"Hey, isn’t this Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing?"

"Tianquan Star and Yuheng Star are actually shopping together? This is really an incredible thing!"

On Liyue Street, two graceful women walked side by side on the cobblestone road.

The two were naturally Keqing and Ningguang.

With their status and position, no, even with their beauty, they can become the focus wherever they go.

This is not...

Whether it is the people setting up stalls on the roadside to do business, or those who listen to singing and eating in the restaurants, countless eyes are all on the two of them.

After all, in the eyes of Liyue people, it is a very rare scene for these two to travel together.

Especially Ningguang...

Every time she came down from the Qun Yu Pavilion, she must be going somewhere to discuss big business.

The merchants in Liyue naturally have to pay attention to Ningguang's every move.

If they can get any gossip, it will be a good opportunity to make a fortune.

And facing so many eyes, the two of them have long been accustomed to it.

Keqing is fine, but Ningguang always nods to people who greet them.

Not long after...

Under Keqing's leadership, they finally arrived

"Elf House.

Ningguang glanced at Su Yan's store. It looked plain and simple, but the golden plaque (in Teyvat font) hanging on it immediately caught her attention.

"Interesting, someone was able to open a store in Liyue without my knowledge, this person named Su Yan is really not simple."

Keqing nodded immediately and said:"I was also wondering when I first came here, now it seems that he must have used some method, but it doesn't matter anymore.……"

Ningguang knew what Keqing meant.

After she saw the creatures like Pokémon, she was certain that Su Yan must be from outside the world.

She had no doubt about this.

And if Pokémon could add a new touch to Liyue, Ningguang would be happy to see it.

Even if Su Yan applied for store qualifications now, she would approve it.

But before that... she wanted to confirm whether Pokémon really had the power comparable to that of gods and immortals as Su Yan said.

"Let's go in"


The two looked at each other, and then Keqing stepped in first.

When the people who were paying attention to Ningguang saw the two walking into the unfamiliar store, they all looked at each other.

"Elf house?"

"When did this kind of store open on our Liyue Street?"

"Yes, I don’t think there was such a store here before. What business does it do?"

"I don't know, but since Lady Ningguang came to this store in person, it's obvious that there must be something big going on."

"That's right, Lady Ningguang has a sharp eye. As long as it is a business that she values, it will definitely be popular in Teyvat."

"Let's get closer. This may be the future development direction of Liyue!"

It has to be said.

This is Ningguang's influence.

You know, Su Yan opened the store for three days, but only made three deals.

Two of them were just parents who wanted to find special pets as gifts for their children. They didn't even know what Pokemon was. At this moment... just when Keqing's dark blue high heels stepped into the store and landed on the ground, they made a sound.

"Hey, it's Miss Keqing, why are you here? Is there something you don't understand that you want to ask Su Yan?"

In the depths of the store, Menghuan floated over leisurely, with a puzzled look on her face.

Looking at Keqing's side, there was a beautiful and unfamiliar woman standing.

And at the door of the store... there were so many people.

Menghuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh, Miss Keqing, did you bring your friends here? You are such a good customer."

"Hey, hello, Menghuan."

Looking at Menghuan's cute and greedy look, Keqing rubbed her nose and pointed at Ningguang next to her.

"This woman is the richest woman in Liyue, and she also likes Tan Xiaoshi, so I dragged her over to have a look.

"cough cough……"

Ningguang coughed twice and glanced at Keqing.

Are you kidding me?

Is this the Keqing I know?

As for Menghuan...

Ningguang had heard about Keqing before coming here, so she didn't show much surprise. However, she had never seen a flying pink hairless cat before, so she had to take a closer look.

At this moment, Menghuan's eyes met Ningguang's.

"Oh, you are the richest woman in Liyue."

Ningguang smiled and shook her head, saying,"Don't listen to Keqing, but I am really interested in Pokemon. I wonder if the boss is here?"

As soon as the voice fell,

Su Yan had already walked out of the room in the store, but when he saw that the door was surrounded by people, he frowned immediately.

"What's going on?"

He walked over slowly.

Ningguang hurried forward.

"Are you Boss Su Yan?"

After seeing Keqing and Ningguang, Su Yan's brows immediately relaxed and he realized what was going on.

"I was wondering why there was so much noise all of a sudden, it turns out that Miss Ningguang is here in person, no wonder."

Then, he asked jokingly,"It seems that Miss Ningguang is also interested in Pokémon."

Ningguang smiled in response

"I am not only interested in Pokemon, but also in the special identity of boss Su Yan."

While she was talking, she was looking at Su Yan.

He was very good-looking, with a kind of indifferent handsomeness.

After hearing Keqing say that Su Yan came from outside the world, she became very interested in this person and was curious about what people outside the world looked like.

Now it seems that there is almost no difference between him and the humans in Teyvat.

However, because there were too many people outside the door, Ningguang did not speak out directly.

Of course, Su Yan also realized Ningguang's concerns.

"Miss Ningguang, don't worry too much. If you have any questions, just ask directly.……"

After that, he snapped his fingers lightly.


Menghuan , do n't let others hear our conversation."???"


"Got it!"

On the other hand, Menghuan chuckled, and then in front of everyone, its pupils suddenly emitted a faint pink-purple light...

The next second!


The light shield created by the power of thought was raised from Menghuan.

When the power of thought light shield brushed past Keqing and Ningguang, they were a little surprised, but they didn't feel anything special.

Look at the people outside the door again...

When the shield was released, it seemed to wrap up the entire elf house, and those people only felt that there seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of them.

"Hey, what is this?!"

"I, why can't I see inside all of a sudden? What's going on with this light shield?!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this is what the little thing inside released, right?"

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