"Of course you can, but this will be counted as your second draw, and you will be charged a draw fee of 100,000 Mora."

Su Yan nodded indifferently.

Speaking of which, Lisa is still the first to draw twice in a row during this period.

Although Ningguang and Keqing are not short of Mora, they also understand that they can't eat too much.

Now, their minds are all on the only elf.

Lisa nodded very straightforwardly.

"No problem, I don't have to pay for Mora anyway"


At Su Yan's signal, Rotom turned the picture again.

This time, Lisa was no longer nervous, but rather relaxed.

Su Yan saw her performance before and after, and could only say... it didn't matter if you drew for others.

"You asked me to help you draw, no matter what I draw, you can't complain."

After Lisa silently said a few words in her heart……


At this moment, the Rotom Encyclopedia stopped turning again.

However, before Su Yan could explain to Lisa the Pokémon she had drawn, she suddenly shouted in surprise.


"Boss, I want this Pokémon. How many Mora do you need?"


Su Yan hadn't looked at the picture on Rotom yet, but he was very puzzled by Lisa's reaction.

Is it so straightforward?

As soon as he turned his head and saw the picture on the Rotom encyclopedia, he laughed dumbly...

The moment he saw the Pokemon on the picture, he seemed to understand.

Then, he turned to Lisa again and asked with a strange expression.

"Miss Lisa, could it be that the friend who asked you to draw for him is the cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius, Kaia?"

When this was said, both

Lisa and Ying were surprised and exclaimed at the same time.

"Hey, how did you know that?!"

"Miss Lisa, you drew a Pokémon called Charmeleon. The price is... two million Mora."

Su Yan did not answer, but smiled and introduced the Pokémon on the picture to Lisa.

That's right.

The second time Lisa drew, it was a fire Pokémon, Charmeleon!

"It is a fire spirit, and it can evolve into a flaming horse in the future. Its combat power is not bad, but it takes more effort to cultivate it to evolve."

The little flaming horse is a spirit with good combat power, but it is not easy to evolve.

Level 40!

For any guest, Su Yan will give them the opportunity to consider according to the actual situation.

But Lisa smiled and said it didn't matter.

"It's okay, it's okay. My friend will definitely like this Pokémon and will train it well."

"Well, I also think Captain Kaeya will like it."

Su Yan nodded in agreement.

This brings us to a famous joke in Genshin Impact!


As the cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius, he has never been seen riding any horse.

Although it is just a joke, it may not be consistent with the actual situation.

But after seeing Lisa's excitement when she drew the little fire horse, Su Yan tried to guess the identity of her"friend".

Unexpectedly, it was really……

"So, do you still need to continue drawing?"

Su Yan looked at Ying and Keli again.

At this time, Ying glanced at Paimeng beside him and then shook his head.

"I won't smoke anymore, I just came here to accompany Miss Lisa this time."

As soon as the voice fell,

Paimeng rubbed the tip of his nose:"Hehehe, I know that Ying has me, it's enough."

Who knew that Ying would rummage through his empty pockets at this time

"Mainly because I can't afford so much Mora……"

"……"Woo, woo, woo!"

Paimon, who was very excited the last second, now suffered a critical hit of 10,000 points.

Of course, Ying didn't draw, but Klee was different. She had been looking forward to it for a long time.

After Mond was released from the confinement room, Jean told her about Pokémon. She also said that as long as she was good, didn't get into trouble, didn't blow up the kitchen, and didn't blow up the fish pond, she could let her draw a Pokémon by herself.


She behaved very well throughout the journey, and when she arrived in Liyue and saw the Pokémon on the road, she liked it even more.

At this moment, she raised her hand and shouted in a lively and cheerful voice:"Boss, Klee wants to draw a Pokémon!"


Looking at the little girl in red, Su Yan's face was even more gentle, as if he was looking at his daughter.


Su Yan picked up Rotom, then half-knelt down and handed it to Klee.

"Come on, since it's the Pokémon you want, you can draw it yourself."

This action made Lisa's eyes flash with surprise.

She could feel that Su Yan seemed to have a good impression of Klee.

"Great, thank you, boss brother."

Now Rotom was placed in front of Klee, and she smiled even more cheerfully, and then rubbed the Rotom illustration with her little hands.

"Red machine, give Klee a cute Pokémon. Klee promises to take good care of it, sleep with it every day, and feed it delicious food."


Rotom coughed twice in embarrassment. It couldn't make the decision.

"Well, little Klee, I'm going to start rotating the pictures!"


As Klee nodded excitedly, Rotom's screen quickly scrolled through the pictures.

Two or three seconds later...

Klee suddenly made a prayer gesture.

"Mom, please bless me to draw a Pokémon as cute as 'Doodle'!"


Lisa had demonstrated it to Klee before, and she followed suit.

When she shouted"Stop", the picture on Rotom also froze.

Klee's eyes shone brightly on the picture.

She was looking forward to it.

However, after seeing the picture... Klee's face was suddenly filled with disappointment.

"Oh no, the Pokémon I drew isn't cute at all."

Whether it was the Pokémon I saw outside or the two Pokémon Lisa drew just now, they all looked so cute.

But why... why did she draw a red and white ball?

It's not good at all.

"Let me take a look."

Because the illustration was facing Klee, Su Yan saw her disappointment and immediately turned Rotom to the other side.


"So that's what you got. What you drew was Thunderbolt Ball."

After hearing the name of this Pokémon, Klee immediately asked with a puzzled look on her face:"Thunderbolt Ball? Is it a ball?"

Su Yan patiently explained to Klee.


No , the Thunderbolt Ball is not a ball, it is a bomb, the kind that explodes.……


There was a ding in Klee's eyes, and all of a sudden they were full of twinkling stars.

Excitement and excitement had completely replaced the loss just now.

But when Lisa and others heard the word"bomb", their faces turned pale instantly...

Lisa hurriedly advised:"Klee, since you think this Pokémon is not good-looking, let's draw a new one. I'll give you 100,000 Mora, no... let's draw until you like it." However... it was too late!

Klee shook her head without hesitation and said:"I don't want it, I want this Thunderbolt."

Lisa was still not giving up

"No, look at how cute the Pokémon I just drew is.……"

Before she could finish her words, Klee pouted her lips to express her protest.

"You and Captain Jean promised me that as long as I behaved well on the road, I could get any Pokémon I wanted, and I just wanted this one."


I'll update as promised, a total of four chapters and 10,000 words!

……Asking for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, all kinds of requests!!!!

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