Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

98 – In Search of the Mycelids


An art commission has been completed of Ellori and Zeke's steamy sex for those who want to see our dear witch fucked by a dragon, available on patreon at any tier. https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

"Where are we even supposed to find mycelids and remsectnids out here?" The idea of having sex with new creatures excited and disgusted me at the same time. Especially since both of those races were lesser in intelligence, and more appropriate to call them forces of nature.

I knew what both of them were from my studies.

Mycelids were humanoid fungal creatures that lived deep beneath the earth. They thrived in colonies, sharing a hive mind with each other. A single mycelid was about as intelligent as an ant, but a cluster could rival a forest nymph for control of nature.

Then there were remsectnids. Bipedal insectoids. They were nomadic forest-dwelling creatures that laid eggs in one place, waited for them to hatch, and then moved on to spawn elsewhere. Recent studies have revealed that they may be closer to crustaceans than insects. Humans being humans, the designation of insects had been left as a derogatory appropriation for their race.

I encountered neither of those races while living in the Weeping Expanse, even when we went as far as the megatower there were no signs of them. Given how large the forest was, they could exist much further in.

Unless Eileen had an idea where.

"For the dragon, we have Zeke. When I brought the idea up to Eudora, she offered to have Lantessa or an alraune coax it out of him. But he was insistent that his seed only belonged to his mate." Eileen rolled her eyes and looked squarely at me.

"Th-Things happened… but, uh… I'll need an elixir of gigantism," I said, plucking a potion off the shelf.

Both of my holes were practically begging for another round with a dragon. The problem was, Zeke and I had nowhere private to do the deed. With what being enormous and what not. I'd rather not make a habit out of having sex in front of an audience either. 

"Regarding where we can find mycelids, Lantessa told me that the basilisk cavern went deeper. She suspected there may be a colony dwelling at the bottom." She opened a journal and drew a rough depth according to memory. Markings were made along the horizontal length of the cave which I recognized were our movements. The 'depth' in question was a right-angle drop that wasn't too far from where our hunt had left off.

There was a good chance I didn't need to get sexual with mycelids. If I could extract the spores through diplomatic means, that would be ideal.

Remsectnids were a different story. Only the queen laid eggs, and she did so in the wombs of her female drones. However, she only did so if their wombs were already fertilized with male sperm. This meant I needed to get a male remsectnid to fuck me, inject its seed, then hope the queen would be willing to lay eggs inside me to be fertilized.

In other words, I had to be fucked twice. Once by a male and again by the queen.

"I'm not fond of giant insects… but I'll do it for you and Miuna," I said.

"Eudora discovered a remsectnid nest in southern Parthun, at a bog under a series of mountain ranges. Locals call it Kerral's Nose." Eileen wrote all this information down into the same piece of paper in her journal, ripped it out, and shoved it into my hand.

After getting everything I needed to get ready— mainly restocking potions and magic crystals— I left the great hollow with Rio in search of Zeke. A big silver dragon shouldn't be too hard to find, yet he was nowhere to be seen.

"Have you seen him?" I asked Rio.

"Nrraa!" he meowed, shaking his head.

As I was about to take off, the sun was suddenly obscured, and a powerful gust kicked up dirt. Zeke descended from the canopy, beating his massive wings. He was careful not to knock any of the trees down as he landed in front of me.

"Ellori!" the dragon nuzzled his snout against my chest.

"Look at you with those magnificent wings." I stroked his head where horns were beginning to protrude as nubs. It was hard to imagine he used to be a wingless drake. He likely dwarfed me even more with the potion of gigantism.

"Are you about to leave again?" he asked, the cracking voice a sign that the young dragon I met in a tower was still here.

Come to think of it, Zeke could just fly us there. If I couldn't find privacy here, then we just have to find it elsewhere.

"Actually, how would you like to come with? I'm heading back to the Weeping Expanse. Maybe you can give me and Rio a ride?" I suggested.

"It will be my pleasure!" Zeke lowered his body enough for me to climb up.

His extreme body heat warmed the scales to such an extent that I didn't even feel the cold. The sleeves of my living robes created a makeshift harness out of tendrils, anchoring me to his back. Rio hopped onto Zeke's head and nestled there.

A single beat of his wings lifted us from the ground, and in seconds we were soaring across the sky. The harpy sisters flew alongside us for a while. I petted each of them until they decided to break off and return to the city.

The warmth at my crotch coupled with the occasional beating of his wings created a pleasurable sensation between my legs. I humped his scale, anticipating the inevitable sex we were going to have later. Thinking about Zeke's double-pronged assault got me hotter than a volcano.

Night had fallen by the time we reached the basin where the basilisk cavern was located. Clear skies offered an unblemished view of countless stars twinkling above, and thousands of small firefly swarms lit up the forest's canopy ceiling.

Zeke landed on the side of the basin near the entrance to the cavern. It was pitch dark inside, but the bioluminescent moss provided some semblance of light further in.

"We'll be back. When I come up, we can mate as much as you want. So behave up here." I kissed Zeke on the snout, and he responded by licking my face with a piping hot tongue.

It didn't take long to find the hole Eileen was referring to. Rio and I had a few run-ins with basilisks along the way, but I didn't let me catch me unawares this time. My luminae spell was bright enough to blind the basilisks and gave me adequate sight of the area around me. They fell easily, and killing one caused the rest to flee in fear.

I wasn't about to let them fuck me a second time.

"Mycelids…. Alright, here we go." I held onto Rio's leg as he slowly brought us down the hole. 

We ended the light spell in favor of letting nature illuminate our way. The glowing moss grew thicker and brighter the further down we went. The temperature of the cavern shifted rapidly. It was damp and cold at the top, but the bottom was humid and warm. Which made sense, given that fungi, and by extension the mycelid race, propagated faster in warmer conditions.

When my feet touched solid ground, I had stepped into a whole nother world. It was dark, yet at the same time not. Pink and green glowing moss covered a large surface of the ceiling. The light they emitted was dim, but just bright enough for me to see where I was going. Stalagmites and stalactites were connected by columns of bulbous fungi that pulsed with magical energy. An incredibly thin veil of mist lingered in front of me.

The first step forward I stomped on something squishy. A web of white filaments retracted from my foot. It wasn't spider webbing. They would have been sticky otherwise. It looked like— mycelium.

"Ugh… if it wasn't so warm, then it wouldn't be so bad. But…" The cave was immensely large. It was very possible the cavernous network extended across the forest. Geothermal activity beneath the surface must be what's causing the heat. Even the small streams of water rushing past me was hot to the touch. "Rio, can you sniff our way through?"

Something caught his nose right away. He raced ahead, disappeared around the corner of a stone bridge formation, and came back pulling an oversized mushroom by the stalk.

"Wait— that was fast!" I gawked at the fungiform, which was actually a mycelid. One that was half my size, but clearly took some human features, namely the four limbs protruding from the main torso-like stalk, and a featureless head that had a reddish brown umbrella-like cap. It was every bit deformed as I expected.

Rio meowed triumphantly.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want…" As I approached it, I sensed fear. It was shaking. Where the eyes would have been on a human, two yellow irises opened and stared at me. Then it looked up.

I followed its gaze to the ceiling where a cluster of undulating moss detached and fell around us. They weren't moss, but pig-sized slugs whose fur had camouflaged with the surroundings. Some of them had sharp, gnashing teeth. Others carried in their mandibles the body of large fungiforms.

"Protect our new friend, Rio!" The slugs turned their attention to me as soon as I blasted them with fire. Their fur glowed with intensity, seemingly unaffected by the spell. A heavy weight fell and latched onto my back. The slug dug its teeth into my robes and pressed another thing lower down my back.

Was it trying to mate with me?

The fabric of my robes unraveled and consumed the slug whole. I felt its magic absorbed and subsequently distributed into the soul stone inside me. Like witch, like familiar, Rio was eating his own prey and belched. 

"We're getting out of here." I picked up the mycelid and took off clinging to Rio as we flew across the cavern.

Countless more slugs dropped from the ceiling and slowly squirmed in our direction. The mycelid in my arms began to excrete mycelium on me. Tendril webbings coated my body in seconds, teasing my breasts, and drilling their way into my holes.

"What the? Stop— aahh!" My protests were robbed by a pulse of energy that forced me to an orgasm.

Thank you for saving us.

I heard its voice in my head. It sounded like a hundred different whispers spoke to me.

"Where's your colony? Can you lead us there?" I asked, trying to keep a clear head after climaxing.

Follow the underground river upstream. On a raised striated bedrock, you will find a cave covered in mycelium. We are there.

"It's one problem after another…" I sighed.


An art commission has been completed of Ellori and Zeke's steamy sex for those who want to see our dear witch fucked by a dragon, available on patreon at any tier. https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

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