""Elf, Elf House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Keqing was completely stunned in front of Liyue Street.

That's right.

In the last second, she was still on Inazuma's island.

Before she could react, she was actually back in Liyue, and standing in front of the door of the Elf House.

Although there had been precedents of teleporting to the Jade Pavilion in an instant, could this be the same?

From Liyue to Inazuma, that's two countries apart, across a vast ocean!!!!

"I, I am not dreaming, am I?"

Thinking of this, Keqing even pinched her cheeks.

After all, what happened today was too shocking, and she found it hard to believe that all this was real.

She pinched her face very hard.

She looked so cute.……

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Su Yan, who was watching from the side, did not stop her. He stared at Keqing's red and swollen face as if he was watching a show, and then chuckled and said,"You are really cruel to yourself."

"It really wasn't a dream."

Keqing seemed not to hear Su Yan's words, but instead looked him up and down, as if she wanted to see through him completely.

"Boss, you are too good at hiding. Even the gods of Inazuma can only be slaughtered by you. Are all the people in your world so powerful?"

"Hehe, guess."

Su Yan blinked and did not give Keqing an accurate answer.

To be honest, he was in a very good mood now.

Especially when he saw the rescued elves reunited with their trainers, there was a harmonious"five-five-four-three-four-three" emotion.

Liyue, now has no worries.

Just when Keqing saw Su Yan perfunctorily answering her and pouted... the voices of Dream and Celebi suddenly came from the elf house.

"Su Yan~you're back!"

"Is the matter settled?"

The two little guys ran out to greet him.

In fact, Su Yan had not been away for long, and it did not take much time to kill Kande Bugyo. It was better to say that he spent more time talking with Yae Shinko and the others.

At this time, many people ran out of the Elf House.

Zhongli and Wendy were not to be mentioned.

After they came to the Elf House, they learned that Su Yan had gone to Inazuma. In addition to being curious about what happened to Inazuma, they were more waiting for the result.

Lisa and the others did not leave either.

However, when Zhongli and Wendy saw a familiar face standing next to Su Yan, their pupils shrank.


"General Thunder?!"

Yes, the familiar face they saw was the General Thunder puppet.

"You, you, how could you……"

Wendy even pointed at General Lei Dian, as if she wanted to say something, but she found that she didn't know what to say.

When the two walked out of the store, Su Yan didn't expect that they were also here.

"Oh, you are here too. That's great. Zhongli, I have something to talk to you about."

"What do you want, Mr. Su Yan?"

Zhongli nodded quickly, but his eyes still glanced at General Lei Dian strangely.

He felt a little strange...

Why did General Lei Dian have no reaction to the things around him?

At this moment.

Su Yan gestured to General Lei Dian:"You are too conspicuous standing here, go to the room inside first, you don't need to come out until I give you instructions."

""Yes, Master."

General Lei Dian nodded in obedience, but his eyes were dull, completely lifeless, and his words were cold.

Yes, just like a machine, he would only obey Su Yan's orders.

Then, General Lei Dian walked straight into the Elf House in the horrified eyes of Zhongli and Wendy.

"Did she just call you Master?"

"You, you... No, Boss Su Yan, you, you didn't use the Poké Ball to put Baelzebub in this trip to Inazuma, did you?"

No wonder Zhongli and Venti were so shocked.

After all, they saw with their own eyes that Su Yan could use the Poké Ball to put the demon god.

Now that General Lei Dian is like this, they are scared!


Seeing the two of them looking so cowardly, Su Yan couldn't help but tease them,"Are you scared?"


Wendy was stunned at first, then she put her hands on her hips, and said the most cowardly words in the most amazing manner:"Of course I'm afraid!"


Zhongli next to him was speechless.

Barbatos, don't say you know me anymore, it's embarrassing.

In fact, compared to Venti, Zhongli found that something was wrong with General Lei Dian, but in this case he would not ask too much.

Some things, the more you know, the more dangerous you will be.

He knew this very well, and immediately changed the subject.

"Mr. Su Yan, you just said you had something to talk to me about. What is it?"

Su Yan immediately returned to the topic.

"Well, the last time I told you, you remember I said it would be at the end of the month, right?"

"That's right."

Zhongli nodded. Su Yan didn't make it clear, but he knew that he was referring to the arrival of Pokémon.

However, Su Yan's next sentence made Zhongli stunned.

"The time has been advanced. No, to be precise... it has already started."

After saying that, Su Yan glanced at Lisa and the others.

"I originally planned to go find you after I finished explaining science to Miss Lisa and the others, but I didn't expect that my trip would bring the time forward.……"

"What?! It's started?!"

Zhongli was stunned. This is ten days earlier than originally agreed.

Of course, Zhongli didn't know that the real acceleration of the advent was the summoning of Lugia.

Well, it has already happened, and there is no point in being surprised.

Zhongli asked hurriedly:"What do you need me to do?!" As soon as he finished speaking,

Su Yan slowly said two words




Time flies.

It has been the second day since Su Yan came back from Inazuma.

In fact, Liyue had already begun to change gradually before he came back...

In the deserted wilderness, dimensional cracks would open from time to time.

But not long after, the dimensional cracks would close, then open again, and close again... In a continuous cycle.

At first, there was nothing...

But sometimes, from the dimensional cracks that appeared and disappeared, you could occasionally see some figures coming out of them.

Yes, they were Pokémon.

When these Pokémon appeared in Liyue, their eyes looked a little dull, and some were even a little scared.

Take this Pokémon for example. Just now, it accidentally saw a dark crack, and it was curious and wanted to see what was inside.

As a result, the scenery in front of it suddenly changed.

But soon...

When they saw many familiar fruit trees growing around them, their confused and scared expressions suddenly turned into surprise.

Just like this moment...

A 'tailed' passed through the dimensional crack, and after seeing the fruit trees all over the mountain, it turned around in joy and went back into the dimensional crack...

Not long after.

A large group of 'Tailed' and 'Big Tailed' jumped out of the dimensional cracks.

The fruit trees in the garden are very attractive to these Pokémon.

Of course, it's not just the suburbs...

On the shore of Liyue Port.

Someone is sitting on the shore fishing. The warm climate and sunny weather make it a good day for fishing.

"Phew, the weather is great. I have a feeling that I will definitely come back with a full load today. A fisherman will never come back empty-handed!" As soon as the words fell, the fishing rod started to shake violently, and bubbles kept appearing on the water surface.

"Ouch, it’s a big one!"

His hunch was right. With this force and this condition, it must be a big fish.

"Hahahaha...that's what I said……"

The fisherman was overjoyed and immediately pulled up the fishing rod with all his strength.

At this moment!


The sea surface suddenly exploded with a huge splash...........

But the fisherman was confused at this moment..........

But what he caught was not a fish, but... a ten-meter-long fish with blue scales, a ferocious face, and fangs.……

"Dragon, dragon, a blue dragon?!!!!!!"

"I caught a dragon?!!!"

The fisherman was so scared that he stepped back again and again. He dared not hold the fishing rod tightly and threw it into the sea.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly. The blue dragon dived back into the sea at the same time as the fishing rod was thrown out...

At this time, the fisherman sat on the ground, with a look of surviving a disaster on his face.

"Ah, my fishing rod, it's over, not only is it empty-handed, but it's also a huge loss."

He hurriedly crawled forward, trying to see if he could get the fishing rod back.

As for the dragon... it should have gone, right?

Who knows.

When he got close to the shore and looked down,……

"Ah, jellyfish?"

"Why are there so many jellyfish in the harbor?!!"

Meanwhile, on the street

""Hou Za, Hou Za, don't run!"

Someone was out of breath and desperately chasing a monkey in front of him.

He couldn't even speak clearly.

The monkey he was chasing was very special, especially its tail, which was like a three-fingered palm, and it also���With a bag

"Give me back my wallet!"

The city was in turmoil, and many people were watching this scene.

Although the monkey looked very special, the people of Liyue were not too surprised. Many people even took out their elf illustrations.

"Long-tailed monster"

"It can skillfully control its tail, which is more flexible than its hands, and live high up in trees."

Nowadays, when people in Liyue see strange creatures on the street, they no longer react much.

Instead, they will take out the Pokémon Book and scan it to see what kind of Pokémon it is.

Then they will shout loudly.

"Hahaha... Brother, you can't do that. How can you let your own Pokémon rob your wallet?"

Who would have thought that the man chasing the long-tailed monster suddenly turned his head angrily.

"Bullshit! My Pokémon is so well behaved. Who does this monkey belong to? It's so uncultured. It actually stole my wallet. It's obvious that it has no proper discipline. I really want to see what its trainer looks like."

0.5 As soon as this was said

""Ah? It's not your 0.5 Pokémon?!"

People only then realized that the man was really robbed.……

"Brother, I'll help you!"

At this moment, many people hurriedly joined the pursuit.

"Monkey, don't run!"

"Monkey, how can you rob money? This is a crime. You don't want your trainer to cry, do you?"

The crowd on the street flashed, left or right, and soon surrounded the long-tailed monster hand.


Unexpectedly, the long-tailed monster suddenly laughed, then jumped up to the roof.

People saw that the"monkey" had escaped the encirclement.

At this moment, someone quickly suggested:"No, it is too agile. We have to use Pokémon to catch it, but we must not hurt it."


Several people took out their Poké Balls.

However, before they could summon the Pokémon, an unbelievable scene appeared.

On the roof, one, two, three...


, dozens of identical long-tailed monsters suddenly appeared, and two or three of them had two tails.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.


"Hey hey hey——————————————" ps:

10,000 words were achieved between 21 and 24 o'clock. Eight thousand words have been updated during this period. Dear readers, please continue during the day.…….

Don't worry: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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