Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

90 – Quinny and the Silver Cross


Quinny twirled the dagger in her hand with the confidence of someone who had killed before. She was serious about her threat. Yet she didn't know all the facts, like the person she threatened was a witch, or that she was about to get a big surprise once I stripped.

"Don't make me wait, hun. I paid good coin to get in here," she said.

"Alright… well, you asked for it." I undid the belt on my robes and let it drop to my ankles.

My guest stared me right in the eyes, but as the cranks turned in her head, I could pinpoint the moment they stopped turning. Quinny blinked, squeezed her eyes shut, wondering if what she saw was an illusion. Her jaw dropped, as did the knife in her hand. The sound of metal clattering to the hardwood floor snapped her back to her senses.

She quickly picked up the knife and took several steps back.

"W-W-What is that ya have there between yer legs?" she stammered.

I put my arms on my waist and proudly flaunted my assets. Even after being wrung dry by Io and Mana, the ridiculousness of this situation and showing myself to a stranger, got my little friend excited again.

"I thought a woman like yourself would know a dick when she saw one," I teased.

"Screw you, lady!" Quinny was trembling now. She held the knife with both hands, but it looked as if it could slip from her grasp at any moment again.

"If you insist," I said, taking a step forward. Quinny backed up against the door. Her hand found purchase on the doorknob, but she hesitated to leave. She had come to see if the others and I could be trusted, hightailing out the door would ruin her chances of finding a potential ally in us. "Do you still want me undressed?"

"Fine. Put that away and take a seat where I can see ya," she said.

Quinny wouldn't put away the weapon, and she stood by the door as though ready to bolt out at the first sign of trouble. I offered her a seat, and she refused. I offered her a drink, and she refused. This woman was on edge every step of the conversation.

"I ain't about to apologize for coming in here like I'm ready to slit yer throat. Got too many trying to screw us over. From my angle, I got a bunch of whores looking to meet. Gonna raise some red flags," she said.

That swung both ways. It was best to hold back from telling her too much.

"My friends and I came from Parthun. We're here to pay King Uldrin back for sacking our homes." So far, it wasn't a lie. Just heavily omitted. I gauged what she thought of my revelation, and the answer was— she's hooked.

Quinny leaned against the door and chuckled. "Uldrin's got balls. I'll give 'em that. Too bad he got his shit kicked in. Whole lot of Juna soldiers came crying back. Though, all that's done is put Semiramis under martial law. Ya seen it, soldiers and guards strut around like they expecting an invasion."

She didn't know it, but she gave me an important piece of information. Eudora suspected as much after we repelled Juna and the Order of Piety from Parthun. With what Juna being the adjacent kingdom, the king was right to fear retaliation. Raising defenses around the city and the borders cost resources. Mouths to feed, money to build fortifications.

The Kingdom of Juna was already on its way to imploding. We had to give it a kick, and the Silver Cross was going to be the metal toe.

"All of ya got strings on ya, and someone back in Parthun is pulling 'em. King Marcus is dead, witches sit on his throne. Which can only mean yer in league with them? Or maybe yer lot're witches yerself?" As soon as she said that, I had to physically force myself not to react.

I underestimated Quinny. She was a lot more perceptive than I gave her credit for. Of course she was cautious. Trying to undermine a kingdom came with it a whole slew of dangers. 

How do I earn her trust without revealing too much? Or was revealing ourselves as witches the right play?

No. It was far too early. Just as Quinny was careful of us, we had to be careful of them.

"If I was a witch, do you really think I would have acted kindly to being threatened?"  I asked in response.

She was seemingly satisfied with the answer. A smirk crossed her face.

"I like ya. Maybe I really will go for a round with that cock of yers," she said.

I crossed my arms and played hardball. "Unfortunately, you're almost out of time. Would you like an extension?"

"King Uldrin will be sending a shipment of treasures bound to Thanreas. Thinking it's a bribe to the Council. Course it'll be heavily guarded by all manners of beastlies I don't wanna tangle with," Quinny fished out a scroll and tossed it to me. I recognized it as a spell scroll right away, one that contained the runic etchings of a simple igni. Whatever she wanted me to do with this, I could easily do myself. "That there is a magic scroll I paid a hefty amount for. Ya find some way to unchain those monsters, fire off that scroll, and we'll come in to swoop the gold."

"That's it?" I asked.

Quinny raised a brow, and I realized the mistake I had made too late.

"Ya could end up as the beastlies' next meal, and you ain't scared? Seen a lot of 'em in Parthun, eh? Well, even if ya fail, we've got a back up plan. No skin off my back if ya'll die," she said.

I let out a stale breath. No normal human would consider approaching with demi-humans as a walk in the park. Fortunately, she chalked it up to being a citizen of Parthun.

Mira, Belle, and I sat out into the town to one of the many public bathhouses in Mecera. The girls recommended a place they frequented, it was an indoor bathhouse in which women and men alike used together. Instead of a single, large pool, there were multiple smaller hexagonal pools built from terracotta bricks, marble, and stone. 

We three took leisure soaking in hot water poured out of a saucer from a cupid statue's hands. It was a welcome relief to all the sex we had been having— or rather Belle and I had been having. Mira never took anything in and had only been using her feet, which had made her a niche celebrity to a subset of patrons.

"Somehow, I doubt it's just gold in there," Mira said, sipping on a glass of wine.

"I'm with Mira on this one," Belle chimed in. "King Uldrin wouldn't assign five hundred soldiers to just guard a caravan, and that's on top of two hundred Piety knights, fifty enslaved orcs, and twenty centaurs."

Nearly eight hundred guards did make for an obscenely large force to just ship gold from one place to another. Especially when our kingdoms weren't at war, and the path towards Thanreas was under the Council of Kings' jurisdiction, it was suicide for any bandits or outlaws to make any attempts to raid them. Never mind the orcs and centaurs, the hundreds of human guards were the real danger. So just what was Quinny and the Silver Cross planning?

"If not gold, then what else could it be?" I asked.

We thought long and hard in silence. 

Then it hit me. King Uldrin and Edith were in cahoots with one another. There was one thing he had to be staking his life on, one thing that Edith plotted to submerge Talmora into chaos— the key to opening a portal for demons, Abstinence.

There was no other explanation. Abstinence couldn't make the journey on her own, that was too much of a risk. 

"They're escorting Abstinence back to Edith under the pretense of transporting gold," I told them.

Mira took the glass away from her lips and grinned.

"I wonder if Eudora knew it was going to turn out this way? We were about to let Abstinence fall into the Council's hands since we lost her trail, but now..." Belle licked her upper teeth in disbelief.

"Whatever the case is, if Abstinence really is in there, then all cards are on the table. Quinny thinks its gold in there, but this goes way beyond their field of expertise," I said.

"So what? Is the plan to kill Abstinence?" Mira asked, her voice teeming with eagerness.

Belle smacked Mira's arm. "We're bringing her back to Eudora. Gods only know if killing her ushers in hordes of demons. There are thousands of innocent people living in Juna ignorant of what King Uldrin is doing."

Mira downed the rest of the wine and waded through the water to me. She straddled my waist, stimulating my penis until it was erect, and pushed it into her.

"W-Wait, right here? Now?!" I panicked, flailing in the water. The warmth of her pussy, further heated up by the hot water was melting me.

"Are you guys— oh, come on. In front of me? Seriously? I'm taking the rest of your wine." Belle forgoed the glass and tipped the whole wine bottle into her mouth.

Unbeknownst to the other patrons in the pools around us, Mira was riding me to an orgasm. Even as my throbbing cock gushed into her, she didn't stop. I was becoming lightheaded when she pressed our lips together. A sweet, passionate kiss that I reciprocated. Eventually, our romp drew a crowd. The excitement of being watched stirred the butterflies in my stomach. They saw us above water, but had no idea I had a dick buried into Mira below the surface.

It wasn't until I came into her a second time did she have enough and was ready to leave. Meanwhile, Belle was blowing bubbles with her head half-submerged in the water. She had been masturbating at our little show 

"Well then, it's time to return and get an early shut-eye, yes?" Mira suggested, climbing out of the waters.


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