
Elf Island, Su Yan felt refreshed after waking up.

When he came down from upstairs... breakfast was already on the table.

"Master, breakfast is ready for you."

Majiyana greeted him.

Su Yan looked helpless.

"Hey... Magiana, you take care of my daily life, I am very grateful for that, but why can't you change the habit of calling me master? Besides, I am not a royal family, so I don't need the royal etiquette."

However, Magiana shook her head and said:"Master, you picked me up from the waste pile, repaired me and gave me life again. In Magiana's heart, you will always be my master."

"……"Okay, okay." What else could Su Yan say? He had discussed this issue with Magyana more than once or twice.

It was useless.

Just as Su Yan sat down to enjoy breakfast, Magyana suddenly asked,"Master, you got up so late today, what should we do with the elf house?"

"I'll leave it to Diancie for now. The competition just ended yesterday, so I don't think too many people will come for the time being, and it can handle it."

The event held by Su Yan this time is actually a kind of popular science.

People are now not only aware of the power of Pokémon, but also more or less understand the change and restraint of attributes.

This is why he will use Hoopa's golden ring to broadcast live for those who cannot participate in the competition.

After all, watching is also a kind of learning.

And in the process of being hunted down, many contestants began to understand the wonderful uses of Pokémon moves, instead of just pursuing powerful attack skills.

In some cases, changing moves is more practical than powerful moves.

""Thank you, I'm full."

After a while, Su Yan had already eaten up all the breakfast.

Majiana saw that the breakfast she prepared was eaten up by Su Yan, which was the happiest thing for her every day.

"Are you going to the Elf House?"


Su Yan suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Magearna, I won't be going back to the Fairy Island in the next few days, you should take a good rest."


Majiana was slightly stunned and asked hurriedly:"Master, are you busy with something?"


Su Yan smiled and said,"After finishing the trivial matters in Liyue, I have to go to Xumi in person to open a new dimensional channel. Zygald has been looking forward to it for a long time.……"



"Little Princess Diancie, I want to draw a Pokémon!!!"

"Go, go, go to the back and line up. Who among you standing here doesn't want to draw a Pokémon?!"

"I'm not! I came here to ask Diancie about Pokémon."

"Huh? You have to queue up there too!"

When Su Yan returned to the Elf House, he saw a long queue of people early in the morning, stretching from the counter to the end of Liyue Street.

"Ah this……"

Outrageous, outrageous!

Just now he said that there shouldn't be too many people coming.

At this time.

Diancie stood at the counter, cooperating with Rotom to let the guests draw elves.

But after all, Diancie was the first day to take Su Yan's hand, and because there were too many customers, she was a little flustered.

At this time

""Hey, Boss Su Yan!"

Hu Tao also joined the long queue, holding a white candle with blue flames in her hand.

When she saw Su Yan coming out of the room,

Hu Tao ran to the corridor and then held up the candle.

"Boss, look!"

Su Yan glanced at Zhu Guangling, who was the one he had told Hu Tao to subdue yesterday.

"I didn't expect you to conquer it in one night. It seems that you two are destined to be together." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Hu Tao patted his chest proudly, and then said:"I sat on the grave and chatted with it all night last night. I originally wanted to come to Diancie to buy Poké Balls, but I didn't expect your store to be so busy today."

After saying that, Hu Tao rubbed Su Yan with his hand, with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

"Boss Su Yan, your popularity has been taken away by Diancie. That's right, you look too fierce and give people the impression that you are difficult to get along with."

"In terms of popularity, how can I possibly compare to my little princess?"[]

Su Yan didn't care about these things. Diancie was his Pokémon and a little princess. She was more popular than him, so he would only feel happy.

As for being fierce... would she be?

Su Yan shook his head, then took out a Poké Ball from somewhere and gently threw it to Hu Tao.

"Here, you don't have to queue up, this Poké Ball is for you."

Hu Tao quickly took the Poké Ball in his hand.

"Wow~ Boss, you are so nice!"

Excited Hu Tao immediately said:"Oh, Boss, actually you are a very nice person, and you are also very handsome. Let me tell you, if you smile more gently, you will definitely charm many girls."

In fact, Su Yan is indeed very handsome, and his facial features are all handsome.

In addition, the way he treats people and things gives people a sense of being omnipotent.

It is really attractive.

But because of this, the sense of mystery he possesses will also give people a sense of respect but not approachability.

It is estimated that only Hu Tao dares to say such things in front of Su Yan.

"You guy……"

Su Yan immediately reached out and rubbed Hu Tao's hat vigorously.

"A child who hasn't even fully grown yet is actually teaching me"

"Wow, wow, the hat is crooked!!!"

Hu Tao quickly straightened the hat that was crooked by Su Yan, then glared at Su Yan angrily and even made a face

"Lululu, I'm already 16 years old. In two years, I'll definitely have a better figure than Ningguang and Beidou."

After saying that, she immediately jumped out of the corridor, then turned around with a mischievous look on her face.

"Just wait and see!"

Then he ran out of the elf house without looking back.

"Heh... this guy is actually shy?"

Su Yan raised his eyebrows. Is Hu Tao like this?

Forget it.

Look at Diancie again. After doing a few rounds of business, her movements are becoming more and more skilled.

There is no problem leaving the Elf House to it.

"By the way... I didn't see Ying yesterday."

Ying was there to watch the Pokemon battle the day before yesterday.

But she didn't show up for yesterday's game, after all, it was a game that the Son of God also participated in.

It's a bit strange...

Su Yan's face moved. For him, the land of Liyue only takes a moment to scan a person, not to mention that Ying's breath of the God of Thunder is particularly easy to find.

After locking on Ying's trail...

Su Yan's face suddenly flashed with surprise.

"It turned out that she had found the elves she liked...but why was she just staring at them?"

"Forget it, let's go and take a look."

Su Yan was about to go to Ying's side, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered what Hu Tao had said.

"A gentle smile?……"

I want to say:

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