"I didn't expect your baby Dragonite to evolve, congratulations."

On the stage, Ningguang's congratulations came from the front.

Ningguang knew how difficult it was to evolve a quasi-god Pokémon.

Although she didn't know many Pokémon, ordinary Pokémon at this level had almost reached their final evolution.

In comparison...

Quasi-gods had just reached their first evolution.

What's more, the cultivation of quasi-god Pokémon was much more difficult than that of ordinary Pokémon. Otherwise... With Ningguang's financial resources and resources, the fanged Land Shark would probably have reached level 40.

In the face of Ningguang's congratulations, Beidou smiled and said,"That's not right. I'm not like you who have duties to do every day. I'm either looking for friends to fight or on the way to fight every day." As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that Xingqiu, Xiangling, Yunjin, Hutao, Xinyan and others suddenly changed their expressions.

In fact, before the game started, Beidou looked for everyone he knew.

As for what to do... the answer is self-evident.

You know, in the second game, Beidou's baby Dragonite had not yet evolved into a Carapace Dragonite.

"Haha, that's your style indeed."

Ningguang smiled and then looked at Ganyu again:"Are you ready?"

Ganyu immediately swung her slender arms.

The next second, a longbow suddenly appeared in her hand.

""It's ready at 050."

At this moment, there was a sudden bang from the opposite side.

Beidou had a huge sword in his hand and then inserted it into the ring.

"Hahaha, come on, Kabutosaurus, it’s time to defeat Ningguang!"


Xingqiu beside him shook his head, and then held a long sword in his hand, looking like an immortal...

At this moment

, the fighting arena gradually became tense from the previous chats and laughter.

Obviously, everyone has their own reasons for wanting to win this game!

"In this case, I'll come first.……"

Ningguang attacked first. She immediately shouted,"Glazius, use [Dragon Breath] to attack Kabutosaurus!"

Although Kabutosaurus looked strange and didn't look strong at all,

Ningguang had no intention of underestimated it. After all, it was a quasi-god Pokémon.

So she let Galezius use a long-range attack that it was not good at.

Even so...

Dragon Breath is a dragon-type move, which just happens to restrain Kabutosaurus.


Galezius suddenly opened its shark-like mouth (cccj) and spit out a blue breath that looked like a flame.

Of course, Beidou would never watch his Kabutosaurus being hit so easily.

"It's not that easy to attack from a distance. Kabutosaurus uses [Hold】!"

As soon as the words fell... the Kabutosaurus slightly stomped the ground with its front feet, and a shield of mysterious power appeared around its body, wrapping it tightly.

At this moment!

The blue flame breath just submerged the Kabutosaurus.

However, Ningguang's face did not show any joy.

She had fought with Beidou too many times, so she knew very well that when the Kabutosaurus used [Hold], her attack would be ineffective.

Ningguang immediately shouted to the side:"Ganyu!"

But just as the words came out of her mouth……

""I've already aimed."

At this moment, Ganyu had already drawn the longbow in her hand and aimed at the position where the Kabutosaurus was submerged by the breath.

Who knew... at this moment, Xingqiu's voice came from afar.

"Sorry, I can't let you succeed."

The shadow of Du Jianshao suddenly stretched out very long, and rushed towards Ganyu.

Then... Xingqiu shouted softly:"Now, Shadow Attack!"

However, what was unexpected was... Facing the [Shadow Attack] that Xingqiu asked Du Jianshao to use, Ganyu didn't even look at it, let alone pay attention to the other party.

She still locked her eyes on the Kabutosaurus, and then loosened the bowstring in her hand.

""Go!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A flash of arrow light was released from Ganyu's hand.

At the same time, the [Dragon Breath] of the Sharptooth Land Shark had dissipated. As Ningguang guessed, the Kabutosaurus was unharmed.

The Kabutosaurus completely defended against the attack of the Sharptooth Land Shark with [Defend].


Just as the shield around the Kabutosaurus dissipated, Ganyu's arrow broke through the air.

The arrow landed on the Kabutosaurus at the right time.

But what was even more unexpected was that... just as the arrow touched the Kabutosaurus, it was actually bounced away.


Ganyu's face suddenly flashed with astonishment.

Her arrow was actually bounced away?

At the same time!

The shadow of the Du Jianshao, which had been attacking her for a long time, suddenly broke away from the ground and slashed at Ganyu like a black flying sword.

But, just when it landed on Ganyu's head...


A rock-colored gem that was shining with brilliance seemed to appear out of thin air and blocked the attack of the Du Jianshao for Ganyu.

Look at Ningguang again...

At this time, she raised her eyebrows and was staring at the Kabutops, but her hand was reaching out to Ganyu, and there was a faint rock attribute element emerging.

That's right.

The gem that blocked the attack for Ganyu came from Ningguang's power.

Only when Ganyu came to her senses and was about to let the Ice Dragon deal with the Du Jianshao...

Xingqiu saw that the attack missed, and hurriedly shouted:"Du Jianshao, quickly take back the shadow!"

The shadow's speed is super fast...

Ganyu understood that even if she wanted to chase it now, it was too late.

At this moment.

Beidou, who had been standing in the same place from beginning to end, suddenly laughed:"Hahaha... What do you think, Ningguang, Ganyu, my Kabutops' defense is very powerful!"

"Very strong, I didn't expect that even Ganyu's bow and arrow could not break through Kabutops' defense, it's really amazing."

Ningguang nodded immediately, praising Kabutops.

And it came from the heart.

If Garchomp is good at attacking, then Kabutops is a defensive quasi-god.

But after seeing Beidou's incomparable calmness, Xingqiu broke into a sweat and said,"Hey, Miss Beidou, can you be serious? You scared me to death just now."


Beidou laughed and explained to Xingqiu,"I was just testing you."

"……That's true."

Xingqiu nodded secretly. He was smart, but his opponents were Ningguang and Ganyu. They were smarter than Xingqiu.

And Xingqiu was not like Beidou. She and Ningguang knew each other very well.

Now that he thought about it carefully... the attack by the Sharptooth Land Shark and Ganyu just now was really just to test the defense of the Kabutops. No wonder Beidou was always calm and didn't make a move.

It was Xingqiu who got anxious first.

"No, I have to stay calm."

He took a deep breath.

After Ganyu's attack failed, she had been thinking until she suddenly said to Ningguang:


I see, I think... I already know how to deal with Kabutops!".

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