"Miss Keqing is right, it is indeed the king of fish, even its name contains the word"king"……"

Looking at the picture Ningguang extracted, Su Yan laughed.

The picture showed a red carp. Just as Keqing said, it was indeed wearing a golden crown.

But it gave the impression that its eyes were dull...

It didn't seem very smart.

"Magikarp, that's its name."

Just after Su Yan said the name of this Pokémon.

Ningguang, Keqing (exclaimed at the same time):"Magikarp?"

No matter what kind of world it is in, as long as it carries the word 'king', it must be prepared.

What's more, koi has various special meanings.

Ningguang hurriedly looked at the picture again.

Although it doesn't look very good... but it has a crown.

Although it is stupid... but it has a crown.

Although it doesn't look smart... but its name has the word 'king'.

Well, Ningguang really couldn't convince herself.

She turned to Su Yan and asked:"Could it be that this is the legendary Pokémon that Mr. Su Yan mentioned? Is it powerful? Since it can be called the 'king', there must be something special about it, right?"

This question made Su Yan suddenly pop up a picture in his mind.

Everyone here is garbage.jpg

As soon as the picture appeared, Su Yan shook his head and said:"If you want to say what's special, Magikarp is born with a skill called 'Water Splash Leap'. Once it is used, nothing will happen."

The voice fell.



If there was a table in front of her at this moment, Ningguang would definitely (flip the table.jpg) Keqing, on the other hand, was laughing in her heart...

Apart from anything else, she was so glad that she drew the charcoal servant, who could evolve into a knight in the future.

Everyone has a competitive spirit, and it was not easy for her to hold back her laughter when she saw Ningguang draw the 'fish' for the first time. When Su Yan saw Ningguang's eyes become silent, he became very speechless.

He smiled and said,"Miss Ningguang, there is no need to be like this. Have you heard of 'carp leaping over the dragon gate'?"

"You mean, this fish can turn into a dragon?"

Ningguang's eyes suddenly lit up.

She was very smart. Just from Su Yan's words, she could tell that this Magikarp must not be that simple.

Su Yan nodded and immediately explained,"Yes, Magikarp can evolve into Gyarados, a very powerful Pokémon."

Keqing's eyes widened immediately.

"Can it really evolve into a dragon?!"

Ningguang's gloom was swept away.


In the world of Teyvat, dragons are very powerful creatures.

You should know that the God of Wind in Mondstadt owns an East Wind Dragon.

She recently received news that the dragon had messed up the Mondstadt region and left the Knights of Favonius helpless... although she also heard that the matter had been resolved.

Even so, if she could get a dragon, she would be excited just thinking about it.

Ningguang immediately asked with great interest:"Mr. Su Yan, can you tell me about the characteristics of Gyarados?"


Su Yan suddenly frowned, thought about it carefully, and then answered Ningguang's question.

"It can't fly, which should be considered a characteristic for a dragon, right?"


There is no doubt that Su Yan's popular science made Ningguang unable to close her mouth for a long time.

She was silent again.


Can't fly?

After a while...

Ningguang said:"I choose to draw again."

Su Yan smiled and shook his head

"Yes, 100,000 Mora, and the price of the remaining three re-draws will be doubled."

"No problem."

As expected of the richest woman in Liyue, this Mora is nothing to Ningguang.

In fact, Magikarp is very strong after evolving into Gyarados.

Of course,

Su Yan did not tell Ningguang that Gyarados can also super evolve, which is stronger than the"quasi-god" she has been thinking about.

It's a pity that Magikarp is not suitable for a novice like Ningguang to cultivate.

At least before it evolves into Gyarados, it will be very painful to cultivate it.

"Then... I'm going to start!"

After passing Magikarp, Rotom immediately turned the screen back on.

Hundreds of pictures flashed by in one second.

Ningguang knew that everything was up to luck.

After a few seconds,……


As the words fell, the Rotom Atlas also stopped turning.

And the picture that appeared on the screen this time... After Ningguang saw it, she immediately covered her eyes, unable to bear to look at it any longer.

"Bug, bug?!"

Keqing was trying hard to hold back her laughter.

Apart from anything else, the picture showed a yellow and gold unicorn bug.

Even without Su Yan's explanation, they knew that it was definitely not that strong...

Su Yan also shook his head. He actually drew a [unicorn bug]. Ningguang's luck was really bad.

"Still want to continue? This time it's 200,000 Mora"


Ningguang nodded without thinking.

To be honest, when she thought about the fact that Keqing's charcoal servant could evolve into a blue flame blade ghost in the future, she would never admit defeat.

Otherwise, Ningguang would not have become the richest person in Liyue.

""Let's begin!"

Rotom shouted, and the screen started to spin rapidly again.

This time, Ningguang decided not to look at the screen anymore. She just followed her heart and watched the video.……


Since her luck was so bad the last two times, when the picture stopped rotating this time, Ningguang didn't immediately check what elf she had drawn. She was very nervous.

But Keqing next to her couldn't hold back any more.

"Ningguang, why do you always draw either bugs or fish?"


Ningguang was stunned.

Fish again?

Could it be that all her luck had run out today?

She quickly looked at the Rotom Pokémon, and then a look of disappointment flashed across her eyes.

As expected, the Pokémon she drew this time was……

"This one looks like a round shark with legs. It doesn't look like a powerful character, nor is it cute. It's quite fierce."

It's no wonder Ningguang said that...

After all, compared with Keqing's charcoal servant, this elf in the picture is indeed more weird in her opinion.

And the bad luck one after another made Ningguang wonder if she didn't wash her face in the morning.


"Boss, keep drawing."

However, just as Ningguang's voice fell, Su Yan smiled and asked,"Oh, are you sure you want to keep drawing? Are you going to give up a quasi-god Pokémon just like that?"

"Um... what?"

Ningguang, who had already lost hope in life, just nodded. Now she seemed to have just thought about the second half of Su Yan's words. She suddenly raised her head.

""Accurate, accurate?"

Keqing pointed at the illustrated screen in disbelief.

"Boss, you said this shark with legs is a quasi-god?!"

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