


Not only the little girl, but also three Pokémon with other patterns on their bodies. They are Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur.

It's so great to see everyone again!

Mewtwo cried again, but this time it was tears of joy.


Back again.

Hoenn region, Saiyu City Park.

Seeing that Mewtwo has found all his companions, Xiaozhi is sincerely happy for him.

In this way, Mewtwo will no longer feel lonely in the future.

It's really great.

Everyone on Xiaozhi's side talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was quite good, but on the other side, in a corner of the park, there was a dead silence.

In the end, Kojiro couldn't stand this atmosphere anymore and took the initiative to speak

"Don't worry, Musashi, Auntie will be fine!"

Meow Meow also reacted at this time.

"Yes, yes, my aunt is a senior member of Team Rocket, how could anything happen to her!"

"We will definitely help find my aunt!!!"

Kojiro clenched his fists and made up his mind.

He wanted to help Musashi find his mother by answering the questions.

"Meow Meow will help too!!!"

If I answer wrong, I will just be punished. It's nothing.

"Meow, Kojiro."

Feeling the love of her friends, Musashi cheered up again.

She was a member of Team Rocket, traveling across the galaxy, and she would not be defeated by such a small matter.

Mom, I will definitely find you!!!

All the rewards for answering questions and counting were distributed, and the light curtain was lit up again.

The subtitles appeared on the light curtain again.

【Xiaozhi's legendary beast companions are tied for fourth place in the battle power list - the speedy Genesect.

The prequel has ended, and the next is the main film.

Video starts——

【In the mountains, a Pokémon flashed into the camera at an extremely fast speed.】

【Mewtwo appears!】

【Mookaburra, Proud Pheasant, Warrior Eagle, Dancing Swan, four flying Pokémon followed closely behind Mewtwo. In order to allow the four flying Pokémon to keep up with him, Mewtwo deliberately slowed down his flying speed.】

【As Mewtwo and four flying Pokémon soar through the forest, the camera starts switching.】

【In the fog, the protagonist of this story, Genesect and his companions also appeared.】

【They traveled through the fog, and after passing through the thick fog, they came to a snowy mountain.】

【"I'm going to speed up 740"】

【The camera switches back to Mewtwo's side.】

【It's starting to speed up】

【During the acceleration process, Mewtwo's appearance also changed.】

【Its body has become smaller, more like a"baby", and a protrusion similar to a"headphone" has formed on its giant head. 】

Chat room comment area. This is the first time that the audience has seen such a Mewtwo.

The audience was completely confused at this time.

What is going on?

Can Mewtwo evolve?

No, this doesn't look like a normal evolution, but more like

【Dr. Blatano: It's a Mega Evolution!!!]

There's no mistake, Dr. Blatano can confirm that it's a Mega Evolution.

This is big news.

Mewtwo, which is already a legendary Pokémon, can actually undergo a Mega Evolution.

【Karuna: Isn't Mewtwo an artificial Pokémon created by Team Rocket? Why can it Mega Evolve? 】

This is unscientific.

Strictly speaking, Mega Evolution is a kind of atavism, which allows Pokémon to gain the power of ancient blood.

Mewtwo has no ancestors, so how can it Mega Evolve?

【Sirona: Have you forgotten Mew?】

In terms of bloodline, no Pokémon has a purer bloodline than Mewtwo, which is directly copied from Mew's genes.

【Chairman Damalanchi: It's OK, it's OK. 】

Fortunately, Mewtwo has"turned over a new leaf" and no longer follows Sakaki. If Mewtwo is still in Sakaki's hands, they probably won't be able to sleep well today. They thought they had seen through Mewtwo's limits, but they didn't expect that what they saw was far from Mewtwo's limits.

Mewtwo, this name is really not wrong.

The pressure brought by Mewtwo is not that terrible.

Video continues——

【"It's just ahead."】

【The hometown in my memory with lotus flowers blooming and birds singing and flowers blooming is coming soon】(cfb)

【The leading Genesect stopped its high-speed flight mode and returned to the ground, searching for】

【It should be right here.】

【The hometown in my memory has completely disappeared, and all that is left is the white snow.】

【Suddenly a strong wind blew, and Genesect, the youngest member of the team, lost his balance and was blown away.】

【Seeing his companions in trouble, the red one, the leader, Genesect, quickly switched back to high-speed flight mode and saved his companions who were almost blown off the cliff by the storm.】

【The other three Genesects also rushed over to grab the leader, and the four of them worked together to finally rescue their companion from the cliff.】

【"I really want to go home"】

【After passing through the clouds, Mewtwo continued to fly upwards. After a while, Mewtwo arrived in outer space.】

【There is no oxygen, it is extremely cold, this place cannot accommodate him】

【Mewtwo canceled his Mega Evolution and returned to Earth】

【During the fall, a voice appeared in Chaomeng's mind - I want to go back.】

【I really want to go home】

【Mewtwo picked up speed and started running towards the source of the sound.】

【In the blizzard, except for the leader, most of the Gelosects could no longer withstand the wind and snow.】

【House seemingly endless rain】

【There was another avalanche above them.���All Genesects will be buried in the snowy mountains, and Mewtwo appears.】

【Mega Evolution】

【At this moment, time seems to stand still】

【Mewtwo used telekinesis to save four Genesects】

【Looking at the Genesects who were still in a state of anxiety, Mewtwo calmed them down with words.】

【Soon, Mewtwo also found the smallest Genesect among them. The distress signal it received was sent by this Genesect.】

【"I want to go home"】

【When Mewtwo and Genesect met eyes, he fell into"memories". Those were Genesect's memories.】

【Through memories, Chaomeng learned about the origins of these Pokémon. The Pokémon awakened from the fossils - Genesect. 】

Chat room comment area. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Daigo: Is Genesect a fossil Pokémon?

Daigo was immediately excited when he heard that Genesect was a fossil Pokémon.

【Dr. Blatano: Genesect is not just a fossil Pokémon, it is also a steel-type mythical Pokémon】

【Daigo: What?! 】

Fossil Pokémon, and steel attribute, isn't Genesect a Pokémon tailor-made for Daigo? []

Quick, tell him where Genesect is, he wants to capture them!

【Dr. Bratano: I don’t know.

He got his information about Genesect from books, and he has never seen Genesect in person.

【Kaluna: Forget it, Genesect is a mythical Pokémon, do you think it can be found everywhere?

Kaluna found that Daigo was really too arrogant, and wanted to capture a mythical Pokémon at every turn. Did he think he was Satoshi?

Forget about capturing Genesect, he would be lucky to see Genesect in real life.

【Pakila: I agree. 】

From the video, we can see that the Genesects' active area is the Kalos region.

As a native of Kalos, she has not seen Genesects in so many years. It is not easy for Daigo to find them.

Unless he joins Xiaozhi's team and travels with Xiaozhi, there is a chance.

【Daigo: Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi, hum. 】

He Daigo is not necessarily worse than Xiaozhi.

It's just Genesect. Daigo swears that he will never have Ennyou if he doesn't capture Genesect!!!

Video continues——

【"Like me, I was created by humans."】

【Looking at the Genesects in front of him, Mewtwo felt a little bit of pity.】

【It is a killing machine created by Team Rocket, while the Genesects were transformed by Team Plasma.】

【In a sense, they are also in the same boat.】

【"Why are you here?"】

【Just like when it was first born, Genesects thought that everyone around them was an enemy and that these guys were dangerous.】

【If you let them run wild, they may pose a threat to humans and Pokémon.】

【"My home is here"】

��The smallest Genesect seemed to be very afraid of Mewtwo. It had been hiding behind a rock, with only half of its body exposed.】


【The child's words shocked Chaomeng. In its eyes, Chaomeng saw the hometown with lotus flowers blooming in Genesect's mouth.】

【The snow with rocks was advancing rapidly, and the Genesects became impatient. Mewtwo could only comfort them, saying that it was safe here.】

【"What are you doing?!"】

【Thinking that Mewtwo was going to attack his companions, the leader attacked Mewtwo without hesitation.】

【Signal beam】

【The energy shining with colorful colors hit Mewtwo】

【Fortunately, Mewtwo had already sensed the leader's arrival through telekinesis, so he was not hit by the leader's attack.】

【After talking with his companions for a while, the leader seemed to understand that Mewtwo had no ill intentions, and Mewtwo still saved his companions. However, this did not make it give up its vigilance.】

【It looked at Mewtwo and said,"Who the hell are you?!"】

【"I'm Mewtwo. It looks like you guys are planning to go home now, right?"】

【"Why did it turn out like this?"】

【The leader asked】

【"After a long time, the times and the world you lived in have changed."】

【Three hundred million years have passed. It would be strange if the Genesects could still find the hometown they remembered.】

【"Come on, come with me!"】

【Chaomeng stretched out his hand and took the initiative to show goodwill. It can help Genesects find a new home.】

【"do not come!"】

【The leader could not accept that his hometown was gone, and angrily aimed the plasma cannon on his back at Mewtwo.】

【The energy has begun to gather】

【Mewtwo also sensed the danger, so it withdrew its hand and distanced itself from the red Genesect,"You'd better listen to me!"】

【"We do not take instructions!!!"】

【After receiving the leader's order, the other four Genesects also began to gather energy.】

【High-tech laser cannon fired!!!】

【After repelling Mewtwo with the energy beam cannon, the red Genesect immediately gave the order to retreat.】

【Looking at the Genesects going away, Mewtwo couldn't help but sigh.】

【I hope they can find their hometown!】

【After leaving the snowy mountains, the Genesects flew at high speed over the sea. Their destination was the city on the other side of the sea. 】

Chat room comments area

【Karunori: Oh my god, are Genesect and the others planning to settle in the city?! 】

Five mythical Pokémon with Team Rocket on their backs, hostile to all creatures, once they enter the city, who knows how much trouble they will cause.

【Wanlong: Wait, something is not right. Who just said that the video was from the Kalos region? Isn't this our Unova region?

She recognized the city that the Genesects went to.

It was Newt City!

【Cattleya: Huh?!

I was just watching the show, and now you’re telling me that you’ve eaten the melon in your own home?

【Karuna: Oh, oh, oh, it's Newt City in the Unova region, I'm scared to death.

As long as it's not in the Kalos region, it's none of her business.

【Adek: I'm already retired, can't you give me something to do?]

Adek's head is about to explode.

No, he must find a suitable candidate as soon as possible to give up the championship position.

By then, everything in Hezhong will have nothing to do with him.

【Selina: It's the Unova region. 】


Selina originally thought she could appear again.

Now it seems that we can only wait for the next inventory to see.

Video continues——

【In the forest, the warm sunshine shines】

【Everything is so peaceful】

【Xiaozhi, Alice, and Tiantong, all three of them are in a great mood】

【"I didn’t expect this to be the very center of the city!!!"】

【Alice couldn't help but sigh】

【It's hard to find a city with such good greenery even if you travel all over Unova】

【"Pika Pika!"】

【"That's the one!!!"】

【Finally arrived, their destination, Pokémon Villa】

【At the entrance of the villa, the staff had been waiting for a long time. His name was Eric. He was called by Professor Oak to pick up Xiaozhi and the others.】

【The three of them introduced themselves to Eric. They were very excited. After all, the Pokémon Villa had not yet been officially opened. They were able to visit it before the official opening thanks to Professor Oak.】

【Long live Professor Oak! 】.

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