
Lin Mu stayed in the living room early, although she was the hostess, but Lin Mu was not like those rich ladies, or like an ordinary full-time wife, doing housework with the waiters.

Although Lin Xuan and Lin Dayong both advised Lin Mu, Lin Mu just didn't want to do nothing, in her words, if she didn't do anything one day, she always felt that there was something missing on this day.

Lin Xuan said hello to Lin Mu and walked out the gate.

As early as before returning, Lin Xuan mentioned to Lin Dayong that he wanted to build a training ground, and Lin Dayong agreed very happily, and he had built it before Lin Xuan returned.

Lin Xuan's family, as a famous mine owner in Quan County, directly applied for a small mountain as a manor, after all, it is also far from the city center, plus the land in this world is not particularly valuable, so there is also a place to give Lin Xuan a training ground.

Although he hasn't eaten breakfast yet, Lin Xuan is not in a hurry, he used to eat breakfast before going to training because the training ground was too far from the place where he slept, and now he goes out, why not take advantage of the most awake time to train.

"Everyone come out!"

Lin Xuan threw out the Spirit Ball in his hand, and many Pokémon all appeared in this newly built training ground.

The Pokémon looked left and right, very curious about this unfamiliar environment.

"Okay, okay!"

Lin Xuan clapped his hands and attracted the attention of the Pokémon to himself.

And the Pokémon who looked around also looked at Lin Xuan with interest at this time.


Lin Xuan cleared his throat, and then distributed tasks to the various Pokémon.

This training ground is very large, even if Lin Xuan's Pokémon have a few more, he can take it.

This is also what Lin Xuan deliberately let Lin Dayong do, the Pokémon he wants to get is not the current point, when facing different trainers, Lin Xuan will also choose different Pokémon, after all, no Pokémon can really be all-powerful, unless it is crushed in strength.

Looking at the Pokémon who were sweating freely in the training ground, Lin Xuan nodded with satisfaction, and then began his morning run.

In case of any unpredictable danger in the wild, it is also a good idea to learn to run skillfully.


"Knock, goo."

After finishing the morning training, Lin Xuan went home directly to eat breakfast, and Lin's mother was both satisfied and heartbroken when she saw her son working so hard.

But Lin Xuan was very calm, which was already his habit.

"Xiao Xuan, do you want to go to the mine with me to take a look?"

Lin Dayong at the table suddenly said to Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan, who was fighting with the food in front of him, was stunned at first when he heard his father's words, and then nodded and agreed, just because he has nothing to do in the past few days, it is not bad to go to see his family's mine.

So after eating breakfast, Lin Xuan followed Lin Dayong out of his house.

Sitting in the familiar car, Lin Xuan and they slowly drove to the location of the mine.

In just a moment, the car that was originally speeding on the road stopped, walked down the door, and what appeared in front of Lin Xuan was the familiar mine.

"How's that, remember how to walk inside?"

Lin Dayong said jokingly to Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan nodded and replied.

"It's only been a few months, can I still forget?"

Lin Dayong immediately smiled and walked in front of Lin Xuan.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan also hurriedly followed, and his speed also increased.

Walking into the mine, it was the big rock snake tunnel that Lin Xuan was familiar with, and Lin Dayong also took out a spirit ball from his pocket.

"Come out, big steel snake!"

As the owner of such a large mining enterprise, if Lin Dayong does not have a few Pokémon, he is not afraid of making people laugh when he says it.


Lin Xuan called the system in his heart and used the probe on the big steel snake in front of him.

His father didn't often release his Pokémon, and although Lin Xuan had been in this world for so long, he actually didn't see Lin Dayong's Pokémon very often.

Basically, I can only see it once or twice a month.

This is also related to the fact that Lin Dayong was very busy before, but Lin Xuan really did not know much about this big steel snake.


Elf: Big Steel Serpent

Attribute: Steel/Ground

Talent: Dojo-level

Strength: Dojo-level Mid-Skill:

Thunder Fang, Flame Fang, Frozen Fang, Sacrifice Collision, Sharp Stone Attack, Crushing...


Although the big steel snake in front of him is already the strength of the mid-stage of the Taoist level, Lin Xuan also knows that this is already the limit of this big steel snake, and the Pokémon that his father's strongest is not a big steel snake, but a dragon-headed gopher with the strength of the early stage of the lord level, otherwise his father would not have become a county head snake.

But this is not Lin Dayong's original Pokémon, but after Lin Dayong's career improved slightly, he spent nearly all his net worth to find someone to find connections, coupled with good luck, he caught the dragon head gopher who was still in the late stage of the dojo level at that time, and then it was a variety of high-level supplements to supply, which was able to upgrade the dragon head gopher to the lord level.

In fact, this is also a matter of no way, after all, if there is no strength, Lin Dayong may have any accident that day, after all, if you want to make a business bigger, it is not enough to just crawl in a county, you must need to trade outside, otherwise the ore produced by those mines has no place to sell.

Some big businesses must require Lin Dayong to come forward in person, otherwise the other party may think that you are not sincere, which will also have a certain impact on the next transaction.

In fact, some of the official positions are moisture, many of them rely on special methods to improve the level of Pokémon, such as exhausting the potential of Pokémon, etc., after all, if you become a high-ranking official in a certain place, in a certain place it is the treatment of the emperor of the soil, the world is so big today, and the transmission of news is not as fast as in the previous life, so the power of local officials is not small.

But there are also some people who are not willing to pursue fame and profit, but want to make some contributions to the country, and will choose to become the owner of the museum or the leader of some non-governmental organizations.

"Come up quickly!"

Lin Dayong interrupted Lin Xuan, who was still immersed in himself, Lin Xuan heard his father's shout, trotted two steps, and sat on the big steel snake.

"Have you sat down? It's time to go!

Lin Dayong reminded Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan nodded, and Lin Dayong ordered the big steel snake under his crotch to start advancing towards the depths of the mine.

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