Chapter 16: A pokemon that easily beats your team! [Fifth more, please support! ] 】

Fang Xiaona looked at Ye Chen confidently.

“Do you have time now? How about a 3v3 pokemon battle? ”

“My strength now is much stronger than before.”

The onlookers on the side couldn’t help but hold their breath and quiet, could it be said that they would immediately be able to see the duel between these two strongest people in the entrance exam?

As soon as it was taken out, Fang Xiaona’s ranking was now ranked second, second only to Ye Chen, who ranked first.

As long as Fang Xiaona wins this duel, she can achieve the achievement of first place in the list, and then there will be more resources on the school side to tilt to her.

This is a temptation that is difficult for anyone to refuse.

Fang Xiaona was the same, unwilling to be ranked second like this.

And Ye Chen also felt that as long as he defeated Fang Xiaona, the rest of the people should not continue to challenge him.

So he didn’t refuse, and nodded to Fang Xiaona.

“Okay, let’s get started.”

Although Ye Chen’s hand did not satisfy the three elves.

But he felt that one elf would be enough.

Fang Xiaona nodded and walked to the battlefield of the elf pair, took out the elf ball and pressed the button.

This was the elf she had specially prepared to defeat the ultrasound larva, and Fang Xiaona had spent a lot of effort to get it.

With a white light released, a huge figure more than two meters tall appeared in front of Fang Xiaona.

It was a tundra bear with white fur and a vicious facial expression.

Ye Chen glanced at the panel of the ice field bear.

The tundra bear is about the same level as his ultrasound larvae, but the attributes are completely restrained, and it can be seen that they have been thoughtful.

Ye Chen’s face did not change, he took out the spirit ball, pressed the button, and the figure of the ultrasound larvae appeared in front of him.

First battle.

Tundra bears vs ultrasound larvae!

The tundra bear released by Fang Xiaona looks like it has just evolved, but its level is not far from that of elites.

On the other side are the extremely rare dragon Pokémon Sonic Larvae.

It can be said that it is comparable.

But in view of the restraint in terms of attributes, as well as Fang Xiaona’s remaining two elves, Nolan felt that Ye Chen was basically hanging this time.

Everyone is also talking about it.

“Ye Chen actually accepted such a competition, so he was not afraid that he would lose the first place in the list?”

“I also think, and with the attributes of that ultrasound larva, it is obviously restrained by the tundra bear, I’m afraid I can’t even pass this first level.”

“Still too confident, even if I defeated Fang Xiaona before, but now Fang Xiaona has obviously become stronger, this time it is difficult…”

Fang Xiaona looked at the ultrasound larva, smiled and said confidently.

“This time, I took advantage of the numbers, so I let you attack first.”

She appeared very confident.

After all, in her opinion, she has an advantage in attributes.

But in the next second, she couldn’t laugh.


She just saw, accompanied by a chirp of the ultrasound larvae.

A sandstorm more than ten meters high suddenly set off on the field, and the scene was very shocking.

What is the concept of a dozen meters?

It is almost the size of a residential building, and it is completely the level of covering the sky for ordinary people.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Fang Xiaona naturally panicked and quickly gave instructions to the tundra bear.

“Tundra bear! Flash away! ”

Tundra bears are fast, but sandstorms are faster.

Basically, before the other party could react, the battle was over.


The entire body of the tundra bear flew directly out of the sandstorm, fell heavily to the ground, and smashed the floor down.

The eyes directly turned into mosquito coil eyes and lost the ability to fight.

On the other side, the sandstorm on the battlefield gradually dispersed, revealing the intact body of the ultrasound larvae.

Ye Chen looked at Fang Xiaona’s side and said lightly.

“Do you want to keep fighting?”

The students watching the battle fell into a dead silence, and no one expected that Ye Chen would win so easily.

And Fang Xiaona also gritted her teeth, withdrew the tundra bear into the poké ball, took out another poké ball and said without admitting defeat.

“Go on!”

Second battle.

What Fang Xiaona released this time was a high-level metal monster.

If it is a metal monster with steel attributes, it is difficult for sandstorms to affect it.

The students who were watching the battle began to discuss quietly again.

“This metal monster’s defense is so strong, this time the ultrasonic larvae should not be able to kill it in seconds.”

“The attack power of that ultrasonic larva is too terrifying, I don’t know how the defense is, I think the metal monster should have a little chance this time.”

And they had just finished speaking for less than half a minute.

The metal monster was directly hit on the ground by the ultrasonic larvae’s blow and dragon’s tail.

Both eyes became mosquito coil eyes, and they also lost their ability to fight.

The onlookers suddenly stopped talking.

Where the hell did this supersonic larva come out of this monster?!

Even the metal monster can’t withstand its two-move attack!

Fang Xiaona looked at the metal monster that fell to the ground, and somewhat weakly raised her hand to withdraw it into the Spirit Ball.

Without waiting for Ye Chen to speak, she took the initiative to admit defeat, and her voice was a little low.

“Ye Chen, you are too strong, I admit defeat.”

Fang Xiaona lowered her head, she knew that her last big rock snake was also self-inflicted, and it was better to simply admit defeat.

The gap between the two sides was so great that she didn’t even have the idea of catching up.

Many students who heard this couldn’t help but be shocked again in their hearts.

The first place among the genius trainers in the entire Fang City, there is actually no elf that can survive two rounds in Ye Chen’s hands?!

And it’s not a battle yet.

It’s a pokemon that easily hits you three!

I’m afraid no one dares to believe it, but this is how it happened in front of them!

This Ye Chen.

How strong is it?!!

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