【He is finally fulfilling his dream.】

【The world is reversed, now it belongs to him completely】

【After learning from the AI that Giratina's restrictions had been lifted and it could freely travel between the two worlds, Zero put his last worries to rest.】

【Now it’s time to witness the miracle.】

【He asked Infui to scan Giratina's entire body, quietly waiting for the opportunity to"kill with one blow"】

【On flat ground】

【Mu Xuan looked at the departing Zero and the captured Giratina, and felt full of regret.】

【He told Xiaozhi that he built the machine that captured Giratina so that he could freely enter and exit the reverse world.】

【According to his design, Giratina will die.】

【He couldn't watch that happen, so Mu Xuan got on the aircraft left by Jello and started it.】

【It's all his fault that this happened, and now he has to make up for his mistakes.】

【Xiaozhi took the initiative to ask to go with Mu Xuan to rescue Giratina.���There is no affection between him and Giratina, and there is even a little hatred between them, but Xiaozhi will never allow any Pokémon to die in front of him.】

【Never allow】

【Xiaoguang had the same idea. She put Shaymin on the ground and wanted to go with Xiaozhi to rescue Giratina.】

【The two of them boarded the aircraft, one on the left and one on the right. They looked up at the huge flying ship in the sky, without any fear in their eyes. 】

Chat room comment area

【Mikoli: Okay, Xiaoguang, let the world see the power of a coordination trainer!!!!

Mikoli is in a good mood now.

He doesn't have to worry about the lack of successors to the profession of coordination trainer.

With Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang, even if he retires in a dozen years, the two of them can still carry the banner of coordination trainer.

By the way, Serena seems to be a coordination trainer too.

The reserve of backup is too abundant, and Mikoli has a happy trouble

【Adu: Is Xiaozhi finally going to take action? I have been annoyed with this guy Zero for a long time, Xiaozhi, teach him a lesson! 】Adu is most annoyed by this kind of guy who likes to stir up trouble. Isn't it better for everyone to build a new world in harmony?

【Chi Ri: We must not let the reversed world fall into the hands of such people.】

【Sirona: Mr. Chi Ri?】

It was the first time that Sirona saw Chi Ri's emotions fluctuate like this.

She thought Chi Ri was a real iceberg who would not be moved no matter what happened.

It seems that she misunderstood.

Video continues——

【Since everyone's attention was drawn to Jello, they didn't even notice that this was the Gracitia flower field.】

【The place where Xiaoguang put Xiemi down was the edge of the flower field. 】

377 [Stimulated by the pollen, Xiemi once again entered the sky form】

【Courage was once again injected into Shemy's body】

【Xie Mi changed his previous timidity and his eyes were full of determination.】

【"Mi will go first!"】

【"Hold on tight!"】

【Mu Xuan took Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang to the sky】

【Xiaogang is feeling very aggrieved now. He is left behind again. He actually wants to go with everyone to save Giratina.】

【In the sky, the flying ship is continuously absorbing the power of Giratina.】

【Zero on the spaceship saw Xiaozhi and his group approaching the spaceship quickly from a distance. He gave instructions to the Magnemites to completely remove the guys who were in the way.】

【At this moment, Jello's strength inevitably gave rise to a trace of regret.】

【He shouldn't have shown mercy. He should have killed this guy when he reversed the world.】

【In the battle, Shaymin showed the power of the Mystical Pokémon】

【Facing an enemy that outnumbered itself, Xiemi showed no fear. It used its speed to pull the space】

【At the same time, use energy bombs to attack the opponent continuously】

【Basically, each energy bullet can always kill an opponent. 】

Chat room comment area

【Lijia: If I had known, I would have gone to Hoenn with Xiaozhi. 】

It doesn't matter if this crappy gym leader is not a gym leader, she wants to go on adventures with Xiaozhi.

Shaymin is so cool.

And it's a grass-type Pokémon, which is a perfect match for her.

【Ami: Hoenn? Are you crazy? That's Sinnoh!

Ami couldn't help but complain.

Ami didn't have much interest in the hedgehog.

She liked steel-type Pokémon.

By the way, the inventory reward that Xiaozhi got before was a steel-type mythical Pokémon.

Is it called Meltan?

I heard that it is a mythical Pokémon from the Alola region.

If possible, she wants Xiaozhi to accompany her to Alola to see if she can also capture a Meltan.

Why does Xiaozhi want to accompany her?

Nonsense, how can she encounter Meltan if she goes alone!

【Xiaochun: I want to conquer Giratina! 】

Lijia and Ami were silent.

Oh my god, there are people who are crazier than them.

Video continues——

【"Prepare to enter the reverse world"】

【After giving orders to the spacecraft, Jello returned to the cockpit】

【Outside the spaceship, Pikachu and Pogaman continued to attack the prison that controlled Giratina, but the effect was almost ineffective.】

【All the attacks from everyone were bounced back by the protective shield outside the cage (aebe)】

【There is no chance of forcing it, so we can only find a way to break into the spacecraft and stop it from the inside.】

【Screen switching】

【Mu Xuan broke into the interior of the flying ship alone】

【Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang choose to stay outside to protect Mu Xuan】

【Xiaozhi was no more than three meters away from Giratina, so he could clearly observe Giratina's current situation.】

【Giratina is almost at its limit, Mr. Mu Xuan must speed up】

【The ship stopped running and Giratina was rescued.】

【But there is another bad news. Mu Xuan not only turned off the device that absorbs Giratina's vitality, he also turned off the engine of the spacecraft, which means that the spacecraft is about to fall.】

【Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang, and Mu Xuan boarded the aircraft and prepared to retreat.】

【Giratina also fell off the spaceship】

【With a splash, Giratina fell into the sea.】

【Finally, the spaceship crashed into the mountain stream. As for Jello, he had already escaped before the spaceship completely crashed.】

【Giratina slowly climbed up the land from the sea, which had exhausted all the strength in its body.】

【As soon as he got ashore, Giratina fell down, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead.】

【Pikachu and Pogaman came forward to observe Giratina's condition】

【It seems that】

【"Is it too late?"】

【Mu Xuan clenched his fist】

【At this moment, he hated himself very much. He hated himself for not saving Giratina in time, and hated himself for inventing the machine that killed Giratina.】


【Xiaoguang heard the breathing sound, Giratina is still alive】

【After hearing that Giratina was still alive, Xiaozhi quickly cheered Giratina up.】

【You must not fall asleep at this time, otherwise you will never wake up.】

【"You can't die!"】

【Shaymi yelled at Giratina】

【Looking at the dying Giratina, Shaymi made a decision.】

【It flew to Giratina and used all its strength to perform aromatherapy.】

【Green light continued to emanate from Shaymi's body and was slowly injected into Giratina's body.】

【At this time, Mu Xuan noticed that the Pokémon in the forest had surrounded him without him noticing.】

【Everyone is worried about Giratina】

【With Shaymin's continuous efforts, Giratina finally regained consciousness, slowly stood up, and let out an exciting roar.

The audience couldn't help but sigh at this, the vitality of the legendary Pokémon is abnormal.

The system of the spaceship just now showed that Giratina only had 1% of its life left. If it was replaced by an ordinary Pokémon, it would definitely not be saved.

Of course, Shaymin's aromatherapy also helped a lot.

【Seeing that Giratina has recovered, Shaymin hid behind Xiaozhi in fear. It seems that he still has a shadow on Giratina.】

【"Pickup, Pickup"】

【Pikachu jumped onto Giratina and started playing with it intimately. It used its actions to tell Shaymin that Giratina was not that scary.】

【With the help of Pikachu, Shaymi finally overcame his fear and joined the play.】


【The sound came from the sea】

【Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw a small plane rushing out from the bottom of the sea.】

【It's Jello.】

【"Anyone who dares to stop my wonderful plan will not be spared!!!"】

【A blue energy bomb was fired from the front of the plane.】

【Wave missile?】

【Xiaozhi thought there was something wrong with his eyes at first. A plane could actually use wave missiles. This world is getting more and more amazing.】

【They are both wave missiles, and even their size and power are similar.】

【Giratina starts to fight back】

【Even a clay figure has a temper, not to mention Giratina, who almost died at Zero's hands. How could it not take revenge for such a huge grudge?】

【At the same time, Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang, and Mu Xuan also let their own elves attack Jello.】

【One hundred thousand volts, bubble beams, and electric cannon luster successfully hit the jet piloted by Jello.】

【The jet did not disintegrate. It can be seen that Jello spent a lot of money to build this jet.】

【"Didn't I tell you not to get in my way?!"】

【How could Jello accept that the perfect plan failed at the last minute?】

【At this time, Jello has gone completely crazy.】

【He used the ability he copied from Giratina to open the door to the reverse world, and he entered the reverse world in a flash.】

【"what is that?!"】

【The Rocket trio in the reversed world are all confused】

【How come a jet suddenly entered the reverse world?】

【"Whoever it is please come and save us!!!"】

【They don't want to be trapped in this world forever.】

【Team Rocket should be thankful that Zero didn't notice them, otherwise, given Zero's temper, he might kill them for defiling the perfect reverse world.】

【"Hahahaha, I saw it, all the people in this filthy world disappear!!!"】

【Jello aimed at the water ball in the distance and launched an attack directly. 】

Chat room comment area. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Wu Song: We must find Zero!!!

Wu Song has seen that this guy is a complete lunatic.

He is really ready to destroy the real world.

In a sense, Zero is even more dangerous than Team Rocket.

Sakaki just wants to rule the world, but Zero is a lunatic who wants to destroy the world.

【Sirona: Dr. Mu Xuan, do you know where Zero is?

Although Zero has not yet carried out his criminal plan, he can't care about that now.

The future has been changed. If Zero really gets the power of Giratina, then everything will be over.

【Liu: Don't worry, no matter where that Zero is hiding, I will find him! 】

We can't just push everything onto Xiaozhi.

Let the Sinnoh Alliance handle Zero themselves.

【Jello: Humph, if you have the guts, come and catch me!!!

Jello, who has been lurking in the comments area, stopped pretending at this time.

Wait, he will perfect his plan again, and this time he will not let anyone interfere with his plan��

【Sakaki: Young people are full of energy and spirit. I am optimistic about you. 】

Sakaki was so happy that someone jumped out to attract the attention of the alliance.

Let's make a fuss, the bigger the better.

That way, he can find an opportunity to develop.

Video continues——[]


【Xiaozhi was thrown heavily to the ground.】

【Mu Xuan understood immediately that it was Jello who attacked them in the reverse world.】


【Giratina is angry】

【How could someone dare to usurp its authority and do whatever they want in its world? How could this be tolerated?】

【Giratina opened the door to the reverse world, quickly drilled into the wormhole, and returned to the reverse world again.】

【"I want to go too!"】

【Xiaozhi drove the aircraft and took Pikachu into the reverse world.】

【"Come on, Jello, let them put an end to this!"】

【"Mi wants to go too!!!"】

【In the reverse world, Jello drives a plane to continuously cut the icicles in the reverse world.】

【The icicle was cut off, and the real world soon began to change.】

【The originally calm snow mountain began to collapse】

【A large amount of ice and snow began to move down from the mountain.】

【Inside the ruins on the iceberg】

【The ground is covered with weeds and moss. No one has set foot here for thousands of years.】

【In the center of the ruins, on a huge throne, a giant is sleeping.】

【The sound of the iceberg collapsing woke the giant from his sleep.】

【The sound of dripping dripping is endless】

【It stood up for the first time in a thousand years.】

【The smoke and dust fell from his body, but the giant ignored it and walked forward silently.】


Kamiyo never expected that the Holy Pillar King Regichikas really lived in the depths of this iceberg.

"Is this Regichikas?

Qianli was also curious about the giant in the video.

According to legend, Regichikas has incredible strength. It once tied up a huge land animal with ropes.

"Towing land?"

"Dad, are you kidding me?"

Xiaoyao couldn't help it.

She didn't think Regichikas didn't have the strength to drag the land, but she was questioning where Regichikas found such a strong rope.

How could a rope that could bind the land exist in this world?

"Legend, that's why it's a legend."

Qianli was speechless. When did his daughter become as serious as his son?

Video continues——

【The ivory pigs on the mountain are watching the glaciers moving downward with concern.】

【Dr. Mu Xuan already understood what Jello was going to do. He wanted to cut off the connection between the reverse world and the real world and make the reverse world a real small world.】

【A small world that can run perfectly without any interference】

【In the reverse world, Zero was still happily cutting icicles, but soon he was no longer happy because the real owner of the reverse world, Giratina, came back.】

【A sun-like fire bomb hit the jet piloted by Zero.】


【The jet that was hit shook violently.】

【The jet piloted by Zero is indeed sturdy, but it can't withstand Giratina's repeated attacks.】

【And now he is facing more than just Giratina, Xiaozhi, Pikachu, and Shaymin are also here.】

【"Jello, stop it!"】

【"Stop it now!"】

【Xiaozhi and Shaymi shouted at Zero】

【But Jero doesn't think he's wrong at all.】

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