between a pet and a friend.

"Shall we get going?" Roga asks, catching up to us at the gate.

The orcs lead the way with Luugen at the vanguard. Apparently he's a pathfinder. It was thanks to him they were able to find my great hollow. His experience in traversing unexplored terrain transitions well into looking for centaur tracks.

Roga plucks a few fruits from a tree we pass by and hands me one. "We know their main encampment is way further east, but their frequent raids suggest there's a smaller camp nearby."

"You think they're bold enough to set up camp so close to an orc settlement?" I ask.

"Must have. They'd be dumb not to have a supply line to feed an army that large."

"But this forest is gigantic, how are we going to find a small centaur camp?"

"Key is their hunting habits," Luugen interrupts. "Centaurs cover themselves in dirt, masks their scent. Can't look for tracks either since they can be mistaken for other animals."

Luugen stops in front of a deer head. He points to the neck where it was cut clean off from the body. "Bears don't carry swords. Goblins and kobolds take the body and head whole."

"Fascinating…" I kneel down to inspect the head. "There's still moisture in its eyes. This was a fresh kill."

Roga nods, impressed by my deduction. "Now the question is, how close are we?"

Gurk's sudden trembling and chattering teeth answers that for us. Rather than finding their camp, it seems the centaurs have found us.

"Look, they bring a woman to us." From behind the trees and mist, a dozen centaurs emerge with arrows nocked.

"I messed up. We're surrounded." Luugen growls.

A hundred different plans play out in my mind. I can't cast a spell faster than their arrows fly. One good hit, and I'm a goner. Even if I do manage a spell, the orcs will take some friendly fire.

I don't want to reach for my potions either. The slightest movement may provoke them into firing. Then the only thing we can do is surrender…

But surrendering means I'll be gang raped by a bunch of centaurs, and they're much larger than the orcs. Since they kidnap human women, then it's not like intercourse is impossible…

Wait, I can't possibly be thinking about screwing a centaur? I'm actually losing my mind.

Unless…if there is any other time to grasp the nettle of monster dick it's now...

"At the very least, I can cover your escape. I'll take care of them on my own—"


"...?" I look down to see my familiar dry heaving. "R-Rio, of all the times to cough up a hairball??"

"Hack… kaaa...!! Mraa!"

Rio suddenly disappears.


One of the centaurs topple to the ground, then another. They loose their arrows in panic, striking nothing but air and trees. Their encirclement breaks as one centaur after another is struck by a flying ball of fur.

When silence befalls the surrounding, Rio is sitting atop a centaur, coughing up a massive hairball onto its equine torso.

"Looks like the cat is the real hero today." Roga says. The other orcs cheer, marvelling at Rio's quick thrashing.

My would-be captors lie in an unconscious heap. I feel my womb twitch in frustration.



Is this what blue balls feel like?

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