Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

85 – A Little Surprise


The goblin whom I had come to know and adore as my friend and sex partner has lost his green skin color. Gurk was still bald, short, had pointed ears, and a larger than normal nose than that of a human. However, his skin color was fair if not a little pale.

It was actually kind of unsettling.

Eileen inspected him with renewed interest. She furiously jotted her observations into a notebook. "Well, trial one worked as expected— change in skin pigment. Other physical features indicative of original race are still present. Further tests must be conducted. Next trial, use coagulated blood of a newborn doe and ground ginger."

She wrote as fast as she spoke. I was impressed and exhausted just listening to her. Eileen had come a long way since the skittish tavern girl. It was possible she had surpassed even myself and Mira when it came to alchemy. I couldn't even feel jealous, my heart swelled with pride knowing that she grew into her own shoes.

Which reminds me—

Ignoring Gurk who was undergoing a mental crisis about his new look, I pulled Eileen aside. "Have you found a cure for my… ailment yet?"

"I'm sorry, Mistress. It isn't really a cure so much as it is a growth. Asking me to develop an elixir for it is the same as asking for an elixir that removes your arm. Nothing short of chopping it off will do the trick," she said in a hushed voice.

I shuddered at the thought of amputating my own dick. Was I just stuck with this from now on?

"I did, however, create dozens of new batches by feeding Miuna tennoraphallus!" Eileen procured a lockbox in which several dozen small vials glistened in their pink color.

"You've got to be joking," I gasped.

She shrugged, closed the lockbox, and returned it to the shelf where she plucked it from. Her eyes shimmered with the lustre of minted gold coins. "There are plenty of women out there who want what you're packing. And they'll pay good money for these."

Still at the door, Ceris waved to me and beckoned me outside.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it," I said to Eileen, then turned to pat Gurk on the head. "Be a good goblin and listen to Eileen, okay?"

"But Gurk not right color! Gurk think Gurk dying!" was all I heard him shout as I closed the door on my way out.

Ceris and her bunyips sat against one of the great hollow's roots that's half-buried in the dirt. When I sat next to her, she handed me a wooden comb. Mana, who was distinguishable by the horizontal scar running down her abdomen, rolled onto her stomach in front of me.

"They love to have their manes groomed," Ceris explained.

The moment I started combing Mana's pristine fur, she purred with delight. Her eyes stared fixedly at me, the lack of emotions made her hard to read. If it wasn't for the purring, I couldn't tell if I was doing it right. They were quite literally cats, but with the body of a snake.

Mana wrapped her arms around me and snuggled her head into my chest. Yet her gaze remained on me. I put a hand over her eyes, and when I pulled it away, she cocked her head sideways. When I scratched her ears, she leaned into it, mouth hanging open in apparent bliss.

Just like a cat.

"How has your stay been so far?" I asked Ceris.

"The orcs, kobolds, and witches are very welcoming. The humans, not so much. They see me, stare, but do not approach. Some offer spiteful glares." Ceris scratched Io's ear, eliciting a high-pitched purr instead of the low rumbling.

I wanted to tell her it was because humanity was wary of anyone not like themselves. Even among humans, we were hateful to each other. Ceris surely suspected this. Though, her being a demi-human living amongst other demi-humans, it must be an inconceivable concept to understand the indifference.

If I told Ceris that I had met with Vessyra, how would she react? Or if I had told her their Goddess wished to be empowered at the cost of countless lives? Or that I seriously considered leaving the gods to die so that I might save mortal lives instead?

What I wouldn't give to be blissfully ignorant again.

"You seem to be in a lot of stress, Ellori. The people's derision does not bother me. I've been a high priestess long enough to know that people can change. With time, of course. Just like yourself," she said.

"If it was my choice, I would chain you to my home so you couldn't come along. There are worse people out there who will do more than just give you a dirty look." I knew first hand having lived in Grathir. The further north we went, the lesser humans thought of non-humans. Cities in High Saquin collared and clipped the wings of desert harpies, Thanreas castrated orcs and goblins, centaurs were used as pack mules and fed grass like horses. The last of the elves within inner Talmora died centuries ago, any remaining bloodlines were so diluted no more descendants had elven features.

Ceris' worst enemies once we left the safety of Eudora tower were traffickers under the Council of Kings' payroll. She could very well end up as some rich king's exotic sex slave. I could never forgive myself if that happened to her.

"This was a decision I resolved to make. Nothing will change my mind," Ceris said, answering my pleas with defiance. Her gaze wandered into the distance. "I have yet to visit my late relative's manor. Will you accompany me?"

"Of course."

We headed for the gazebo to leave the tower when Eudora intercepted us. She had a scroll which she shoved into my hands.

"What is this?" I got my answer when I opened it— a translocation spell.

"As much as I love the company, your tenants will need to vacate the premises. I only have so much magic powering this tower, I don't need to feed the lifeforce of several hundred extra living souls," Eudora scowled.


Eudora was right. We had been overstaying our welcome. I couldn't fathom how much magic we've drained letting so many people live inside the tower. Ever since we got back, it was do this, do that, sent to one location after the next that it left me with no time to put them in a new location.

She pushed me onto the teleporter without giving me a chance to respond. "I've already calibrated the landing. On the far western side of Lotherain, just outside of the walls. The soil should be fine with proper tilling and terraforming alchemy. Ta-ta~"

Ceris, myself, and both of the bunyips land on solid ground in the middle of the city square. Many of the residents were startled at first, then resumed what they were doing without a second glance.

I guess they had become far too used to things coming in and out of the teleportation circle.

Aside from a few glances, most people avoided making eye-contact with us. The general tension in the air was fear.

Fear of us.

As soon as we got to the mansion, I heard bickering coming from King Marcus' throne chamber. I saw right away why when we walked inside.

Belle was on the ground etching the runic inscriptions by herself and with eyes closed. Mira watched and sipped wine from the comforts of the throne seat.

"Who just came in? Ellori? Do you see this slave driver? She used the leash to order me to do all the work by myself! With my eyes closed!" Belle yelled. Her face was contorted with anger, but her body language was obediently inscribing the floor.

"She told me she could do this better than me with her eyes shut. I simply humored her," Mira countered.

I crossed my arms, giving her the stink-eye.

"Fine." Mira finished the wine, grabbed Belle's collar, and ordered her to stop and open her eyes.

"Oh, thank the gods. I need to pee. I'll be right back…" Belle hurried out of the room with Luna flying close behind.

Ceris stared at me aghast. "I cannot tell if the two of them are friends or not."

"They're friends. They just won't admit it," I answered.

"I'm still peeved that she raised her staff against us. She is only with us now because we won. Had it gone the other way, she would still be serving Edith. Besides, Belle tried to hurt you. That's unforgivable in my book, but I have more or less forgiven her," Mira said.

I rolled my eyes.

Meanwhile, Ceris was exploring the former king's manor with restless curiosity. She turned over books and parchments, studied the seat where Marcus used to conduct his audiences, even the hole in the wall where I had escaped from interested her. But what captured her attention the most— a portrait of Marcus Verner, the king himself.

It was tragic to know that they could have met in better circumstances. If I was stronger then as I was now, I might have been able to protect him.

A cool hand pressed against my cheek. Ceris stood before me with a warm smile. "I know what you are thinking. Do not blame yourself."

I returned the smile, but it didn't stop me from feeling guilty.

"Alright, that should do it." Mira sheathed her dagger and stood up to stretch her arms. She gasped, then heaved. Ceris and I looked at her wondering what was going on. Mira glanced back at us, unsure. Suddenly, she put her hand to her mouth and ran to the hole in the wall in time to barf outside. "Huh. That's never happened before."

Mira had no idea.

Ceris did.

I did. I knew why. The timing since we last had sex lined up all too well.

"Mira, I think you're pregnant."


Important notice to all new and existing readers. Chapters 4-36 will be removed at some point in the very near future as the story will be published on Amazon. Chapters 1-36 will be the first of several volumes that span the Ero Witch series.

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