Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

51 – Finding a Way Out


Having intercourse with a dragon has opened my eyes to a whole new world of sex. Up until now, my partners have only been humans and demihumans. There are the occasional experimental sex toys that witches such as myself end up creating— simply for scientific purposes, of course. 

However, none of my past experiences compare to being double-penetrated by a legendary creature at the top of the food chain. There are countless other creatures out there, each with their own unique shapes and sizes. I'm getting horny just thinking about it. My mind is quickly taken away from those fantasies as my womb is filled with dragon cum for— I've lost track of how many times we've gone at it.

Zeke's hungry and insatiable lust is contagious, second only to his stamina. If he were any of my usual partners like Gurk, they would have tired out after a few sessions. Even Taurac, minotaurs known for their incredible constitution, needed rest inbetween.

Since my gigantism hasn't worn out, its effects likely prolonged due to being in the forged world, we're both happy to make the most out of a good thing.

He doesn't grow weary, or maybe I have yet to see his exhaustion. I pass out while we're having sex, and I come to conscious some time later still having sex. If I get tired and want to continue the fuckfest, I drink a stamina draught. When my legs and hips start getting sore, I pop a restoration potion. Should I ever pass out for whatever reason, Zeke continues screwing me until I wake up. Naturally, I'm more than happy to oblige and continue our mating.

"Zeke, baby. Kiss me~"

The tongue comes out everytime I ask. It's impossible for our species to kiss, but I deepthroat his slithering meat to taste him. I really have become Zeke's mate. While dragons normally mate once and depart, this one has grown attached instead.

"Chu… mmmpph… shhlluurrp…. Shllurrp… chu!"

Another orgasm rocks my body. Zeke pistons into me without missing a beat, intensifying the pleasure. I wrap my legs around his scaly hide as load after load spurts into me.

Both of his dicks come away limp at last, and while I know a good blowjob can bring them to attention again, I figure now is the better time than any to stop. We could go for months in here, and I wouldn't even know. Seeing as we're both addicted to each other's bodies, we wouldn't even mind if an eternity passes.

"Zeke… this is amazing, but we should stop here…"

I cannot forsake my friends outside, though. Their safety hinges on my return.

"Aww, okay."

Zeke dives into the water and then right back out. Like a dog, he shakes the moisture loose from his scales and licks at his members until they retreat under the softscales.

I haven't had a chance to study the chamber since we got here. There's only a single entrance, and it's the way we came in. That shouldn't be the case. Every forged world has a room containing the crystals that keep the place afloat.

If anyone were to know anything about the towers, it would be the dragon guarding them.

"I'm curious. How were you dragons assigned to these towers?" I ask.

"It was at random," he says, stretching his long reptilian body. "You know how some species of birds just know where to go during migrating seasons?"

"Are you telling me your kind just knew?"

"I wouldn't say we knew. More like instincts? The ancients of our race often tell stories about how we used to serve witches many, many centuries ago."

My brain runs dry of juice processing what he said.

"Wait, what?! I've never heard of this in our history books, and witches are very particular about keeping tomes on these things."

Zeke curls up at my sudden outburst. "That's just what I'm told!"

Witches of old achieved a great many things. They raised some of the greatest empires and kingdoms known today, elevated humans to a force greater than their demihuman counterparts. These small pocket dimensions were the pinnacle of their alchemical pursuits. But taming dragons and making them subservient? Inconceivable. 

Zeke rolls onto his belly and stares at me with dilated eyes. I notice both his penises peeking out between a patch of scales and growing erect.

Or maybe it's not so inconceivable. Hell, I've practically tamed one through sex alone.

"No more sex. I have to get out of here, and I still need—"

Ah, damn.

I came here with the intention of slaying a dragon and ended up bedding one instead. Killing Zeke isn't an option anymore now that I've got to know him on a personal level. It would be no different than ripping out Gurk's heart for selfish reasons.

"Say, Zeke. Do you have any qualms about killing your fellow dragons," I ask.

"Not really. If we're hungry enough, we sometimes hunt one another."

"I need a dragon's heart."

"Eh?! Did you come looking to kill me??" Zeke backs up to the far corner of the bath. "I thought we had something special going on? Aren't we mates for life?"

"Mates for life, he says… Yes, it's true. The plan was to hunt you, but I don't want to do that anymore." I approach him slowly, giving him every chance to flee if he wants to. He doesn't move, and I eventually get close enough to put a hand on his leg. "I need help out there. People I care about are in danger, and someone I thought was my friend betrayed me. If we really are— ahem, mates… will you help me?"

Zeke leans in to lick my cheek, leaving hot saliva dripping down my face.

"You accepted me when my brothers and sisters scorned me. I'll help!" He rubs his snout against my chest. "Will you still be my mate when we get out?"

"W-Well, I know how to make a potion to enlarge myself so… I guess we can be together every once in a while." I turn away before he can see me blush. "Anyway, help me try to find a way out. There should be an entrance to another room."

I start tapping along the walls with my staff, hoping to find a hidden room. My predecessors wouldn't have designed this place without a way out— at least, I hope not. But as Zeke and I are about to meet in the middle after exploring the length of the bathhouse, I'm beginning to lose hope.

And I repeat again yelling, "my predecessors wouldn't have designed this place without a way out, right?! Zeke?"

"Uhh. I've been guarding from the outside.  It's my first time here!" He looks at the light source above us. "Maybe it's upstairs?"

I throw my hands up in resignation. "Why would they put it all the way up there? It makes more sense below— the water..."

The pool is far too deep for a normal sized human to bathe in. It never made sense for it to be so large to begin with.

"Breathe fire above the water, Zeke."

He doesn't question it, and unleashes molten flames above the water's steaming surface.

"Igni vas o'rea, vanis blanchet."

Adding my own torrent of fire to the mix creates an inferno. But the flames quickly fizzle out, its temperature drains into the water. The entire pool begins to bubble and steam, until finally all the water in the bathhouse evaporates. 


I conjure a gust of wind to blow the heated fog towards the ceiling. The pool has been emptied, and inside etched along the bottom are runes that we hadn't noticed before. They indicate a teleportation circle. Perhaps to another room entirely.

"Where do you think it will take us?" Zeke asks.

"Only one way to find out."

The moment we stand on the circle, we're teleported to another chamber of equivalent size. At the end of the room are large floating magic crystals that encircle another teleportation circle. As we approach our way out, the image of Eudora is cast above us.


She looks different this time around. There are black markings on her face, like the shadow of a claw is cast over her. The dark sclera in her eyes make her appear more demonic than before.

"Hmm. Aren't you much larger than before? Or is the dragon just small?" Eudora asks, amused.

"This is temporary. Aren't you a little too old to be painting your face?" I jab back with a tease of my own.

She smiles, revealing sharp incisors that weren't there before. "I'm fortunate I still have my head."

The only person she could mean is King Marcus. How much does she actually know?

"It's only a matter of time before the Order of Piety arrives in the Weeping Expanse. This is what you were preparing for, wasn't it? How do we stop Anora?"

"It's we now, is it? Unfortunately, one of those pesky knights is already here. He goes by the name, Valor. You've met his colleague, yes?"

Another knight of the Order of Piety? Both Aurelias and Belle adopted new names, and demonstrated monstrous strength. Valor also will undoubtedly be just as impressive.

"They were designed to kill our kind," she begins. "The only way for us to stand a chance is simple: give me the soul stone of gluttony."

"And let you complete your ascension? Fat chance," I say, shaking my head.

Eudora sighs. She disappears and Mira is brought into view. Naked and shackled, she's suspended in midair with ropes bound to her wrists. I feel a mix of relief and rage seeing that she is alive but in Eudora's captivity.

"As I recall, you have plenty of friends in that new settlement of yours. Don't you, Queen Ellori? I have plenty of ways to hurt you, but I have nothing left to lose. Anora made sure of that. If you wish to parlay, I have made my throne upon a tower further east, set between two waterfalls."

Her image cuts out.

"Damn it."

Zeke and I take the portal out. I decide to leave the tower intact as there is no reason to leave another soul stone flying around for Eudora to hunt. She's waiting for me anyway.

"Rio!" I call out to my familiar, and he finds me in no time.


It seems familiars can't enter the tower.


Familiars are disabled as soon as they enter an anti-magic field. It seems they can't enter a forged world either, despite the interior having no magic disabling effects.

"Rio, can you fly into the teleportation circle for me?"

He tilts his head, but obeys nonetheless. White light consumes his body but as the light disappears, he remains atop the runes.

"Huh. Eudora is unable to seize the stones herself… because she can't enter a tower? When Esmerelda told me they erected an anti-magic zone to protect against Eudora and the other witches, I thought it was to simply disable magic. Could it be…?"

"Ellori?" Zeke lowers his large head down to me. That's when I notice I'm no longer gigantic anymore. I've shrunk since leaving the tower. "You're a lot smaller now!"

"This is my normal size," I say, stroking the dragon's snout. "Change of plans. We're going to go find Eudora. But first…"

I wordlessly command Rio to fly to the top of the tower. There is resistance at first. After all, he will be knocked out as soon as he touches the anti-magic zone. That's the point though, as I can still bring him with me but Anora won't be able to see where I'm going.

Rio flies to the top, and I feel my connection with him severed. A moment later, I catch him as he comes plummeting down. For now, I stuff him into my satchel.

I climb onto Zeke's back and pats his wingless shoulders. His wings aren't due for another few decades, but drakes are still capable of running fast.

"We're heading east."

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