Klee's operation made countless people present drop their teeth in shock.

One explosion.

The opponent, teammate, and herself, all three were killed.

In most people's minds, the explosion power of the Naughty Thunder Bomb is huge.

Except for Su Yan's Pokémon... it is the most powerful power that everyone present has ever seen.

Look, even the ring was blown into a large concave hole.

Just based on this point, no contestant present can do it... In this case, Keqing's Blue Flame Blade Demon is probably in danger.

Who knew that when many spectators were thinking about how to judge the outcome of this game... in the last wisp of smoke, a purple figure loomed.

When the breeze blew... the Blue Flame Blade Demon emerged from the smoke.

And its location was also in the huge pit caused by the Naughty Thunder Bomb.

What's even more terrifying is……

"Hey, Cang, Cang Flame Blade Ghost is still standing?!"

"How is this possible? The other Pokémon have lost their combat effectiveness, but how can Cang and Cang Yan Blade Ghost be unharmed?!"

"Could it be that the explosion just now did not affect it?"

"How is this possible? Didn't you see that the Blue Blade Ghost was also standing in the pit created by the explosion?!"

That's right.

The Blue Blade Ghost was still standing straight, very close to the unconscious Roentgen Cat.

But what was strange was that the Blue Blade Ghost was not unconscious like the other Pokémons, and it didn't even look like it was injured.

The most surprising person was undoubtedly Keqing.

""Blue Blade Ghost!"

When she saw that Blue Blade Ghost was safe, her originally worried face suddenly turned into a smile.

Her worry was not about the outcome, but about the safety of Blue Blade Ghost.

On the other hand...

Yan Fei had been stunned at this moment, and seemed to have not reacted yet.

Looking at Ke Li...

As the culprit, she had already opened her mouth wide.

"How, how could this happen? Why did the explosion of the naughty bomb hit me?!"

"Kelly didn't mean it.……"

""Keli really didn't mean it."

It can be seen that Keli herself was in disbelief at this moment.

Obviously, she thought the explosion of the naughty mine was the same as the bouncing bomb... and could be used to blow up other things.

Thinking of this...

Keli's eyes were suddenly filled with tears, and she walked towards Yan Fei, like a child who had done something wrong, desperately apologizing.

"Sister Yanfei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't know it would be like this"


As Keli apologized, Yan Fei finally came back to her senses.

At this moment, seeing Keli's tears, she suddenly smiled, touched Keli's hat, and comforted her.

"Little Klee, don't worry. In fact, without you, our defeat would have been a matter of time. In fact, your Naughty Thunder Bomb played a great role. You see, at least we defeated the Poison Rose and didn't lose so badly."

Yan Fei's words were not just to comfort Klee.

As she said... before the Naughty Thunder Bomb [self-destructed], the Roentgen Cat had been beaten by the Blue Flame Blade Ghost without any resistance.

If it continues like that, it won't take long for the Roentgen Cat to be defeated.

By then... under the pincer attack of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and the Poison Rose, it was natural for the Naughty Thunder Bomb to be defeated. Although the current result is unexpected, the Poison Rose was defeated by them after all.

As Yan Fei said... losing is not such a bad loss


Faced with Yan Fei's safety, Ke Li finally felt better.

But looking at Naughty Thunder Bomb again...……

"Sorry, Naughty Thunderbolt, Klee will never let you use explosions indiscriminately again."

Looking at Naughty Thunderbolt with circles in his eyes, Klee still felt distressed...

Of course,

Lisa also felt distressed.

"I didn't expect Klee's Naughty Thunder Bomb to be so powerful. I'm sorry, Poison Rose, I made a wrong judgment."

Seeing Poison Rose fainting on the ground, Lisa immediately took out the Poké Ball to recover it.

At this moment. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Keqing came over and asked,"Ms. Lisa, you already knew that the explosion of the Naughty Thunder Bomb has no effect on the Blue Blade Demon, right?"

Seeing that the Blue Blade Demon was fine, Keqing was naturally happy.

But this also reminded her of Lisa's gesture to her before.


However, Lisa nodded her cheek.

Should I tell Keqing?

In fact, she was afraid that Klee would destroy everything with Thunderbolt, so she investigated in advance...

Thunderbolt's self-destruction is a normal skill.

But normal skills are ineffective against ghost-type Pokémon.

Blade of the Flame is a Pokémon with both fire and ghost attributes.

So, Lisa signaled Keqing to let Blade of the Flame hold back the Roentgen Cat.

"To be honest……"

But just when Lisa was about to give the answer...

Su Yan made a judgment at this time

"In this match, Miss Keqing and Miss Lisa won."

"I'm sorry... Klee and Miss Yanfei, you are eliminated."

That's right.

Keqing and Lisa won.

Although Lisa's Poison Rose also lost its combat effectiveness.

But don't forget, this is a doubles match. Pokémon that have lost their combat effectiveness just can't continue to join the game after treatment, but it does not prevent teammates from advancing together after winning.

After Su Yan's verdict...

Lisa patted her chest and said with a smile:"Huh, thanks to your Blue Flame Blade Ghost, my Poison Rose also advanced."

Unexpectedly, Keqing shook her head.

"No way, Miss Lisa has taught me a lot in these two games. If I still hold on to my previous attitude, I might have been eliminated in the previous games. I underestimated other opponents in the past."

"But if I didn’t have you as a teammate, I wouldn’t have come this far."

The two were polite to each other, but what they said was correct.

If Keqing didn’t have Lisa as a teammate, it would definitely not be as easy as it is now to get here, and she might even lose.

On the other hand, Lisa is also...

In terms of combat power, Poison Rose is far inferior to Blue Flame Blade Ghost, and it is not easy for her to get here alone.

163 can only say that their team complements each other, which is...


At this time, Lisa smiled and said,"But next we may very well be opponents."

"……Haha, to be honest, I really don't want to fight with you."

Keqing understood Lisa's words very well.

That's right.

The doubles match ended here, and the next four people would return to singles.

I wonder... who will be her opponent in the next match?

Thinking of this, Keqing's eyes slowly moved to the bottom of the ring.

Ningguang? Ganyu?

Or... Xiangling or Yunjin?[]

In short, she really didn't want to fight against Lisa!

On the other side... as Su Yan announced the result of the game.

Yan Fei was smiling and saying to Klee:"It's okay, Klee, you see we have come this far, which proves that we are very powerful!"

After the previous comfort, Klee's tears stopped.

At the same time, they have all taken back the Pokémon.

Looking at the Poké Ball in her hand, Klee nodded repeatedly and said:"Hehe, it's all because of Sister Yan Fei's good teaching."

Seeing the harmonious picture of both sides.

What's more, after these games, the loser is not discouraged.

This is the picture he wants to see the most.

……Now the competition is drawing to a close.

Su Yan suddenly felt very happy, and at the same time he remembered his promise to the contestants.

"Speaking of which, the winner will get Articuno and a place in the alliance, and what should we give to the top two or three?……"

I want to say:

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