On the stage, Beidou's giant sword was pointed directly at Ganyu.

Purple lightning continued to surge out of her body, blasting the ground into pits one after another.

"Good, strong, and terrifying momentum"

"Is Captain Beidou okay? I think she looks very painful, but the thunder she emits is so powerful."

"This... How could it become like this?"

I have to say.

On the stage, Beidou's momentum was high. Although she had a cool smile on her face, in fact, cold sweat was already pouring out of her forehead at this moment.

Seeing this, Su Yan shook his head helplessly.

"Alas... it's still too early. Besides, this guy is really risking his life. He actually forcibly absorbs [electromagnetic waves] and turns them into his own power. Isn't he afraid of heart paralysis?"

At this moment.

Only Su Yan could see Beidou's condition.

Although she seemed to have recovered her movements and the [Paralysis] state seemed to have disappeared.

But in fact, she forcibly absorbed the power of the electromagnetic waves and suppressed it in her body.

If the heart is paralyzed too much... the consequences will be disastrous.


Su Yan agreed to let the trainer leave the game, hoping that the trainer could focus on assistance.

But Ganyu, 23 Beidou, and Xingqiu turned to take the lead.

In the final analysis, it was too early.

Their Pokémon are not strong enough, not strong enough to make them completely dependent.

Ningguang did a good job in this regard...

She is still focusing on Garchomp, and she acts as an auxiliary to greatly enhance Garchomp's power.

Looking at Beidou again...

Su Yan raised his eyebrows, and his hand shook, as if he wanted to stop the game.

But... soon, he shook his head secretly:"Forget it, let you be a negative example this time."

At the same time...

Beidou was sweating all over, even so, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

"Ganyu, try the combined ultimate move of Kabutosaurus and me!" As soon as the voice fell,

Beidou roared again:"Kabutosaurus, use the water cannon to attack!" Kabutosaurus had already made preparations...

When Beidou thundered, Kabutosaurus had already absorbed a large amount of water elements.

Then... it aimed at the direction of Ganyu and the Ice Dragon.


The big mouth of Kabutosaurus hidden in the shell suddenly spit out a huge column of water.

And when the water column was launched from the mouth of Kabutosaurus, Beidou placed the giant sword wrapped with lightning across the water column.


In an instant, she released all the thunder elements in her body, and then used the giant sword as a conductor to transport them all into the [Water Cannon].

"This is the ultimate move of me and Kabutosaurus [Electric Water Cannon】!!!"


Ganyu never expected that Beidou would actually have an elemental reaction with her Pokémon.

There was no time to think...

Ganyu hurriedly shouted:"Ice Dragon, use the Aurora Beam!!!" As soon as the voice fell, the Ice Dragon beside Ganyu also suddenly spit out an ice energy beam like an aurora.

Because of the ice element energy that the ice lotus had exploded before, it was still all over the ring at this moment.

So the Ice Dragon was able to use it easily.

At this moment.

Ice and water, the two attacks of the beam and the water column collided with each other.

In theory... Although ice cannot restrain the water attribute, it can freeze water.

This is actually the case.

However, when the Aurora Beam just froze the water cannon into ice, the thunder element contained in the water column instantly destroyed the solidified ice. There is no doubt that this is the power of the water element mixed with the thunder element.

Seeing that the Ice Dragon's Aurora Beam was defeated.

Ganyu hurriedly raised her hand, and saw an ice-colored bead with runes rising from her hand.

""Send down the heavenly flowers, the Ice Spirit Pearl!"

In an instant!

The temperature of the ring suddenly became extremely cold.

The Ice Spirit Pearl in Ganyu's hand suddenly rushed into the sky and then started to rotate at high speed.

As the Ice Spirit Pearl rotated, prismatic ice pillars began to fall from the heads of Beidou and Kabutosaurus.

At the same time... the Ice Snow Dragon's Aurora Beam also gradually exerted its strength, and it unexpectedly turned from a disadvantage to an advantage.

As mentioned before...

Kabutosaurus is afraid of several attributes such as ice, dragons, and fairies.

Ganyu's moves caused the temperature of the entire ring to drop sharply, which weakened the Kabutosaurus. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the other hand... the Ice Snow Dragon is an ice-attributed elf. With the blessing of the temperature, its power has become even stronger.……

"Damn it... Have you lost yet?"

Seeing that most of the water cannon attack of the Kabutosaurus had been frozen into icicles, Beidou knew that he was going to lose...

And the most important thing was... From just now on, the numbness in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.[]

Until this moment.


She couldn't even hold her weapon tightly, and could only let the giant sword fall to the ground.

The purple lightning gushing out of her body gradually subsided.

"Lost, lost."

Then... Beidou fell powerlessly on the stage.

Without Beidou's lightning, the power of the Kabutosaurus' water cannon was greatly reduced.

The Ice Dragon's Aurora Beam took advantage of the situation...

In a blink of an eye, the water cannon and the Kabutosaurus were frozen into a huge popsicle.

It can be seen that...

Ganyu won the fierce battle with Beidou.


However, Ganyu did not show any joy. She quickly put away the Ice Spirit Pearl and ran towards the place where Beidou fell.

At this moment... both the audience under the ring and Beidou's friends could not sit still.

Hu Tao and Xin Yan, who were watching the game from afar, jumped down from the mountain.

At the same time……

"Quicksand hell!"

"Xingqiu! You lose!���"

The battle between Ningguang and Xingqiu had also been decided.

Xingqiu was trapped in the sandstorm, and the outcome was actually clear...

Until this moment, the Sharptoothed Land Shark dragged the Sword Scabbard into the quicksand hell, and it no longer had the strength to fight.

As Su Yan had proposed before... once a Pokémon loses, its trainer can no longer attack.

At this moment.

Xingqiu took a look at the Sword Scabbard, which had lost its fighting power, and automatically put away the long sword in his hand.

"I, I lost"


Seeing that Xingqiu was defeated, Ningguang also 343 exhaled unconsciously.

To be honest, she didn't expect that Dujianshao would be so difficult at first. It has strong defense and is a ghost and steel-type Pokémon. There is almost no means to restrain the Sharptooth Land Shark.

If it hadn't been trapped in the sandstorm, it would not be easy to defeat it head-on.

And... the most important thing is.

Ningguang suddenly said to Xingqiu:"You are very calm and powerful, but you haven't been able to fully trust your partner. This is why you lost to me."

After this,

Xingqiu was stunned for a moment, because he couldn't refute Ningguang's words.

After all, in the battle, Ningguang can always create favorable conditions for the Sharptooth Land Shark...

On the contrary, her own attacks are more ineffective, and Dujianshao has become her assistant.

Thinking of this, Xingqiu nodded immediately:"Thank you for your advice, this is indeed my shortcoming, I hope I can still ask you for advice in the future"


Ningguang nodded with a smile, and then signaled to the Sharptooth Land Shark,"Put away the sandstorm."

In the sandstorm, they couldn't see what was happening outside, and likewise, the outsiders couldn't see what was happening inside.

But at least Ningguang did involve Xingqiu, but she didn't know whether Ganyu won or lost...

Xingqiu was the same, and he urgently needed to know what was happening on Beidou's side.

But just as the sandstorm dissipated... Ningguang and Xingqiu were stunned. It was because on the stage, Beidou fell straight to the ground, and Su Yan was squatting beside her.

And Ganyu was standing next to her with a nervous look on her face.……

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su Yan, is Bei, Beidou okay?".


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