
Compared with the previous shock, the whole of Liyue was speechless at this moment.

Ever since Lugia released the cyclone, the vast and boundless sea was actually separated at both ends...

You know.

The dream attack half a month ago only cut a crack in the sea like tofu.

But compared with Lugia's attack, it was simply a dwarfing of a giant. The sea, at this moment, seemed to have an endless chasm in the center.


From a distance, it looked more like a giant abyss appeared above the sea, endless and with no end in sight.

But in fact...

If anyone knew that the abyss they saw now even extended from Liyue to Mondstadt, I really don't know what they would think.

"So, so strong, is this the power of the God of Elves?"

It was a long time ago since the battle between the gods and demons. People nowadays can only hear about it from a few words, but how can they see it with their own eyes?


Lugia's attack on the sea made countless people seem to have returned to the moment of the battle between gods and demons.

"By the way, where is the Whirlpool Demon?"

"After such an attack, it must have been blown into pieces, right?"

At the same time.

Lugia's silver wings vibrated, carrying Su Yan forward a short distance.

Below, the sea water was divided into trenches.

Not far ahead, there were shattered heads made of water elements that looked like dragons and snakes.

No... it should be said that there were only three or two shattered heads left.

That's right, this is the remains of the Vortex Demon.

Lugia's mid-air explosion blasted the Vortex Demon into pieces along with its body.

Even so, it can still be seen that there are signs of elemental flow in the remains of the head, and the Demon's breath has not dissipated.

Su Yan smiled faintly:"Lugia, well done."

However, Lugia, who was praised, seemed a little surprised... because it could also see that the Demon was not completely dead.

"Lord Su Yan, this vortex demon is quite capable. It can still survive after being hit by my"air blast"."

In theory, the attack it just made should have been enough to kill the opponent.

Su Yan smiled and said,"Osel can be called the vortex demon and is immortal because it can be reborn in water. If there was no water, it would have been completely dead by now after being hit by you.""

"So that's it."

After listening to Su Yan's explanation, Lugia finally withdrew his surprise.

"That's easy, Master Su Yan, please allow me to give it the final blow.

"No need."

Su Yan stopped Lugia with a voice, and before he knew it, he had already taken out a Poké Ball.

"I'm going to try to put it in the Poké Ball. If not, you can kill it again."

"Yes, Master Su Yan."

Logia will naturally obey Su Yan's wishes.

At this moment... the Poké Ball floated up from Su Yan's palm.

If you look closely, this Poké Ball is almost the same as an ordinary Poké Ball.

Of course.

Now Su Yan is standing on top of Lugia, and the people under Liyue can't see the Poké Ball at all.

But the two"gods" are different.

When they saw Su Yan take out the"Poké Ball", their hearts seemed to be held by an invisible big hand.

Zhongli clenched his fists tightly, his face pale

"Did I really guess it right?"

Of course, Wendy's face was not much better.

"Impossible? Can things from other worlds really hold the demons of this world?"

Su Yan's actions now undoubtedly made the two of them's hearts rise to their throats.

If successful, it means that Su Yan can also use the Poké Ball to hold them.

Of course, if it fails... they can't do anything.

After all, once Lugia appears, this power beyond the"God" is no longer something they can handle.

What's more, Su Yan has always been mysterious.

No one knows what kind of power he hides.

But can someone who can command the Sea God Lugia be worse than the Sea God?

Just when Zhongli and Venti were praying in their hearts that Su Yan would fail... the Poké Ball in Su Yan's hand finally stopped floating.

Then Su Yan stretched out his index finger and lightly tapped the Poké Ball. In an instant!

The size of the Poké Ball suddenly skyrocketed a hundred times.

Although it is far less than Lugia's shocking form, its diameter is about ten meters.

At this moment.

The people in Liyue Harbor can finally see clearly……

"Holy shit, that's a Poké Ball?!"

"What a big Poké Ball. Wow, it’s bigger than my house, right?"

"Wait, what is Boss Su Yan going to do?"

"Oh, no, is he trying to catch the Vortex Demon with the Poké Ball? Is it still alive?"

At this moment, the people in Liyue Harbor were talking about it, surprised and curious.


However, with Su Yan's flick of his finger, the huge Poké Ball suddenly bounced from Lugia's head to the abyss in the sea at an unpredictable speed.

Then... everyone saw that the huge Poké Ball suddenly opened before it hit the seabed!

Then, countless pairs of eyes saw that there was a flash of water-colored lightning-like beam, which was instantly collected by the Poké Ball...


The Poké Ball shook once.


The Poké Ball shook twice!

Every time the Poké Ball shook, the hearts of the two people were beating along with it.


Finally, when the Poké Ball made a"locked" sound...

Zhongli and Wendy both felt their legs go weak.


Wendy even held her head and pulled her hair.

"It's over, it's over. From now on, I can offend anyone, but I must not offend the owner of the Elf House. I don't want to be locked in that ball."

At the same time, after the Elf Ball was locked, it flew back to Su Yan's hand like a meteor, returning to the size of the palm of his hand.

"Oh, it's done."

Seeing that it was no different from the usual Poké Balls, Su Yan smiled.

Celebi's eyes were bright and full of���They all admired:"How amazing, Su Yan, you really conquered it!"

"Of course, you don't even look at who Su Yan is."

Meng Huan folded his arms, very proud

"Okay, I've done what I wanted to try, let's call it a day."

Su Yan's eyes flashed with light.

Then... his voice reappeared in the minds of all the people of Liyue.

"Everyone, the Whirlpool Demon God Osel will no longer be a disaster for Liyue from now on. You can all go away. If you are interested in Pokemon, you are very welcome to come to my Pokemon House. By the way, it is closed today and will open tomorrow morning!"

Just as the voice in everyone's mind stopped.

A red beam of light above Lugia fell on the port.

The martial arts bear master, as tall and mighty as a mountain, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then Su Yan, with Menghuan and Celebi, disappeared without any signs.

Lugia also retreated back into the dark dimensional crack and gradually disappeared.

……The dimensional cracks began to fade away, as if the wound had healed and returned to its original state.

Of course, this was just an appearance. Now the super beasts of Tianguan Mountain can travel between the two places at any time through the passage that Su Yan opened.

The premise is that Su Yan's consent is required.

But at this moment, almost everyone is still unable to react.

"End, is it over?"

The disaster came suddenly, and it was an ancient demon god who reappeared in the world.

As a result, the Whirlpool Demon God was beaten into pieces by a force beyond people's imagination before he could get close to Liyue?

And was taken away in the end?

Who could have imagined such an ending?

Not to mention the ordinary people in Liyue, even the immortals of the Jade Pavilion who had already descended to a low altitude were all stunned.

But there was one thing they were very clear about...

Liyue would usher in a new era.

An era where humans and Pokémon coexisted!

But just as the immortals were lamenting the changes of the times……


"I didn't expect that the boss of the elf house is so strong. It suits my taste."The originally silent atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by a heroic voice.

Without a doubt... it was Beidou!

She was originally heroic by nature. She didn't even look at the occasion and what she had just experienced.

"Why don't we find a time to invite him to dinner?"

But the next second,

Beidou suddenly felt a murderous aura behind him.

"Beidou, please respect yourself."

This voice, this tone, seems to come from Ningguang...

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