
Chapter 35

Chapter 35


“How come you, a magician, is threatening a noble!  Can’t you see what is happening here?  We are the ones who are disadvantaged, not the mercenaries!

The agitated nobleman’s son started to protest roughly, and he started to move around as he ignored the wound the knife was making on his throat.


“You guys don’t even know how to be respectful to an elder. I need to teach you rude bastards a lesson. ”

“Eeeek. You are the one who butted in first! You meddled in the affairs of another noble. Even though you are a magician, do not think you will escape this unscathed! Any ways, who are you guys!”

The old man clicked his tongue when the nobleman’s son didn’t backed down and he lashed back. The man named Philip flinched a little bit. Now that one thought about it… They probably weren’t nobles of this country. They must be foreign nobles in the midst of traveling. If they interfered in the affairs of another country’s noble, wouldn’t the troubles between the nations spread?

They were worried that they may have gotten involved in a situation where the nobleman’s son might be blameless. However, the old man had a lofty bearing, and he refused to back down.

At that moment, another unfamiliar person interjected himself. He spoke in a prim voice.

“He is the top magician of the Karter’s Imperial House, Saerium von Argeo-nim. I’ve heard news that he was visiting Halberk. I didn’t expect to meet you in a circumstance such as this.”



The young man had a neat face with purple eyes. He has blond hair that reached his shoulders, and he seemed to be in his 20s? Like the nobleman’s son, he traveled with 10 knight in tow. The party members, and of course, everyone in the surrounding made a surprised expression when they heard the words he spat out.

“How can you be in such a state, big brother?”

“ …!! ”

B, big brother? Does this mean he is the younger brother of the nobleman’s son? His identity was confirmed when the leader of the knights, who was standing stiffly, started to greet him.

“I give my greetings to Young master Regaleo. What brings you to this place…”

“That is a question I would like to ask, Sir Crent. What is happening here? How come my big brother is in that situation? Also, as the leader of his knights, why aren’t you doing anything?”

“It, it isn’t that I’m not doing anything… This situation happened so suddenly so…”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses. Later, I’ll bring you up on charges for not being able to serve your master properly. I don’t know what has happened, but lad? Could you let go of my older brother first? I promise you won’t be punished for this situation.”

When he said this, Tromwell shrugged his shoulders then he let go of the man’s throat. Once he retained his life, the man hurriedly looked at his younger brother in anger.

“What are you doing, Leo? You shouldn’t interfere in my affairs!”

Even though he was the one who’s done wrong and he had been save by his younger brother, he turned his scathing gaze towards his younger brother. Even though he should feel a little bit aggrieved, the young man named Leo smiled gently then he answered back in a prim voice.

“First, big brother’s safety has to be prioritized. I don’t know what happened here, but the situation was dire. Shouldn’t I have stepped forward to mediate the situation?”

“Hoong. Is it because that man is some head magician of some other country’s imperial house? How dare he interfere in the doings of a noble of a different country! I’ll speak to father immediately, and he’ll make him pay!”

At those words, the old man made an expression as if he was dumbfounded. To his side, the man name Philip frowned as if he was displeased.

“I’m sorry. My big brother is currently under an extreme amount of stress. He isn’t in a state where he is able to make rational decisions. I’m apologize on his behalf. I ask you to be lenient with him. Please overlook this matter.”

“What, what did you say? Leo, you dare to speak that way?”

“…hoong. At least there is one person with his head screwed on right. I saw the event unfold from start to finish. Your big brother is unilaterally at fault here. Let these people go. If everyone is let go unharmed, then I’ll forgive him.”

Leo didn’t even need to think about the old man’s proposal. He immediately said, ‘Of course.’ The older brother protested as he started to foam at the mouth. However, this was after Leo had ordered the knights to suppress him. Without saying any other words, everything had cleanly come to an end. While the party members were dazed, Leo looked toward us then he gave a sincere apology.

“I’m really sorry about the unpleasantness you experienced. I promise you there won’t be any other repercussion from this incident. Please be at ease. I’ll say this on behalf of my older brother. I would like to thank you all for defeating the monsters infested in the South Gate. The people could relax now thanks to you. If you want, I could give you a reward for your troubles…”

“Eeek! Leo, you bastard! Are you trying to fuck me over? Do you dare do this to me? You are a stupid bastard with an empty head. Our parents spoiled you since childhood!  Now you dare to go against me!  Eh-it- Let go of me?! Capture those mercenaries immediately!”

The man still hadn’t given up, and he was causing a scene. However, it didn’t last long. The old man named Saerium clicked his tongue. He approached the man without hesitation then he whacked the nobleman’s son on the head with his staff. Since it was a sneak attack, the nobleman’s son wasn’t able to resist against it. Before he could even close his mouth, the nobleman’s son fainted. When the younger brother saw this, he smiled. Then he bowed his head once again towards the old man.

“Thank you for being so understanding. I’m sure my older brother will calm himself down when he wakes up.”

“..Ho-oh. You aren’t displeased with my action? On top of injuring your subordinates, I made your big brother faint.”

“…hoo hoo. Since it was an action taken by Saerium-nim, there is no way it would cause me to feel displeasure. The Karter’s Empire is known as the Magician’s Empire. Among all of them, you are the head magician. I’ve heard you were given the authority to have a private audience with the Emperor, whenever you want. Even though, you are in a foreign empire, you disciplined the son of a local lord. This incident won’t cause any trouble. Even if you dealt out a punishment on us, we aren’t in a position to protest against it.”

The old man had a satisfied smile when he heard the prim answer. The younger brother’s upright conduct was superb when compared to his stubborn older brother. Was it because of this? Afterwards, the next words spoken by the old man held a significant meaning.

“You will become a sword and a shield for the master you serve. Please choose a liege, who will be able to lead properly.”

“…I’ll take your words to heart.”

At that moment, I realized Isana’s shoulder was tense. I wasn’t imagining it. His gaze was fixed on the man named Leo. He didn’t show any signs of looking away. The persistent light in his eyes indicated he had unearthed a talent he wanted. Any ways, I thought this wasn’t the last time we’ll run into Leo.

Leo apologized several more times to the party members. He ordered the knights he brought to move the injured men, and the fainted perverted noble to the mansion. He then promised once again that we wouldn’t face any consequence for this incident.  The perverted noble had arrived arrogantly, but now he was retreating in a miserable state.

The party members looked on in a good mood, then they belatedly started to thank the people, who had saved them. They started thanking the old man, who had a large part in rescuing them from danger.

“Thank you very much, elder. We are alive, because of you.”

“Huh Huh Huh. It was nothing. Since you all defeated the monsters at the South Gate, I don’t have to hire guards anymore. There is one less thing to worry about. You almost ran into some big trouble here. There are some weird men in this world.”

“You are right. If it wasn’t for elder’s help, we would have be dragged into the underground prison without being able to do anything about it. Once again, I would like to thank you.”

Hosane bent his back, and he gave a respectful gesture of thanks. The old man named Saerium had a satisfied smile on his face. However, the man named Phillip looked on with a woeful expression on his face.

“Saerium-nim didn’t do any right. This is an international embarrassment. Jeez. I’m terrified of the possibility of this incident spreading to another country as a rumor!

“Uh-huh. What are you saying! These people are alive because of me!”

“Well, is it a surprise I feel this way? Of course, it is fortunate that the innocent people weren’t come to harm. However, did you need intervene directly? I’m really worried that the crown prince will take after you, and become reckless!”

“What did you say? Are you trying to throw down with me? Huh?”

The two of them started bickering again like an old habit. However, no one in the party felt uncomfortable at that sight. I laughed for a moment as I observed their antics. Then I suddenly thought about Tromwell, so I hurriedly went to his side. He was wiping off the blood of the nobleman’s son with a snobbish frown on his face. When he saw me approach, his hardened face relaxed then he smiled like his usual self.

“I’m sorry, Matthew. Are you ok? You always have to do difficult tasks because of me…I’m really sorry.”

“What are you saying? I’m sorry for not being able to protect you properly. Even if we weren’t in this situation, I would have cut his throat. It has been a while since I’ve been filled with this large of a murderous intent. Wasn’t his gaze really unpleasant? Are you ok, El?”

“Haha, well…I had a hard time getting used to it. However, I wasn’t the only one who suffered it. Irial, Sherry, and even you suffered the same severe treatment. I won’t be the only one to make a big fuss about it.”

I let out a brisk laugh. When Isana heard my answer from the side, his face darkened. He hesitantly raised his head. He carefully opened his mouth, and his voice was soaked with a strange guilt.

“I’m sorry. If I hadn’t stepped forward…”

“Huh? What… Ah ah. Do you mean the kneeling part? No, Rai. You weren’t wrong. Truthfully, it felt great to see you righteously rebuke him.”

“But it resulted in me attracting attention to myself…  Also, it gave him the reason to capture us….”

“That perverted bastard was only using you. You don’t have any reason to feel guilty. Weren’t you also angry, Rai?”

Even though he didn’t reply, one could tell how much anger we was feeling when one saw him bite hard on his lips.  He had helped drive his party members into danger,  so he wasn’t in a position where he could protest proudly.   He probably felt miserable at this current situation.  He sorted his feelings for a long time with his head down.  After a moment, he asked a question with a little bit of tear contained in his voice.

“I…Should I have called the Spirits? I shouldn’t have stood there doing nothing. Maybe I should have kicked their butts.”

However, it was Tromwell who answered his question instead of me. His calm golden eyes looked straight at Isana.

“Then why did you do nothing? Wasn’t there plenty of opportunities? Yet you did nothing. That means you had something in mind?”

“Ah…I didn’t want to attract attention to myself…I thought our party members would be in more danger if my identity was found out…”

“Then just leave it at that.  The Champagne mercenary  isn’t easy to take down.  I’ll tell you this now.  If you think your action is right, then don’t regret about it.  You have to become more confident in your own actions.  Didn’t I tell you before?  We are on this journey for you.  If you don’t stand upright, then no one will be able to help you.  We’ll be put in a tough situation”

“ ……. ”

The tone of his words were hard, and he wasn’t being gentle. However, his words held encouragement directed at Isana.  This was why Isana’s face brightened instead of shrinking away.  Tromwell had a strange expression when he looked at Isana.  Then he smirked and said some words that I couldn’t decipher.

“If you stay that way, you’ll become a burden to that child…”

“Huh? Did you say something right now, Tromwell?”

“It’s nothing, El. I was just talking to myself.

Hmmm. It felt like I heard some words with significant meaning behind it…Am I deluding myself? When I saw his usual happy self, I felt deplorable for being suspicious of him. I decided not to pry any further.

Afterwards, the party realized it was about time for the merchant procession to depart. After parting ways with Saerium’s party, they hurriedly ran towards the front of the South gate, which was the initial departure site.

The other mercenary companies, who had arrived earlier, spotted us. They started waving their hands at us. The first one to speak amongst them was Corwell, a member of the Cocktail Mercenary.

“Hey~ Aren’t you a little bit late? What happened? I saw a lot of people heading towards where you came from.”

“Ah ah, there was a complicated incident… Any ways, is everyone here?”

“The most important members of the group is late. I heard the Champagne Mercenary defeated two Cerberus? Our leader made a big fuss. He wanted to be included in the fight.”


Pete was appalled. He tried to stop him with a red face. However, the words had already been spoken, so it couldn’t be taken back. Corwell smirked. He teased the embarrassed Pete.

” He acts a bit silly even though he is old. Please be understanding of him. Isn’t it a mercenary’s dream to kill a high ranked monster? It’s funny, but he has hopes of becoming a silver rank.”


“Kook Kook. I’m sorry, Mr. Pete. Truthfully, we did think about you guys. However, we received conditions from the top, and it would have been a dangerous job. We didn’t want to bother you by rashly asking for help. I hope you understand.”

“It, it isn’t like that! I never thought about…C, Corwell misunderstood my intentions on his own.”

He tried desperately denying it with a scarlet face. However, he couldn’t completely hide the regret in his words. As Corwell had said, he must have dreamed about battling against high ranked monsters. When they saw this, the party members felt half sorry, and half mirth. They looked at each other then they snickered quietly.

After a moment, the person in charge arrived on a wagon loaded with items they had to guard. The scattered mercenaries started assembling in a single location. Mr. Kai was on top of the wagon with the merchants. While we were greeting each other with our eyes, a representative of the merchants started to speak in a pleasant voice after he roughly counted the numbers of mercenaries.

“It looks like everyone is here so let us depart.”

After he had received the Cerberus’ leather, he was excessively abusing his facial muscles. Basically, he started smiling all day. This way why his normal dour expression had cleared up, and he even looked like a innocent teen now. If one looked into his head, his head was probably filled with thought of auctioning off the Cerberus’ leather. Does he like money to that extent?

‘Well…there weren’t that many people who would hate money…’

I mumbled a sentiment anyone could empathize with. Then Isana and I mounted a horse. Soon, they would arrive at Kalmore. It made me feel excited. However, we still had to travel for 15 days. Now that I thought about it, where was that Lapis bastard, and what was he doing?

He had boasted he would be able to find it in a month. I smirked when I thought of his confident face. He was probably lost in the wrong neighborhood.

Is it because it’s after I had met the perverted noble? My feelings were more favorable towards him.

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