Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

94 – A Cape Sundew Alraune Has Even More Tentacles


When Eudora asked me to become a sex slave, I had no idea what that meant. I thought she wanted to tamper with my body, have me undergo certain perverse experiments that would transfigure my body, or perhaps she would have sex with me herself. I wasn't at all interested in her with that young body, but as it turned out— she had other plans.

I was strapped to a pole-like apparatus that shackled my ankles and wrists in leather bands. My legs were parted and arms pulled above my head, like an exhibitionist made to display her body.

We were inside her laboratory. She stood over her cauldron, casting in reagents taken from my plots and expensive ingredients that I only dreamed of using. Wings of a fairy, crystallized fire, shell of a phoenix egg— things that she had to have stolen from the Elder Board's repository in the Academy.

"How the hell did you manage to acquire those?" I asked her.

"My lips are sealed. It's not that I do not trust you. My contacts are simply too important to put at risk," she answered, then tossed in more valuable ingredients like it was soup she was preparing in the cauldron. Eudora moved without hesitation. Each step was taken in strides, every hand movement made without a second guess, even her eyes paid no attention to where it wasn't needed. She walked up to me and flicked my penis. "I wonder if I should get myself one?"

Yet she was still able to act in such a way that was unbecoming of her many monikers.

"Before you humiliate me any further, what exactly is my role here?" She had me trapped here for over an hour without telling me what her plan was. My joints were aching, and nature was knocking at my front door.

"I'm about to raise another alraune. You're going to tame it for me with your boon," Eudora answered.

"And… you're going to create another abomination of nature, why?" I asked.

"Forest nymphs are an untapped resource in the field of alchemy. Their defiled counterparts, even more so. They contain unique molecular compounds not found naturally in the world. No one is sure how or why, it just is." She shrugged.

"So you think a new alraune will have something that can help Eleanor. Why not share this information with Belle?" She'd be more than willing to help," I suggested.

"Parabelle doesn't trust me. Mira doesn't trust me. You are really the only one willing to spare me a minute out of the day." A glimpse of humanity could be heard in her voice, and for a moment, I felt bad for her.

Eudora picked up an ornate lockbox and plucked something out from it. Pinched between two fingers was a small, glowing seed with what looked to be veins running along its body. A flash of anger pulsed through me thinking of the worst possibility she could have acquired it.

"Where did you get that from?" I found myself tugging on the restraints, now desperate to get out.

"Oh, relax. I did not harm your precious dryad. This is from my own collection," she said.

I didn't even want to know how she had come to acquire one, but my rage was subsiding knowing Cammy was safe. She was my only connection left to Flora. I still felt guilty wondering if there was more I could have done to save her. 

One thought leads to another, and I was back to recalling the time Flora had sex with me. Cammy looks so much like her now— oh, gods. No. I shouldn't think like that. Cammy treated me like her mother, and I treated her like a daughter.

On the other hand… the kiss she gave me when we reunited after my trip to Vessyra was anything but familial affection.

"My! You are already hard and ready, I see." Eudora cackled.

I looked down to see a very erect penis between my legs.

"Uh. It's not what you think!" I tried to think of something else, but now my head was swimming with lewd thoughts of Cammy.

Eudora cast the final ingredients into the cauldron. The seed began to sprout as it sunk beneath the alchemical waters. Along with the seed, a soul stone splashed in, a cape sundew plant, and lastly, a growth enhance serum.

The bubbling grew more ferocious. I thought it was going to explode, but the liquid inside the cauldron began to decrease until I couldn't see anymore. 

A large, leafy stalk the width of the cauldron's mouth sprouted out from within, like a snake emerging from a basket. Thick, blue veins snaked across its body. We watched in awe as it unfurled to an upside u-shape, revealing an arm and head when the back became fully arched. The most striking thing about it were the many crimson, finger-length tentacles along the length of her emerald body and arms. Instead of hair, she had five larger tentacles, green at the base and red at the tip that scraped along the floor.

The alraune had taken the form of the cape sundew plant. She sucked in a deep breath and extended herself to the ceiling, much taller than I expected. At the mouth of the cauldron, the stalk that formed its lower body blossomed with skirt-like petals of white and pink, flaring out and blanketing the ground around her.

"Go on, tame her!" Eudora urged from behind the safety of a bookshelf.

"What? No! It looks terrifying!" The restraints on my wrists, enhanced by Eudora's magic, strengthened to the point where I could no longer break them. That bitch was not letting me go until I held my end of the bargain. 

My struggling drew the alraune's attention. She leaned in, coiling curiously around me, but keeping a distance so her tentacles didn't touch me. Her nose wrinkled with interest from what I assumed was the scent of the dryad's boon inside me. The very feminine and human flashed a smile, sending shivers up my spine. A sweet scent wafted up to my nose. The tips of her many tentacles secreted with a translucent liquid. It reminded me of precum on the tip of an erect penis.

"E-Eudora, if I remembered correctly… cape sundews secrete digestive enzymes. Tell me I'm wrong!" I cried.

"You are correct!" she said, then rattled a rack of potions in her hands. "Fear not. I shall administer you restoration potions should I see that you are near death."

"As if that's supposed to make me feel safe. Get me out of here!"

One of the alraune's tentacles came close enough that it adhered to my chest. The syrupy sensation, like glue that didn't harden, was warm to the touch and had an appeasing flowery scent. Then the rest of her tentacles followed suit as she wrapped around me, I was covered from head to toe in sticky liquid in the embrace.

However, in her doing so, the apparatus broke and unbuckled the restraints on my wrists. I could move my arms, but not my legs.

"You have a nice smell to you," she said.

"That makes two of us," I replied.

The tentacles weren't inert. They seemed to writhe while pressed against me. The alraune hugged me from the front. Arms which also had tentacles stroked my backside, spreading the liquid where the sun didn't shine.

Suddenly, the alraune opened her mouth. Another thick tendril that was her tongue licked at my face and tried to drill into my mouth.

"Ugh… why is it always tentacles…?" I complained, but the moment I opened my mouth to speak, the alraune seized the opportunity to kiss me. Her tentacle-tongue spilled nectar down my throat. It tasted like wine. I could only hope it wasn't digestive juices that would melt me from the inside.

Meanwhile, Eudora was lounging on a chair, taking notes and occasionally sipping from a teacup. She gave me a thumbs up and smirked.

I wouldn't be beaten like this.

My boon allowed me to commune with nature. It was how I defeated Eudora's first alraune. This one shouldn't be any different.

When I returned her embrace, the alraune jolted. My hands groped her back, but since she had no legs or lower body except for the long stalk coming out of the cauldron, I couldn't explore if she had a hole. She fought back, coiling tighter around me like a snake constricting its prey.

While the alraune's tongue stopped gushing nectar, our lips continued to play. Her nipples had gotten hard, and brushed against my breasts as she humped me. Despite all the viscous liquid that now coated our bodies, I felt a different, less sticky sensation between my legs. Pressing my hand there caused the alraune to gasp. I found an opening, a fold that led into her body that was wet, fleshy, and warm.

For the first time since the assault began, there was a very real sense of uncertainty in the alraune's expression. She parted away from our kiss and tried to pull away entirely, but we were firmly stuck to each other via her secretions. I also wouldn't let her go, my hands locked around her waist, pulling her hole closer to my dick.

"Oh, no, you don't. You started this, I'm going to end it," I said.

"Wait, I'm not ready— ah!" Her hands somehow slipped on my shoulder. I pulled her body into an embrace, and positioned my dick to slip right into her entrance. She was tight, hundreds if not thousands of smaller tendrils massaged me. It felt so good I came right away. Her hips, if she had one, in this case it was her lower stem quivered with delight. "Haahh… you… am I being pollinated? What is this feeling— aahh…"

The alraune was feeling an orgasm for the first time. She brought her arms over my neck and pulled me in for another kiss. It seemed she wanted more and frankly, I did, too. Her pussy was something else, and I didn't want to miss out on feeling this pleasure at least once.

Two tentacles sprouted from along her lower stalk and teased my two holes. It didn't secrete anything, but who knew if it might and inadvertently got stuck. Whichever the case, I wasn't in any position to stop her. The tentacles secreted a slippery liquid instead and forced their way into me.

Once again I had been plugged in every hole possible, reduced to sex slave like Eudora wanted. A tentacle in my pussy, ass, and mouth, while I had my dick buried in an alraune's reproductive hole.

The pounding gradually became more intense, until eventually I wasn't thrusting anymore. She was using me like a sex toy, pushing my dick into her at her own pace as tentacles ravished my holes. It didn't stop there. The many tentacles on her body squirmed and caressed my body. Everytime we pulled against each other, my skin heated up.

"I'm cumming— cumming, I can't think straight anymore— aaugghh… aahh!" 

"Something's… coming again… ahh— pollinate me, yes!" the alraune screamed.

My cock throbbed as the many tendrils massaging it squeezed every drop of cum out of me. The tentacles in my ass and pussy fucked me to an orgasm there, too.

Eudora's apparatus broke completely. The alraune dropped to the ground with me on top of her, both of us a twitching and sticky mess. My dick was still erect and cumming. Even in the alraune's unconscious state, she continued to milk me. The many tentacles on her body still writhed and clung to me, seemingly unwilling to let go of its prey.

"Eudora… please… help…" I begged between breaths.

"Well done. As expected of Ellori Farrowghast. Instead of Witch of Gluttony, you really should adopt the title of Witch of Pleasure," she grinned, then reached down to grab the tentacle stuck in my pussy. The simple act of pulling it out brought me to another quaking orgasm.


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