"Night Stone?"

When Su Yan asked Tang Ming how Nidoking evolved, he finally got the answer.

You know... in the elf world, Nidoking relies on the Moon Stone to evolve.

But there is no Moon Stone in Teyvat...

So when Tang Ming sent Nidoking, Su Yan was surprised.

Tang Ming explained naively:"Yes, to be honest, I work in mining. I went to the mine with Nidoking a few days ago. It seemed that it was very interested in the Night Stone. As a result, after Nidoking touched the stone, it, it evolved."

"So that's it... Did the power of moonlight make Nidorino evolve?"

Su Yan finally understood the answer now.

Teyvat and the elf world have many similarities, there is no doubt about that.

Otherwise, he would not let Pokémon come to this world.

Everything can be replaced...

Just like Keqing found the cursed armor in Inazuma, allowing Tanjiro to evolve into Blade of the Flame.

Now Tang Ming's Nidorino has found the Night Stone that replaces the Moon Stone.

"Thank you for your discovery. Tomorrow you will go to the [Pokemon Record Room] to record this discovery. I will ask the person in charge there to give you another 10 million Mora reward. 22" After the words fell, Tang Ming was immediately overjoyed.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Boss Su Yan!"

Although he had passed the second level before and received a reward of 10 million Mora.

But who would complain about having too much money?

So after receiving another reward from Su Yan, Tang Ming immediately said to Wan You excitedly:"Brother, I'll treat you tonight."

"Haha, that must be the Liuli Pavilion!"

"Xinyuexuan is not bad either!"

Both of them are straightforward people, and they seem to be good friends. The outcome of the game doesn't seem to be that important to them.

In fact, this is true.

Many people came to this competition to prove themselves, and they are undoubtedly such people.

Winning makes you happy.

Losing doesn't matter.

The four contestants left the competition venue one after another.

And now……

"It's our turn now." Ningguang and Ganyu looked at each other.

That's right, they were the last to play.

At the same time, they looked in the direction of their opponents...

Coincidentally, Beidou and Xingqiu also walked over slowly.

"Ningguang, I will not lose to you again today."

Ningguang smiled faintly:"Hehe... Beidou, where does your confidence come from?"

If she remembered correctly... since Beidou drew the Baby Dragon, he has run to the Jade Pavilion several times to challenge himself.

Of course, he was defeated by the Sharptooth Land Shark every time, and Beidou's Baby Dragon never won.

Who knew...

Beidou suddenly nodded and said:"Indeed, when it comes to Pokémon, there is a high probability that I can't beat you"


Ningguang suddenly frowned. It was not like Beidou to give up so easily.


However, the next second, Beidou suddenly asked loudly towards the ring:"Su Yan, look at the next match, the four of us are all owners of the Eye of God, do you think we should change the rules to allow trainers to participate?!"

After this,

Su Yan's expression was obviously slightly stunned.

The others were even more so...

At this time, Beidou rubbed his nose

"Hehe, didn’t Keqing and Ningguang almost fight on Liyue Street? I think that’s fine, as long as they have the same stance, what does it matter?"


Facing Beidou's proposal, Su Yan raised his eyebrows, and thought about it carefully...

He had clearly stipulated that for this competition, trainers could only give orders to Pokémon, and could not interfere in the competition.

Of course, this rule was to ensure fairness, after all

, there were ordinary people among the contestants. If the trainer personally participated, it would be too unfair to these ordinary people. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Su Yan glanced at the three teams that had advanced in front.

Klee, Yanfei.

Keqing, Lisa.

Xiangling, Yunjin[]

There are also Ningguang and Ganyu who have not started the game yet, as well as Beidou and Xingqiu who proposed this idea.

That's right.

These people are undoubtedly all owners of the Eye of God.

"It seems interesting."

Su Yan knew very well that this was Teyvat, not the elf world.

Although the owners of the Eye of God were not as resistant as those in the elf world, they were better in terms of combat power.

It was indeed interesting to be able to fight with Pokémon.

Thinking of this……

"Yes, I agree. In the next match, trainers can also play, but there is a prerequisite, that is, the opponent must agree."

Yes, Su Yan agreed.

Beidou's proposal is harmless, no, it can even be said that this is the characteristic of Teyvat.

Su Yan does not want to mold Teyvat into the shape of the elf world.

As long as it is fair, there will be no problem.

After getting Su Yan's consent……

"Haha, good, Su Yan, I was right about you, so straightforward!"

Beidou immediately gave Su Yan an admiring look, that was just her personality.

Then, she looked at Ningguang.……

"What do you think, Ningguang? Su Yan has already agreed. Do you dare to accept it?!"

"……Haha, Beidou, your idea is really interesting.

Ningguang chuckled and then made a statement:"You said Su Yan has agreed. As the Tianquan Star of Liyue, how can I refuse?"

From then on, everyone saw and heard the conversation between Beidou and Ningguang and Su Yan's nod of agreement.

"The trainer personally goes to the battle?! Holy shit, this is going to be exciting!"

"Captain Beidou and Lady Ningguang are both powerful beings who possess the Eye of God. The outcome of this match is unpredictable!"

"You are truly worthy of being Captain Beidou. This is creating a new rule."

"No no no, you forgot, Lady Keqing and Lady Ningguang had already fought on Liyue Street before"

"Ah yes, I was there too, but unfortunately I was stopped by the captain of the Wudao Xiong Division"

"What are you talking about? That was on Liyue Street. What would have happened if they had fought? Fortunately, the captain of the Wudao Xiong Division stopped them."

"Yes, but this is a ring now.……"

I have to say.

At this moment, the scene is getting more and more heated.

If it weren't for the fact that the next person to appear on the stage was the leader of the Seven Stars of Liyue, there would definitely be many people shouting for a fight.

After all, people with the Eye of God were once the envy of countless people.

Now they have to fight side by side with Pokémon, who can not be excited?

Even the contestants are eager to try.

Keqing also remembered the undecided victory and defeat with Ningguang at that time.

"Haha, the game is getting more and more interesting. Who will our next opponent be?"

I want to say:

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