"Su Yan, Majiana is here!"Huan

Huan was very efficient and called Majiana over in a short time.

The strange thing was... after Huan Huan brought Majiana, she went back into the small room.

At this moment,

Majiana stood with her hands hanging naturally and walked slowly to Su Yan with an elegant posture.

"Master, what can I do for you?--"

Whether in temperament or dignified manners, Magiana is impeccable.

Of course.

Magiana was not found by Huanhuan temporarily.

When creating the Elf Island, Su Yan found Magiana who had been abandoned for hundreds of years and made her active again.

Then, it moved into the Elf Island, and everything in the house was taken care of by Magiana.

Otherwise, with Su Yan's occasional visit and no one taking care of it, the villa would have been full of dust. At this time.

Su Yan nodded to Magiana, and then pointed at General Lei Dian.

"Thank you for taking care of the house during this period. I want to ask you to teach this guy how to smile and how to make tea."

"Since the master has instructed me, I will naturally do it for you."

Majiana nodded her head in response, and then looked at General Lei Dian.……

"Then, please let this lady learn from me how to serve the master."


As mentioned before, General Lei Dian is now no different from a puppet. The only thing he can understand is Su Yan's instructions.

"Go ahead and learn from Magiyana."

""Yes, Master."

General Lei Dian did not respond until Su Yan spoke.

Then, Magiana began to train General Lei Dian.

"Let's practice smiling. First, relax your facial muscles and gently raise your mouth into an arc, not too much, not too little, just right."


I have to say.

Magiana's teaching method is very powerful. Just now, no matter how Su Yan taught, he still couldn't smile. Under Magiana

's constant guidance, General Lei Dian gradually learned to smile normally.


Until Majiyana nodded with satisfaction

"Then, I will teach you how to make tea.……"


"No, there is too much tea. It is too strong and the host will not be used to it."

"No, the water is too hot."


Although General Raiden was a quick learner, Magyana was very strict. Just practicing smiling and pouring tea took half an hour. Su Yan was not in a hurry, so he just sat there and watched.

It was quite interesting, mainly because it helped him kill time. At the same time, he had some dark thoughts in his mind.

"If Ying saw this scene, I really don't know what he would think."

At this moment.


The door of the room in the depths suddenly opened.

I saw Menghuan, who had gone and returned, smiling, holding an unopened unknown object in his hand.

"Hmm? Huanhuan, where did you go just now?"

Faced with Su Yan's question, Huanhuan quickly shook the object in his hand.

"Su Yan, this, this, I used money from home to buy a set!"

"What is this?"

Su Yan blinked. In the elf world, he did have a lot of savings, and he also approved Huanhuan to use it at will.

But... what did it buy?

Su Yan was very curious. He immediately took the object handed over by Huanhuan and opened it to take a look...


"Maid outfit?!"

Su Yan slapped his hand on his forehead.

Menghuan suddenly had several question marks.

"Huh? You don't like it? I went to a human city and bought a brand new model."

Su Yan was speechless.

"……Huanhuan, luckily you have defined yourself as a girl since you followed me, otherwise I would really doubt your hobbies.

Huanhuan was a little confused.

"Eh... I thought you would like it."


Dream was originally a genderless elf, but it was very special, and under Su Yan's guidance, it had completely taken on the shape of a woman.

""Oh... am I that kind of person?"

Su Yan was puzzled. He was usually quite serious, so why did Menghuan think that he liked maid costumes?

Half an hour later,……

""Master, please have some tea."

The Thunder General, who had changed into a maid outfit, had already handed the brewed tea to Su Yan.

She smiled, and could not imagine that this was the Inazuma God who issued the 'Eye Hunting Order'.

"Great, Majiyana, you really have to come."

After Su Yan took the tea, he couldn't help but look at General Lei Dian twice.

"Well, now you look much better when you smile."

Don't mention it, when General Raiden smiles, and wears this maid outfit, he doesn't look like a soulless puppet at all.


"The tea is well brewed!"

Su Yan took a sip and found the tea tasted just right, with the right balance of hot and cold.

In response to the compliment, General Lei Dian nodded and said,"Thank you for the compliment, Master."


Su Yan nodded in satisfaction. This was all thanks to Magyana.

Although General Lei Dian was still following orders, suddenly,

Su Yan fumbled in his arms for a while and then took out a mobile phone.

"Fortunately, I brought it with me."

You know, Su Yan is not a time traveler. To be precise, he can walk freely in the dimension.

When he went to the elf world, he naturally brought all his belongings with him, including his mobile phone.

After all, the elf world also has the concept of mobile phones.

Unfortunately... the network is not universal.

So he has never taken it out.

Now I remember that there seem to be some videos cached in my phone before.

As a result……

"It's out of battery."

Fortunately, he was proficient in all eighteen attributes, so charging was no problem at all.

After charging it for a while, he immediately unlocked the password of his phone and then looked for it.

"……What the hell was that on that little broken website?"I wanted to kill time and find some skills on my phone for General Lei Dian to learn.

But... my phone was filled with all sorts of random videos.

No wonder the storage was full.

No, the storage was mainly for study materials, so I couldn't delete them.

"Hmm...how about letting her learn this?"

Suddenly, Su Yan found a short video on his phone, titled"Subject Three Special Effects Edition".

Although this dance video is a bit outdated, it is still good to relieve boredom.

Having made up his mind, Su Yan immediately handed the phone to General Lei Dian and said,"Try to learn this, I want to see"

""Okay, Master."

General Lei Dian stared at the phone, and as Su Yan pressed the play button, she stared at the phone as it started playing a dance video.

Before long... she began to learn the dance in the video and gradually began to dance.

The store was closed.

Although the store was not big, it was more than enough for a subject three dance.

Not to mention, General Lei Dian danced really well.

Compared to the stiffness at the beginning, she learned very quickly, and soon her movements became light and soft.

Compared to the Internet celebrity faces dancing in the video, she was many times better. Not to mention the beauty of General Lei Dian, which was incomparable to those people.

"Oh, not bad."

Just as Su Yan smiled and praised again...


Suddenly, purple lightning flashed in the hands of the dancing Thunder General. The faint sound just now was the sound of purple lightning jumping at her fingertips.

Su Yan was a little surprised...

He immediately looked at the video screen on his phone.

At this time, the person dancing in the video was also using the special effects of purple lightning in his hands.


As soon as Su Yan saw the screen on his phone, he had a strong sense of foreboding.

At the same time,

General Lei Dian's hands were swinging with thunder... his fingertips were rubbing against the lightning.



·· ········Request flowers· ···

·· ········Request flowers· ···

"what happened?"

""Where did the explosion happen?"

People walking outside were all startled.

When they saw the smoke rising in the distance,……

"No, no way, it’s the elf house, the elf house exploded!"

"What happened? How could the Elf House suddenly explode? Quick, we don’t know if Boss Su Yan is inside, let’s go and have a look!"As mentioned before, the Elf House now has a high status in Liyue, which is no less than the status of the immortals in Liyue’s mind.

Seeing the Elf House explode, many people rushed over.

When they arrived at the scene ,……

"The house of the elves is destroyed."

That's right.

Countless eyes saw Su Yan, Menghuan, Magyana and General Leidian standing in the ruins. The ruins refer to the elf house.

There is no doubt that General Leidian was imitating the purple lightning special effects in the video.

As mentioned before, her body is strong and contains the power of thunder and lightning, and then... she can't control her power.���The elf house was blown up.

Of course, this was an accident...

Just then, Zhong Li suddenly squeezed out of the crowd.

He originally came to Su Yan for something, but before he got close, he saw the closed door of the elf house exploded.

At this moment, he slowly approached Su Yan and others.

.... 0

.... 0

"Su, Mr. Su Yan...what are you doing?"


Su Yan was quite depressed, but could he blame General Lei Dian?

She was just following his instructions.

Of course, Su Yan was not injured at all. No, it should be said that it was impossible for her to be injured.

Dream and Magearna were both powerful, so a mere explosion would not hurt them.

"Hey, why do you want to jump into the special effects version of subject three?……"

Su Yan shook his head, then waved his fingers.


The entire ruins of the elf house seemed to be shrouded in the concept of time.

Then... in the eyes of countless people, including Zhongli, the elf house that was originally blown into ruins actually began to show a scene of time reversal.

Pieces of shattered walls began to reassemble, return to their previous colors, and slowly piled up again.

Those broken decorations were also restored in the blink of an eye.

But in just a few seconds... the elf house that was almost shattered has now returned to its appearance before the explosion.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

Only Zhongli was filled with horror.

He could vaguely feel that at the moment the elf house was restored, the power of time seemed to cover the entire elf house.

"Time? He, he actually controlled time?!"

Time is something that everyone has, even gods are no exception.

To the people of Teyvat, all creatures are powerless when facing the concept of time.

Even if they are immortal, they will suffer from the wear and tear of their souls.

Even if there is a way to circumvent it, even if there is a way to delay it, in Zhongli's opinion, no one can control time. But now... Su Yan actually did it?!

And judging from his appearance, it was effortless.

No preparation, no need for anything, just a flick of the finger?

"Everyone, it's okay. I was just trying something and disturbed you. I will announce the details of the competition tomorrow. Come back then."

At this moment, Su Yan signaled to the people on the street that everything was fine and prepared to close the door again.

"Mr. Su Yan, you, you……"

At this moment, Zhongli hurried forward.

"Is there something wrong?"

But in the end, Zhongli still didn't ask, he knew now was not the time to ask this.

"Huh... Mr. Su Yan, I want to buy some Poké Balls from you."

Su Yan raised his eyebrows and asked,"Buy Poké Balls? What for?""

"I met a Pokémon I liked and wanted to catch it."

Yes, after listening to Venti's advice, Zhongli went outside Liyue to look for Pokémon that he liked. As a result, he actually met one, and he liked it very much. But... that Pokémon didn't care about Zhongli at all.

: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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