Elf Island.

There is nothing but vast sea water all around.

This island is neither big nor small.

But the landscape on the island is vast.

In some places, the forests are lush and green, and the trees are lush. Grass-type, insect-type and other elves are singing in the forests with joyful voices. In some places, the sand is whirring, and the golden sand covers the ground. From time to time, you can see ground-type and rock-type elves digging holes in the desert to make nests. In some places, it is icy and frozen. Even if the snowflakes blur the vision, you can occasionally see ice-type elves rolling and playing on the snow...

The most special one is an active volcano at the end of the island.

The flowing magma makes many elves dare not approach it at all, but it is like heaven for fire-type elves.

This is the Elf Island created by Su Yan.

The four seasons are unchanged. No matter what attribute the elves are, they can find a suitable place to live on this island. Each place is enough for hundreds or even thousands of elves to survive. There is no fighting, no scrambling, and no humans here.

It is an island belonging to the elves.

For this reason, Su Yan named the island... Elf Island.

But there is one place that is special...

That is a protruding mountain in front of the island, on top of which a human residence is built, similar to a villa.

There is no doubt...

This is where Su Yan lives.

Recently, after Liyue closed the store, he would come back directly to rest.

Today, he stopped at Tianguan Mountain for a while, just to explain the matter of finding Celebi...

At this moment.

Su Yan just appeared in front of the villa……


"Su Yan, you are back so early today!"

A grey and pink elf with two horns on its head rushed towards Su Yan.

Unlike other super beasts, this elf did not show respect or fear when it saw Su Yan, but instead seemed to be more intimate.

"Well, I dealt with some things today, so I came back early."

Su Yan hugged the elf that rushed over, rubbed its little head, and said gently

"Hoopa, you were the one who sent hundreds of elves to Liyue these days. You were the one who teleported them to Tianguan Mountain and handed them over to me. Thank you for your hard work."

"Hehe, no, I'm not tired at all, I find it quite interesting."

Yes, this elf is the real little demon god Hoopa.

Speaking of the elf Hoopa, its most powerful means are summoning and teleportation.

It has three golden rings on its body. Even if it is thousands of miles away, it only needs to think about it, and the golden rings can turn into a portal, allowing anyone and the elf to travel between the two places.

"By the way, Su Yan, how did you come up with this method to popularize the world of Genshin Impact?"

Hoopa, who was held in his arms, covered his mouth and laughed:"Drawing pictures to choose elves, you can think of this."

"Ahem, I don't have a system.……"

Su Yan coughed twice.

Almost all the popular science novels he had read had systems that could create Pokémon out of thin air.

It was not that he could not create, but Su Yan did not have a system.

So what to do?

As Arceus said before, he took all the abandoned or separated Pokémon cubs in the Pokémon world, or any Pokémon that could not survive on their own, to the Pokémon Island.

Then, with Su Yan's power, he reshaped their physical fitness.

This is why Keqing and Ningguang's Round Land Shark and Tan Xiaoshi both have inherited skills.

Of course, it's not just the two of them. As long as the Pokémon obtained from Su Yan, all have special moves.

And what he is doing now is more meaningful than creating life out of thin air.

Back to the topic...

The reshaped Pokémon will temporarily live on the Pokémon Island.

However, a carefree life will only make the Pokémon degenerate. You know, the instinct of the Pokémon is to fight and grow.

For this reason, Su Yan asked Rotom to do something...

Only Pokémon that exist in the Pokémon Island will be displayed on the extracted illustrations.

As long as the guests who visit the Elf House draw the Pokémon on the picture, they will be teleported to Tianguan Mountain through Hoopa's teleportation ability.

Su Yan entered the room deep in the [Elf House], but in fact he returned to Tianguan Mountain and brought the Pokémon back to Liyue...

So, to others, that room was like an incredible room. It was also a puzzle that Tartaglia would never be able to solve in his lifetime...

And after Su Yan complained...

Hoopa blinked and asked,"System? What is that thing? Can it be eaten?"

"It can't be eaten, but it's a good thing. How about I make one for you to play with... Well, forget it."

Su Yan smiled and raised Hu Pa high, then said:"It's still early today, I'll take you to eat ice cream, your favorite." As soon as these words came out

""Oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!!!!!"

Hoopa’s eyes sparkled like stars.

He immediately forgot the word"system".

System or something… for Hoopa, it was nothing compared to ice cream!

"Let's go, by the way, bring some for Dream and the others when you come back."

After saying that, Su Yan stepped lightly on the ground...

In the blink of an eye, he and Hoopa disappeared in front of the villa. After a few days of busy work, it was definitely a proper rest for Su Yan to be able to spend time with his favorite elves.

Today, Su Yan took Hoopa to buy various types of ice cream all over the elf world.

When he returned to the Elf Island, he shared them with other elves.

As for those super beasts... After thinking about it, forget it.

Not to mention a piece of ice cream, just based on their size, a whole truck of ice cream would not be enough to fill their teeth.

However, the happy time passed in a blink of an eye. Passing.

At this time, the moon rose high in the sky, filled with star crystals.

After regaining his strength, sleep and the like were no longer important to Su Yan.

Even if he endured for a year or two, he would not feel sleepy at all.

But he was still used to working during the day and resting at night.

In contrast...

At the same time, on Liyue Street.

It was late at night, and the whole street was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

People had fallen asleep, but there was an exception...

Inside the elf house at this time.

Tartaglia leaned weakly against the door of the deep room, and he looked exhausted sitting on the ground.

He hadn't even eaten dinner yet.


"Please, let me out, I'm so bored and starving. You don't want someone to die just after the store opens, do you?"

""Okay, okay, even if you don't let me go, please come out and chat with me, okay? Otherwise, I'll tell you some interesting things I've encountered before?"

However, no matter how Tartaglia called, there was no response from the room.

In fact, he knew very well that Su Yan was not in the room at all.

But it didn't matter.……


But just when he was about to speak again……

"Although Lord Su Yan asked me to exile you tomorrow, I really can't stand your nagging as a human being. You... go to the endless dark space now!"


The sudden voice made Tartaglia jump up with all his strength.

Although he was trapped for a long time, his consciousness was still clear. He knew very well that the voice did not come from Su Yan, but came from his mind.

"Hey, is this place haunted?"

However, just as Tartaglia jumped up...

Little did he know that a black hole suddenly appeared behind him and swallowed him up.

A few seconds later... a low dragon roar sounded, and it sounded like there was a sense of relief.

"Phew... the world is finally quiet."

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