"I said before the game started that I would give rewards to the top three in this game."

At this time, Su Yan's eyes moved to the audience, first to Ganyu, then to Lisa.

"Miss Ganyu, Miss Lisa, please come to the Elf House this afternoon. I will give you two a reward for the top three."

In theory... after the finals, Lisa and Ganyu need to fight again to determine the top three positions.

However, Su Yan never expected that Keqing's Blue Blade Ghost's move [Same Fate] would actually give birth to two winners at the same time.

Of course, as long as it is within the rules, he can accept it.

Two winners... is not impossible.

It is not impossible to have one more reward.


"Thank you, Boss Su Yan.

Although Ganyu and Lisa didn't know what the prizes would be for the top three, the winners were already legendary Pokémon, so the prizes shouldn't be too bad.

Seeing their happy expressions... Su Yan looked aside.

He didn't answer the question raised by the audience just now about who would win the legendary Pokémon egg.

""You two, come with me."

Instead, he signaled to the winners Keqing and Ningguang, and then walked slowly towards the road deep in the Lonely Cloud Pavilion.

""Where is Mr. Su Yan going?"

Keqing blinked. She had never been to the direction of Guyun Pavilion.

In the second round, she also went through the teleportation array to the champion road in the middle of Guyun Pavilion.

Ningguang knew very well what the end of Guyun Pavilion was.

After all, she was in charge of the Elf Alliance...

Although Su Yan never mentioned what the Elf Alliance was used for.

But Ningguang was so smart that she could guess something.

"It seems that the winner of this game will not just get the legendary elf egg."

"Are there other rewards?"

Keqing also heard Ningguang's mumbling, and then hurriedly picked up her pace, and followed Ningguang one after the other, following Su Yan's back.

At this moment... the audience around the arena were all stunned.

"Is it, is it over just like that?"

"if not?"

"I was thinking about seeing the legendary elves again."

"Articuno... I don't know whether Lady Keqing or Lady Ningguang will get it."

"You say... Is it possible that Boss Su Yan will take out a second legendary Pokémon?"

""Eh... Yeah, why didn't I think of that? With Boss Su Yan's ability, this doesn't seem to be a big deal."

Although Su Yan had already left with Keqing and Ningguang.

This seemed to announce that the game was over.

However, none of the audience members planned to leave.

They seemed to be waiting... waiting to see the legendary Pokémon again.

At the same time, many people were interested in the ownership of the legendary Pokémon.

Not to mention those who were looking forward to whether Su Yan would take out the second legendary Pokémon.

Of course, without Su Yan's consent, no one dared to break into Guyun Pavilion.

Now everyone in Liyue knows that Guyun Pavilion is like a large forbidden area. Not only is there a [Whirlpool Demon] guarding it, but who knows if there are any king-level Pokémon inside. Pokémon.

Ivory Pig, Dragon King Scorpion, Lizard King and Ninetales.

How many people were killed by these four king-level Pokémon in the second round.

That horrific scene is still vivid in my mind.

So much so that no one who was not invited dared to follow the three of them, even though they were curious about what was in the depths of Guyun Pavilion.

At the same time...

Su Yan, Keqing and Ningguang were walking on a path in the woods.

The road was flat and winding.

Surrounding them were volcanoes, snow-capped mountains, forests and deserts, with completely different scenery everywhere.

Keqing was so familiar with it, as this was the place where they had their second round of competition.

But at the same time, she felt very strange in her heart.

"Ning, Ningguang, when we were looking at the terrain on the volcano before, did you see this road?"

After the voice fell, Ningguang immediately shook her head:"No, there was a lake in the center of the four regions."

Keqing certainly remembered it clearly, after all, it had not been long since the second competition.

The reason she asked was because……

"Where is the lake where Diancie tested us? Why is it gone?"


Ningguang was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer Keqing.

When she was building the Elf Alliance, she came to Guyun Pavilion several times, and indeed she never saw the lake again. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Just thinking about Su Yan's mysterious methods...

Ningguang thought that the lake they saw at that time was probably caused by a power similar to the fairyland.

"Maybe we were in an illusion without knowing it, otherwise those who were attacked by Pokémon would not be able to be resurrected."


Keqing thought that Ningguang's explanation did make sense.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the situation at that time and the signs of the lake disappearing now.

However, the next second, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded behind Keqing and Ningguang.

"You guessed wrong, actually, it was Boss Su Yan who asked you to enter another space, and the lake was also transferred by space."

When the voice sounded, Keqing and Ningguang turned around quickly.

At this moment... they were all thinking, who is so fearless that he dared to step into the Lonely Cloud Pavilion without Su Yan's invitation.

And the moment they turned around, they saw two familiar faces.

The one who appeared in Keqing's eyes was a young man dressed like a bard.

She knew him and remembered him very clearly.

"You are Miss Lisa's friend. I remember you. Your name is Wendy.……"

And Ningguang looked���It was another handsome and elegant young man whom she had also seen.

"You are Mr. Zhongli, the guest official of Wangsheng Hall."

Of course[]

At present, they still don't know the identities of the two people in front of them.

In consideration of Wendy being Lisa's friend, Keqing suddenly made a small gesture of going and going, as if to signal Wendy and the others to leave here quickly.

Otherwise, if Su Yan gets angry, the two of them will definitely be in trouble.


Wendy didn't understand Keqing's meaning. He still had a playful smile and said,"Hehe, don't be so ruthless. After all, we will be colleagues soon."

After this,

Keqing and Ningguang both raised their eyebrows.


They had no idea why Wendy said the word"colleagues".

Moreover, they didn't seem to have any connection with the two people in front of them.

After seeing the expressions of Keqing and Ningguang, Wendy said slowly:"Yes, the four of us are about to become colleagues. In fact, there are two others besides us, but they are busy with other things now. I guess you won't be able to see them until later."


Keqing and Ningguang were still confused.

They blinked their eyes, still looking confused.

However, Wendy was still as familiar as ever.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, guys, my name is Barbatos."

Then he pointed at Zhongli beside him with a smile.

"You must be very familiar with the name of the person next to me. His name is... Moraxmon"

I want to say:

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