After learning that the Alliance Building had been powered on, Su Yan walked to the door.

As Su Yan approached the glass door , the glass door opened automatically. When he turned around, he saw Keqing standing there in a daze.

"What are you standing there for? Come in.……"


Keqing reacted immediately and pointed at the glass door.

"Door, why does the door open automatically?"

As mentioned before, almost all buildings in Liyue are made of wood, even in luxurious places.

Doors are also made of wood.

The construction method of the Elf Alliance is completely subverting Keqing's cognition.

However, Su Yan did not answer Keqing's question, but Ningguang's.

"This door is equipped with a sensor. When powered on, it will automatically open when someone approaches."

She participated in the construction of the Elf Alliance throughout the whole process, so naturally she knew more than those present.

It's just that when she got the design drawings... her expression was similar to Keqing's current one.

After getting Ningguang's answer, it was Wendy who asked,"Sensor? Power on?"

From Buyer, we can learn that the technological development of the elf world is far more advanced than that of Teyvat.

06 This is beyond doubt.

Especially in Liyue and Mondstadt, the use of electricity is not widespread.

Not to mention sensors...

Of course, these questions are also troublesome to explain.

"You will know when you come in."

Su Yan immediately waved to everyone and walked into the building.

Seeing this, Ningguang Keqing and others hurriedly followed. As soon as they entered the building, there was a long passage in front of them.

On the left and right sides were walls built of bricks, and it was obvious that there were rooms one after another.

But it has not been completed yet, and the appearance still looks very rough.

They were led by Su Yan all the way to the end of the corridor.

There is a not very obvious door here.

But since coming in, Keqing has been looking around here, and found that something is missing.

She immediately asked:"Su Yan, is there a staircase in front?"

Now they are in a high-rise building.

But after coming in, she did not see the existence of the stairs.

In other words... the door in front of Su Yan is probably the staircase leading up.

But, this staircase is too hidden, right?

Whose stairs that they have to run every day are hidden in such a corner?

Of course, these are Keqing's thoughts...

Su Yan also nodded.


Just as Keqing was thinking, Wendy also scratched his head and asked in confusion:"Hey, is it really okay to build stairs in a place like this? You can't find it if you don't look carefully."


Su Yan did not answer, but pushed open the door in front of him.

Then, everyone saw that behind the door, there was indeed a stone brick staircase.

But... why does the staircase go down.

Isn't this the first floor?

Could it be a basement?

At this moment, Su Yan did not go upstairs, but walked towards the basement.

Although everyone had doubts in their hearts, they still stepped forward and hurried to catch up.

They knew that since Su Yan brought them here, he would explain it to them clearly.

Sure enough... at the corner of the stairs, along with the reflection of the wall, everyone suddenly saw a golden light, which shone through the wall into their eyes from time to time.

Mixed with the crackling sound of electricity.

Now, they have come into contact with countless Pokémon, and they immediately know what is in the basement.

"Is that the light from the Electric Pokémon?!"

"That's right."

Su Yan suddenly stopped at the corner of the stairs.

Everyone came to him... (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then, his eyes moved to the basement under the stairs.

At first glance, he saw more than a dozen Pokémon gathered in this basement.

Two of the Pokémon were new to everyone. They were covered with golden fur and black stripes. They were about 1.8 meters tall and looked like monsters.

Others were released by other contestants in the competition.

They seemed to be called [Electric Monster] and [Electric Beast].】……

From time to time, they release electricity, which falls on a strange machine.

"These Pokémon are from the Electric Beast family. That machine is called an electricity storage device, which can store the electricity released by the Pokémon, and then power the entire building through the lines."

You know, there is no such organization as electricity in the Teyvat continent.

Not to mention the knowledge of using electricity.

So, if you want to power the Alliance Building, you can only achieve this goal through Pokémon.

Of course...

The Electric Beast family was invited by Su Yan from the Elf World.

Just like the Guai Li and Lao Jiang families.

The work will be promised to be paid what they deserve.

If you want to build a modern office building in Teyvat, electricity is an inevitable part.

And for the people of Teyvat, they still can't understand the role of electricity.

"So, what can these electrical appliances be used for?"

"The top floor will be your office in the future. It has been built to about 70% completion. You will know when you see it."

"Top floor?"

After hearing what Su Yan said, Wendy, Zhongli and Keqing all looked up the stairs.[]

Then, driven by curiosity, they quickly climbed up the stairs.

After all, Su Yan said... that would be their future office, so they would be eager to go.

However, they did not notice that Su Yan, Ningguang and Buyer did not follow.

Instead, the three of them walked back to the corridor leisurely.

Then they approached the entrance and pressed the buttons next to the two small rooms.

Within two or three seconds...


Suddenly, a ding-dong sound came from one of the small rooms.

Then... the door of the small room opened.

That's right.

Elevator 200!

Since it is going to be a modern floor, how can it be without this thing.

Only after the three of them walked into the elevator together……

""The thing I hated the most was climbing stairs."

Su Yan said this with a smile, and the elevator door slowly closed.

At the same time...

Keqing, Venti and Zhongli, the three of them were still running up the stairs.

Although there were materials and technology, it was not realistic to build the Alliance Building into a modern building.

Even so, this building still had two floors.

After a dozen steps, the stairs turned a corner, and it was not easy to run at full speed.

"Wow! Climbing these stairs is harder than climbing a mountain!!!"

"When we came here in the past, we didn’t have to run up the stairs, right?"

"No, I have to talk to Su Yan and ask him to open a door on the roof so that I can fly in directly.……"

Not to mention, climbing stairs was nothing for the three of them. They ran up more than ten floors without even taking a breath.

But it was still troublesome...

Wendy decided to persuade Su Yan to open a door on the roof.

Flying is faster than running, right?

However, when they spent several minutes to reach the roof...

Su Yan, Ningguang, and Buyer had already appeared in front of them.


Seeing the three of them appear, Wendy blinked immediately, then looked behind her, her face full of as if she had seen a ghost.……

"You, why are you here?……?"

"Did it fly up?!".


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