Chapter 90: Another Divine Beast Essence Blood, Charizard Reaches the Champion! [Subscription, support! ] 】

And after hearing Emperor Yan’s words.

Ye Chen’s face couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He finally managed to win.

This time, it can be said that it is the toughest battle in history, and it is also the most energy-spent.

Even the three battles that used to bite Land Shark and Xia Bo before were compared to this one.

It’s not at all on a level.

After all, no matter how you say it before the fierce bite land shark, even if it consumes a lot of physical strength,

The battle with that duck-billed fire dragon has not fallen into such a difficult situation.

At the very least, it’s a tie.

And not like this one, from beginning to end, it can be said that it is suppressed head-on.

This also made Ye Chen’s heart feel some joy.

The joy of victory in battle.

He rarely had such a situation, because the strength of his elves had reached a very strong level.

Even evenly matched opponents are hard to find, let alone such battles.

In Emperor Yan’s eyes, looking at the panting Ye Chen, his eyes could also be said to appreciate Ye Chen very much.

After all, if it weren’t for Ye Chen, there would definitely be no way to reach this level of battle this time.

He also hadn’t fought such a battle for a long time.

Although suppressing his own rank, it still makes people feel a little unhappy.

However, from Ye Chen’s actions, he could still feel the tension and unexpected decisions.

Although the power of the waveguide is a bit tricky.

But Emperor Yan also appreciated this approach.

Only trainers who can make full use of their advantages can be called excellent trainers.

If you don’t even use your own strengths well.

How can one make a completely correct judgment?

If you don’t need the power of waveguides, what do you want this waveguide power for?

Charizard also panted and slowly fell, its gaze looking at the Yan Emperor, still burning with the battle intent.

The strength of the other party can be said to have been fully experienced by him.

However, it is precisely because of this that he wants to fight against the other party.

After all, only such a powerful elf can he become stronger in battle.

Now the other party can be said to be his challenge target.

Emperor Yan also felt that it was almost time.

He began to walk in the direction of Ye Chen, and said at the same time.

“You proved to me what you are strong about.”

“The duel just now was really exciting, and I’ve been experiencing a wonderful duel like this for a long time.”

“I expect you to become stronger in the future, and then have a duel with me.”

Ye Chen found the burning battle intent in the pupils of the Yan Emperor, obviously the battle just now had not completely made him happy.

A smile also appeared on his face.

“Well, when the time comes, it will definitely make you experience a fierce enough battle.”

Ye Chen himself also wanted to make himself stronger, and then make moves with these divine beasts, after all, such words.

to be able to make yourself stronger.

He wants to become the strongest trainer in history, not just by talking.

One day, his elves will become the strongest elves, and he will become the strongest trainer.

When Ye Chen thought of this, he couldn’t help but feel a little excited in his heart.

Emperor Yan removed from his body the drop of golden blood that was enough to make people droop.

That drop of essence blood exuded a luster that was completely impenetrated by ordinary blood.

It looks charming and gorgeous.

But Ye Chen also knew that doing so would cause some damage to Emperor Yan.

Ye Chen thought of this.

He couldn’t help but bow deeply to Emperor Yan to thank him.

Emperor Yan glanced at Ye Chen.

“Take it, this is what you deserve.”

“I’m willing to gamble and lose, if you don’t beat me, you won’t get this blood.”

“Try to become stronger, maybe in the future, this continent will still need you to protect it.”

After Ye Chen raised his head, he nodded slightly to Emperor Yan, and the fire-breathing dragon beside him walked over.

Charizard only glanced at Ye Nayandi.

“Stretch out your hand, and then fuse this drop of essence blood into it, and next time we will fight again.”

Emperor Yan’s face was still full of Dao.

Charizard nodded and stretched out its claws.

Driven by Emperor Yan, the golden essence blood began to gradually drip onto the palm of Charizard.

With the fusion of that drop of essence blood, Charizard couldn’t help but close his eyes tightly.

At the same time, the whole body began to be shrouded in a golden light.

Ye Chen’s face looked at the fire-breathing dragon with some worry, obviously afraid that something would happen to it.

Although this is not the first time, there should be a lot of worry.

Emperor Yan only glanced at Ye Chen helplessly, and continued to speak to him.

“Just wait for the good news, he will definitely become stronger by then.”

“But I need a break.”

“Do you have any other questions you’d like to ask?”

Ye Chen remembered the huge body of Wuji Ji Na before him, and the contents on the stone slab.

To be honest, all of this aroused his curiosity.

“Emperor Yan, do you know how powerful the huge elf in that stone slab was?”

And just after Ye Chen asked this question.

Emperor Yan’s face looked at Ye Chen with a somewhat confused expression.

“What are you talking about? That giant elf on the stone slab? I’ve never seen it at all. ”

Speaking of this, Ye Chen remembered that the three holy beasts did not appear as divine beasts at the beginning.

But after a death, he was resurrected by the Wind King to become his own messenger.

Other words.

It is very likely that they have not experienced what those three divine beasts have experienced.

In this case, it is normal not to know.

However, the second possibility is not excluded.

There is also the possibility that the memory has been erased.

I have to say that that huge elf is indeed not at the same level as other elves in terms of strength.

In that case, erasing memory may not be difficult for it.

Although Ye Chen remembered that the elf should be Wuji Tianna, he couldn’t remember the other party’s skills.

Only I remember a very giant, a skill that can be regarded as a feature.

As for the rest, I don’t remember it very well.

But there’s no way around it.

After all, who can guarantee that every skill of the elves will be remembered clearly.

However, I can also get a useful news from the words of that Yan Emperor.

That was when Wuji Tianna suppressed the elves, most likely before the three holy beasts came out.

However, just when Ye Chen wanted to continue to ask the other party’s questions.

He could see that the fire-breathing dragon next to him that was emitting golden light suddenly moved.

The golden light on his body is also constantly weakening.

Although on the surface it does not seem to have changed much.

But he could clearly perceive the powerful momentum emanating from the body of that fire-breathing dragon.

Compared with before, it can be said that it is a heaven and an underground.

Ye Chen couldn’t wait to use the [detection function] of his own system.

After all, he also wanted to see how much stronger the other party had.


Elves: Charizard

Attribute: Fire + Flight

Yandi Essence Blood [Fusion Degree 100%]

Quality: Champion

Current level: LV7 [Heavenly King]


Sure enough, there has been a great improvement in both quality and grade.

It can be said that compared with the original, it can be regarded as a shotgun for a cannon.

The quality has reached the championship from the original king.

Caught up with the pace of most of Ye Chen’s elves.

The rank is also directly from the quasi-heavenly king to the heavenly king.

It was also completely caught up, even among all the elves of Ye Chen, the level could be said to be at the top.

Emperor Yan looked the fire-breathing dragon up and down.

Although his own essence blood was not able to help the other party become a divine beast, after all, he himself was not strong among the divine beasts.

But it can be said that this fire-breathing dragon already has the possibility of reaching the limit of ordinary elves.

And there is also a high leap in strength.

In other words, it is the current Charizard.

If he suppresses his strength to level fifty, I am afraid that he will only be pressed up and beaten.

Although the quality is not enough, the gap between each other has narrowed a lot.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and looked at the fire-breathing dragon in front of him.

There was no doubt that the degree of strengthening this time had reached Ye Chen’s expectations.

After all, he didn’t think that the essence blood of the Yan Emperor could directly make Charizard a divine beast.

After all, the Yan Emperor himself was only a third-level god, how could he let other elves become divine beasts?

If it is a second-level god and a first-level god, it can reach this level.

However, Ye Chen did not know other first-level gods and second-level gods except for those three divine beasts.

Where will there be divine beasts that will give you essence blood for nothing.

It was not a pie in the sky, and to be able to reach this level, Ye Chen could say that he was already quite satisfied.

Charizard also opened his eyes with a little excitement.

With a sudden step under his feet, a big pit suddenly appeared, and he almost fell directly.

The corners of Ye Chen’s mouth also twitched.

The sequelae that occurred in the fierce bite of the land shark.

Now the results have also reappeared in Charizard.

However, this time Charizard should adapt faster than the fierce bite land shark, after all, in the degree of leap in strength.

Charizard is not as good as the original upgrade of the fierce bite land shark.

So the speed of adaptation should be faster, and it should be almost the same when it gets used to it after walking.

Charizard felt the huge power in his body and couldn’t help but squint.

It also looks very satisfying.

Emperor Yan, on the other hand, quietly looked at Ye Chen and Charizard, and said in Ye Chen’s direction.

“Since it’s over, it’s almost time for me to go.”

“Ye Chen, you have to be careful.”

“The road ahead is not as simple as you think”

The moment the words fell.

Emperor Yan disappeared into layers of thick fog.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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