"A battle between elves?

Ningguang and Keqing were both stunned.

But Keqing frowned.

"Mr. Su Yan, are you too impatient? Not many people know about Pokemon now."

In Keqing's opinion, the only people who know about Pokemon so far are her and Ningguang.

No, to be more precise, both of them only know a little bit, otherwise they would not have almost joined the battle just now.

However, Su Yan asked back without any concern.

"Miss Keqing, do you think so?"

Then, he glanced at the crowd around him.

"Everyone, are you interested in the Pokémon that Miss Ningguang and Miss Keqing just sent out?"

During the Pokémon battle between Ningguang and Keqing... In

Liyue Street, in addition to the 'businessmen' who had been waiting for Ningguang at the door of the store, there were also many passers-by who heard the news and came.

At this time, the entire street had been surrounded by people.

Countless people saw the Pokémon duel between the two, and they were full of curiosity at first. They were curious that monsters could obey human orders and fight.

But that was all. After all, although the duel between the two Pokémon was exciting, in the eyes of many people, it was only good for fighting wild boars.

You have to know that this is Teyvat, where Pokémon and Compared to the God's Eye owners they knew, its power was still far behind.

Although some people were curious, most people did not take it seriously.

After all, they were not like Keqing and Ningguang, who had seen Menghuan display his divine power.

Until later... when the martial arts bear master appeared and easily resisted the attacks of Ningguang and Keqing, two top God's Eye owners, then countless people were truly moved!

Only now did they understand that this pet could be so ridiculously strong!

Even stronger than the top God's Eye owners!

At this time, Su Yan's words undoubtedly aroused doubts in the hearts of countless people.

"Ah, so those pets are called Pokémon?!"

"Yes, yes, yes, boss, the Pokémon of Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing were bought from you?"

"Can I have that bear?!"

"If I had this Pokémon, I wouldn't have to envy those with the God's Eye anymore!"

The noisy crowd's reaction seemed to answer Keqing's doubts.

Ningguang was not surprised at all by the crowd's reaction.

She raised the corner of her mouth to smile, as if she saw Keqing more clearly.

"Haha, Mr. Su Yan asked the two of us to fight at the door, and with the amazing performance of Wudao Bear Master, it is natural that there is such a publicity effect."

Tianquan and Tianheng, two of the seven stars of Liyue, will be the focus no matter where they stand, not to mention that this is Liyue, and they sent out elves that people have never seen before to fight.

This alone is enough to spread throughout Liyue.

No, it will even spread to countries outside Liyue...

At this time, seeing the crowd restless, Su Yan smiled faintly, and then waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

"Yes, these are Pokémon. They are not monsters. As long as you cultivate them with your heart and emotions, they will become your most loyal partners and reward you with powerful strength."

"Our store has just opened. In order to help you learn more about Pokemon, I plan to organize a Pokemon competition next month. Anyone who owns Pokemon can participate. As for the exact time, I will announce it half a month in advance."

"Of course, if there is a competition, there will naturally be prizes, and the winner……"

At this point,

Su Yan saw that everyone was excited, and countless pairs of eyes became bright.

That's right, they didn't know anything about Pokemon, but this didn't affect their expectations, after all, there was the might of Master Wudao Bear.

At this moment, Su Yan turned his head and looked at Menghuan.

""Menghuan, what kind of prize do you think should be given out?"

Menghuan was still a little dazed at this moment.

It knew that Su Yan was preparing for the first advent of the Pokémon, and wanted to popularize Pokémon to the people of this world as much as possible in the shortest possible time.

Lest Pokémon become monsters in people's mouths.

However, it never expected that Su Yan would use Ningguang and Keqing to attract so many people at once.

It is conceivable that this news will spread all over the world soon.

In this case... let's do something big!

Menghuan's eyes lit up, and then he used telepathy and a voice that only Su Yan could hear.

"Hey, Su Yan, they got an abandoned egg from the Articuno tribe a while ago. What do you think of using it as a reward?"

After hearing this, Su Yan was suddenly surprised:"Articuno? Isn't it a genderless elf? It actually has eggs?"

Menghuan knew that although Su Yan had recovered most of his former strength, he only had the memory of this life, so he shook his head and explained.

"That’s because the Elf World has not been able to fully analyze the ecology of Articuno, otherwise how did their population come about?"

"That makes sense."

Su Yan nodded. Meng Huan understood the elves much better than he did.

Now, he looked at Ningguang, Keqing, and the expectant eyes of the people around Liyue.

He then announced to everyone:

"The winner will be rewarded with a legendary elf egg."

It was fine for the others, as they didn't understand what a legendary level was.

But when Ningguang and Keqing heard the word 'legendary', their eyes suddenly shone with light.

"What? Legendary!!!"

As for what an elf egg is?

They didn't quite understand, but is it important?

The three words"legendary" are enough!

At this moment, Su Yan looked at everyone except the two women and said slowly:"I know that everyone has no concept of legendary elves.……"

The words stopped here.���He nodded to Huanhuan.


Huanhuan next to him suddenly glowed with strange energy.

Just the next second when everyone squinted their eyes!


Faintly, they saw a large ice-blue bird soaring into the sky beside Su Yan.

When they looked up, they could see the true appearance of the large ice-blue bird.

Its feathers were like ice crystals, and under the sunlight, it released thousands of spikes of light, just like a frost god bird!


The large ice-blue bird suddenly roared, and the sharp and sacred whistle suddenly spread thousands of miles away.

People in the whole Liyue could hear the bird's cry clearly.

But not only...

When countless people in Liyue looked up to meet the whistle.

They saw the large ice-blue bird that came to the sky flap its wings.

Suddenly, countless people felt that the temperature between the whole world dropped sharply, and the climate became extremely cold.

At the same time... snow-white flowers began to fall from the sky.

At this moment, whether it was the people gathered at the door of Su Yan's shop or the people in any corner of Liyue.

Including Ningguang and Keqing, as well as the owners of the Eyes of God, all of them opened their eyes wide in shock.

"It's snowing?!"

"It’s snowing in Liyue?!!!"

"It actually has the ability to change the climate? This is a legendary Pokémon? ?!"

"My God... can this be called a magical technique?!"

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