Above the sea.

A figure floated in the air, followed by two Pokémon.

At this time, Dream folded his arms and said,"Su Yan, what on earth is that guy thinking? He wants to save Osel, but he has been hiding under the Lonely Cloud Pavilion and dares not come out." After the words fell,

Celebi next to him whispered,"That... it must be very conflicted."

"Yes, it was trying to find a way to save Osel, but it didn't dare to show up."

The floating person was Su Yan.

The day of the competition was approaching, and a competition naturally required an arena.

Now he appeared in Guyun Pavilion to prepare for this.

Zhongli suppressed countless demons here with his rock spear, and the only surviving vortex demon was also subdued.

Now Guyun Pavilion is useless, and Su Yan thought that he could use it to build an arena for the competition.

But... not long after he took away the vortex demon, his wife Ba Che had been wandering under Guyun Pavilion.

That was"38"380" zero" a dragon lizard with extraordinary power.

It can even cause a tsunami...

In this case, if you want to set up the competition here, you must first deal with it.

"Come on."

Su Yan's mouth curled up slightly:"Let me think about how to build the arena."

After that

, Su Yan raised his arm slightly.


Guyun Pavilion was originally an archipelago.

But now as Su Yan raised his hand slightly... the whole sea was shaking.

Especially one of the islands below, which was slowly rising into the air.

It was as if there was a flying vehicle under this island, floating up little by little.

Even this movement was heard in Liyue

"Hey, look in the direction of Gu, Guyun Pavilion!"


When someone shouted loudly, countless people looked towards Guyun Pavilion.

Who knew... the faces of those people suddenly changed.

"Oh my god... Is there an island floating in Guyun Pavilion?"

Guyun Pavilion and Liyue are far apart, but with such a big commotion and an entire island floating in the air, this scene is particularly eye-catching.

Above the Qunyu Pavilion,

Ningguang and Keqing, who had just finished fighting, were putting away their elves.

At this moment, the movement of Guyun Pavilion also made them turn around and look away.

The next second, Keqing's eyes widened.

"How come there is an island floating over there in Guyun Pavilion?!"


Ningguang chuckled. She knew what was going on and said,"Mr. Su Yan is about to start."

"Start? What start? What is he going to do?"

Keqing's face was full of questions, especially when she saw Ningguang's proud expression... She always felt that she and Su Yan were secretly doing something that she didn't know about.

At the same time……

""Here it comes."

A black figure passed through the sky above Liyue and appeared on a roof.

It was Zhongli.

Not long after... another figure stopped beside him.

As long as Su Yan made a move, Zhongli and Wendy would never be absent.

At this time, Wendy asked curiously:"You threw down the rock spear and turned into an isolated island. Now even if it becomes an arena he set up, what do you think?"

Zhongli always folded his arms, calm and composed.

"The Lonely Cloud Pavilion has already been torn apart, and now the resentment of the demons that I suppressed has dissipated. If I can become the first arena for Pokémon in this world, I think it is worth it."

"That's true."

Wendy held the back of her head with both hands and recalled what she had done in Mondstadt.

"I still miss it. I remember when I leveled the mountains of Mondstadt and threw them into the sea to create an environment for Mondstadt, just like Su Yan.……"

At this point,

Wendy suddenly realized something was wrong.

Others could not see Su Yan in front of Guyun Pavilion, but he and Zhongli could see him clearly.

"He, he didn't move it with his hands? How is this possible?!"


In the eyes of Wendy and Zhongli, Su Yan's body did not touch the island of Guyun Pavilion at all.

He just raised his hand, and the island floated up.

This is a power driven by mental strength, commonly known as... superpowers!

It is also one of the attributes of Pokémon!

However, not only that... the more terrifying is yet to come.

When the island floated at the same level as Su Yan, he raised his hand again.


The sea shook again, and another island slowly floated up.

It's not over yet...

He raised his hand again, and the third island began to show the same movement.

At this moment. There are already three islands floating in the air at the same time. What a spectacular scene. Just based on this scene, it is no less than the scene of the two elf gods appearing before.

"My God, if these... these... these islands were to fall towards Liyue, they would probably destroy Liyue in an instant, right?"

When the people of Liyue saw this scene, their jaws dropped.

At the same time, everyone had a feeling in their hearts.

The feeling of having their life and death controlled by others.

"The owner of the Elf House said that he would hold the competition in Guyun Pavilion. This, this should be his work, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, this should be done by Boss Su Yan. After all, apart from the Geo King in Liyue, he is the only one who can do such a thing..........."

In the midst of everyone's astonishment..........



The fourth island, the fifth island!

The Solitary Cloud Pavilion is composed of seven large islands, and now there are five of them floating in the air.

These giant islands are like building blocks in front of Su Yan, waiting for him to figure out how to put them together.

However, the most surprised, panicked, and frightened people at this scene were not the Liyue people.

It was the Ba Che hiding under the Solitary Cloud Pavilion!

Its dragon lizard body was originally hidden under one of the islands.

Now that the island was lifted up by Su Yan, it quickly sneaked to the remaining two islands to avoid exposing its traces.

Little did it know... its every move had long been seen by Su Yan.

"Let me see, this third island is somewhat consistent with the sixth island below."

But Su Yan was like a person who had nothing to do. He looked at an island floating in the air, and then looked at Ba Che's position.

With a chuckle, Su Yan waved his hand and said,"Go."

The island floating in the sky was like a meteorite falling.

In two or three breaths...


The sea surface suddenly surged with a terrifying tsunami. The entire island that was just thrown down by Su Yan was now connected to another island below.

At the same time...


This falling island happened to hit Ba Che's head very 'coincidentally'.


At this moment, Ba Che only felt a pain in his head and dizziness

"Did he, did he find me? No, this must be a coincidence. I just need to hide here.……"

Just when Ba Che thought it was just an accident, he suddenly felt the island above his head floating up again.

He was so scared that he wanted to escape.

"Hmm... the connection between the islands seems not perfect enough."

Su Yan, standing in the air, tapped his fingertips lightly, and the re-floating island suddenly turned a little.

Then, Su Yan waved his hand again.

"Come again." As soon as the voice fell, the island that had just risen suddenly fell again.

It was as if Su Yan was putting the Lonely Cloud Pavilion together as a puzzle, and naturally he had to strive for perfection.


Then it"happened" to hit the forehead of Ba Che who was hiding in the deep sea.

This time... Ba Che finally understood.

The person above was deliberately hitting his forehead.

Since that's the case...……


"I will fight you!!!".: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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