"Okay, let's get back to the topic."

Su Yan coughed twice, and he unconsciously started chatting with Master Liuyunjiefeng. He is indeed a master who is good at chatting.

It seems that he is not only good at chatting to death.……

"Miss Ningguang, Celebi will tell you what to do next. I won't go with you today."

"Okay, Mr. Su Yan, please rest assured, I will get it done."

Ningguang responded, and her eyes fell on Celebi.

Before, she would definitely find it hard to believe that such a small creature could be the god of the forest.

But with Mew in front of her, she dared not underestimate Pokémon anymore.

Besides... the god of Xumi is also known as the 'Little Lucky Grass King', and it is said that he is also very small.

At this time, Su Yan touched Celebi's little head again and said,"Then I'll leave it to you, little guy."

""Yes, Su Yan, leave it to me!"

After saying that, Celebi flew to Ningguang on the opposite side.

"Thank you for your guidance, Celebi."

Then, Ningguang said goodbye to Su Yan and said,"I will take the contract back and modify it according to your request. I will give it to you after the modification. In addition, I have already bought the orchard. Mr. Su Yan, please don't fight with me for it. Just consider it as my investment."

""Okay." Su Yan naturally had no objection.

However, the conversation between the two made Xianyun, who was standing beside them, unable to get a word in.


Orchard investment?

Isn't this a place to sell Pokemon?

Seeing Ningguang turn around and take Celebi away...

Xianyun's eyes either fell on Su Yan or Ningguang.

Finally, she made a decision.

"Hey, Ningguang, wait for me, I'll go with you."

As soon as Ningguang walked out of the door, Xianyun immediately followed.

At this moment,

Su Yan and Menghuan were the only ones left in the store.

Looking at Xianyun's last figure leaving, Su Yan nodded his head.

"……What on earth was she doing here?"She asked Ganyu to come and inquire about me yesterday, and today she came to chat with me, and then left?

……It was inexplicable.

And then Menghuan suddenly signaled:"Su Yan, there are guests coming."


In fact, without Menghuan's reminder, Su Yan had already sensed that there were three or five customers walking towards the store.




After a while... in the outskirts of Liyue.

Ningguang took Celebi from Su Yan and headed for the nearest place to sow seeds.

She did not bring a secretary, nor did she hand the matter over to any of her subordinates.

Because Celebi was handed to her by Su Yan himself, she had to do it herself.

At the same time, she was also very curious. Menghuan's ability is to transform, and he has unfathomable power.

So what about this forest god?

But there is one thing that makes her very depressed.

That's right...

Master Liuyunjiefeng followed her.

The kind of person who follows all the way

"Ningguang, what exactly are you planning with that person?"

At this moment, she turned into a cloud, and she was more and more curious about Pokémon.

After thinking for a moment, Ningguang said frankly:

"Plant trees."

After all, Su Yan didn't seem to keep this a secret, and even when they were in the store, they talked in front of Xianyun.

So she didn't hide it.

However, Xianyun was very good at chatting.

"Plant trees? Why do we need to plant trees? Aren’t there enough trees in Liyue?"


Ningguang didn't know how to answer.

"Forget it, Master Liuyunjiefeng, you should go and see it yourself."

At this moment, Xianyun did not continue to entangle

""Hmph, OK, let me see it with my own eyes."

At this time, Ningguang was already standing on a hillside, her eyes were all focused on the place where she had just planted the seeds yesterday.

Compared to her helplessness towards Xianyun, her eyes fell softly on Celebi floating beside her, and then she swept her slender jade fingers from the front one by one

"Celebi, as you requested, this place is probably the center of all the trees. What do you need me to do next?"

When Su Yan handed it to Ningguang, he only said that Celebi was the god of the forest.

But Ningguang didn't know Celebi at all, and didn't know what to do. Anyway, she just listened to him.

"Leave the rest to me, Miss Ningguang."

Celebi patted his chest and flew away from Ningguang.

The grass-green light shot up into the sky.

At this time, the sun was just high in the sky, and the bright sunlight shone on Celebi, just like grass-green seeds across the sky. At this moment,

Ningguang and Xianyun were staring at Celebi, and their curiosity was the same.

At this moment, Celebi, who had already landed in the sky, suddenly stopped flying.



It waved its little hands gently, as if singing, the sound was light and pleasant


Amid the singing, the melodious wind began to blow, and the grass elemental energy in the sky suddenly poured down like the Milky Way, pouring down towards where Celebi was.

Like a waterfall or a tide...

Seeing this scene, Ningguang's beautiful eyes were full of excitement.

The last time she saw such a vast elemental energy was when she transformed into a blue flame blade ghost.

Now, the scene of Celebi absorbing the grass elemental energy, although not as gorgeous as the flame, can make people feel peaceful, as if they were on a beautiful prairie, and even the air has become fresh.

""So beautiful."

Ningguang's eyes flickered. Celebi was full of green, singing melodiously, and her smile was contagious.

Well... only to people.

Compared to Ningguang's comfortable face, Xianyun's eyes were wide open, with an incredible look on his face.

"It, it, this little guy can actually absorb such a large amount of grass elements?"

"Isn't it afraid of exploding?"

As an immortal, Xianyun could clearly feel the surrounding 'grass' elemental energy being completely absorbed by Xuelibi and turned into its power.

In her opinion, this level of absorption was not something that a 'god' could bear.

The owner of an ordinary god's eye would explode and die in an instant after absorbing such a large amount of elements.

Such a vast amount was not something that an immortal could bear.

"It's not without reason that the emperor attaches so much importance to it. I never thought that a small Pokémon could exert such a power comparable to that of a god."

At this moment, Su Yan suddenly became a little more mysterious in Xianyun's heart.

"Even so, that person can make these Pokémon obey him... Terrible."

Just when I thought of this.

Finally... the grass elements in the sky stopped surging.


At the same time, Sherabi opened her two little hands lightly, and the grass element energy that she had just absorbed suddenly bloomed out like a wave, with her as the center.

At this moment,

Ningguang and Xianyun's skirts were all blown up, but the two of them didn't care about it at all, they were all stunned.

And under the influence of this power, Liyue will... there will be another mysterious phenomenon!

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