Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

44 – To Lotherain, Capital City of Parthun


Lotherain is situated at the far western border of Parthun, but since the country isn't large traveling there didn't take too much time.

As it turns out, Rio ate a hefty portion of the red dragon and inherited several draconic traits— namely the ability to soar long distances. Since he was already able to fly from having previously eaten a wyvern, all this means for him is an improvement to flight and strength.

Not only did his physical traits improve, his appearance also saw a touch-up. Rio gave everyone a start when he manifested enormous webbed wings. To the naked eye, we look like a dragon in the sky. Animals below ground scatter at the sight of us, and I think we may have given an elderly couple a heart attack along the way.

I'm able to hang onto my familiar's leg, and despite the difference in our size he has no issues with weight. We're making record time towards the capital and getting a scenic view of the countryside along the way. Cammy is also having the time of her life, letting her hair and roots sway against the winds.

Bringing her is ultimately selfish on my part. I'm ashamed of using a demihuman child to serve my goals, but this is necessary to Parthun and Ellowyn's alliance. The hope is that the meeting doesn't last more than a few days. Taking a dryad away from their guardian tree usually results in mana decay. 

However, as long as her tree is receiving worship back home, she should be fine. The only problem is she won't be able to receive the latent mana from her tree to sustain herself. This issue is temporarily remedied by feeding her magic crystals, of which I've brought an abundance of.

But that's the least of my problems.

The soul stone of gluttony feels a lot more pronounced in my pocket, almost as though it's taunting me to ingest it. I've been thinking about it. But without one of those elixirs Eudora has, there's no guarantee I'll survive another. At least with the stone absent from the settlement, Eudora will see no reason to invade. I can only pray that her act of mercy extends to sparing the others.

Right now, I'm in a race against time on two fronts: Eudora's ascension and Headmaster Anora's seat on the council.

"Mama, look!"

Cammy points to Lotherain quickly coming into view. It's not the largest city in the world, the smallest townships in Saquin dwarfs it in size. But Parthun's crown jewel remains a sight to behold.

King Marcus and his ancestors built their lands in harmony with nature. Vines grow along the stone and wooden walls of their architecture. The streets aren't paved in cobblestone, instead the dirt paths are framed by grassy fields. The castle is entirely built out of wood reinforced with magical enhancements. 

Their proximity to the Weeping Expanse and vast forests that paint the landscape makes Parthun the primary exporter of lumber. The rest of the world, especially High Saquin and Mordalus where woodlands are sparse, depend on them for a steady supply.

"Cammy, make sure to hang on tight." As I say that, she buries her head into my back and wraps her tendrils around me. "Bring us down slow, Rio."


Half a dozen archers along the walls panic in a mixture of confusion and distress. Their bows are trained on us, but once we descend low enough they recognize who I am. Rio's wings shrink back into his shoulder blades.

I let go of my cat and land with a light thud, the impact softened by a ventus spell. A group of nervous guards meet me at the gate, their hands tremble on the hilt of their swords. One of them appears more decorated than the others step forward.

He pulls off his helmet, revealing a soft demeanor that has seen more petty thievery than battle.

"Guard Captain of Lotherain, Jerome Anteagan. You have arrived much sooner than His Majesty anticipated."

"Hehe. My familiar can be quite hasty."

Rio belches a burst of fire and grooms his paw.

Jerome orders his guards to be at ease and escorts us into the city. Many curious onlookers peer out of their wooden abodes. Most likely many of them haven't seen a witch before, much less seen a demihuman like Cammy. They've lived a peaceful life out here, only occasionally harassed by the demihumans before I arrived. Suffice to say, the citizens of Parthun have been spoiled by peace and prosperity. 

We're led to an inn located at the upper wards of the Lotherain. The estates here are much larger and flamboyant. People walk around with upturned noses surrounded by an air of self-importance.

"Unfortunately, King Marcus has been locked in discussion for the past two days. The vassal lords he invited to the capital do not see any reason to improve our defenses. Members of Juna's upper class have also been invited to partake in these talks. They are unaware of the danger you or His Majesty is trying to prevent."

"I'm guessing the tavern is you telling me this is going to take a while."

"Sincerest apologies," he opens the door for me. "We'll send word when he is ready. Until then, please enjoy your stay at the crown's expense."

The tavern is every bit extravagant inside as it looks outside. A spotless floor is furnished with mastercrafted tables and chairs, two hearths are set on either side of the room to provide even warmth. 

What few patrons that are inside give us an awkward look. Some of them clearly put off by Cammy's presence. A witch such as myself may be a sight for sore eyes, but a dryad is another matter entirely.

I approach a young woman who doesn't appear older than sixteen, wiping down tables at the front of the bar. She looks up with a cheerful look, but that quickly turns to a frown upon seeing the dryad on my back.

"Eek! Please, we don't want any trouble. Barco already gave me a warning yesterday, and he says anymore and I'll lose this job!"

I'm taken aback by her outburst. "Relax, this little one is harmless."

Cammy slinks down to my lower back.

"The guard-captain said you had lodging for me? I'm Ellori Farrowghast."

Her eyes light up with recognition. "Oh. Yes, my lady. Right away."

She races behind the counter to fetch a thick iron key that looks like it opens a prison cell instead.

"Here you are. Your room will be at the end of the hall, last door on the right." Her eyes dart left and right, and then at Rio sitting perched on my shoulders. "If-If there is anything else, please do not hesitate to call me. I am at your service—"

"No worries." I swap the key in her hands with a gold coin and head up to my room. On the way up, I notice the girl grimacing at a few rowdy patrons entering the establishment.

The door to my room unlocks to a grand bedchamber. With the tavern being this wealthy, it's a given that the rooms are just as lavish. But my room looks like something out of the castle. 


A chandelier fashioned with magic shards illuminates the bedchamber. Cammy doesn't hesitate to launch herself onto the excessively large bed. It's so wide, three orcs could sleep on it and have space to spare. There's a side door that leads to a washroom with water already filled to the top.

I go to open the window to let some fresh air in and am welcomed by the beautiful sight of Lotherain. The upper ward rests on a bluff that overlooks the rest of the city. From here, I can see its residents walking about. A child walking with her mother waves at me from below before being ushered to catch up.

A pair of swallows perch next to my window, and that's when I realize there is a nest fit snug between the railing along the wall.

"I wish you were here with me, Mira. Heh. I bet Gurk is depressed back home alone. Good thing I didn't bring him, or we would just be stuck here having sex."

Rio hops on the railing and eyes the swallows curiously.

"Don't you dare," I warn.

Something light tackles me from behind. Cammy peeks up with her beady eyes and asks, "Nice smell from downstairs, mama!"

"Are you hungry? Wait here, I'll bring something up."

When I head downstairs, one of the patrons that had come in earlier is pulling on the tavern lass's arm.

"Come back home with me. You'll regret it if you stay out here with these rabble."

The group of three men are much better dressed than the other patrons. Judging by the bright colors of their apparel, and the lion embroidered on their shoulder, they're nobility from the neighboring kingdom of Juna. I have a hunch they may be part of the group of ambassadors that came to meet King Marucs.


If I remember right, Juna is Belle's— Parabelle Ivethrow's domain after the previous witch retired. It would be a good idea to get in contact with her before I return to Ellowyn.

"P-Please let go… I have work to do— ah!"

She's pulled hard onto the man's lap. The platter of food slips from her hand and crashes into a sloppy mess on the ground.

"Let her go," I say.

He scoffs. "Aren't you a looker? How about you—"


A burst of wind separates the two of them from each other. The nobleman is blown back in his seat as it skids away from where he was sitting. His legs part just in time as I slam a foot down on his chair, just inches from his groin.

"The girl said she was busy."

"You— you're Parthun's witch! You can't do that to me, your people serve us. How dare you lay a hand on me."

The two other men are brave enough to surround me as though they stand a chance.

"It's cute that you think you can take me. Unfortunately, none of you are my type, and I'm running out of patience." I slam my staff down and the three of them flee in panic.

"You'll pay for this! You have no idea what's coming," They tumble on the way out, earning a round of laughter from the patrons.

I brush off the empty threats and tap the girl on her shoulder.

"Let me take care of that. Ventus— aqua o'rea."

Water is conjured from my staff to wash away the mess, and the wind picks up broken glass and chunks of food. I compel the mixture into a nearby trash bin, leaving the floor spotless as it was before.

"Thank you, my lady. Forgive my incompetence! For you to use your magic to help me... I shouldn't… uhm....have..."

The girl has a hard time meeting my eyes, her freckled cheeks are tinted red. Maybe she's not used to having people help her. 

"What's your name?" I ask, trying to get a good look at her.

She continues to dodge my eyes, "Eileen, my lady."

"Eileen, you don't have to address me as 'my lady,' I'm not nobility, nor am I from an affluent family. Just a witch."

"El-Ellori, then? Is there something I can help you with, or may I return to work now?"

Her awkward politeness puts me in a difficult spot. I'm used to addressing important people, but not the other way around. It feels like I'm treated as a being to be feared or revered, when I'm just a normal human behind all the magic.

"Since you're offering. I was hoping you can whip up something for a dryad to eat."

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