"Mr. Su Yan, I have mobilized all the idle workers to start building the Elf Alliance facilities a few days ago. At this rate, it will be completed in three months."

Inside the Elf House, Su Yan and Ningguang were discussing the completion progress of the 'Elf Alliance'.

Since the day when Guyun Pavilion was reorganized, Su Yan asked Ningguang to help hire workers to build the Elf Alliance to be used in the future.

For Su Yan, it is easy to build various environments.

But if it involves details such as decoration, the effect will be much better if it can be handed over to a skillful architectural designer.

As for the required expenses, he has no shortage of Mora.

But the progress reported was much slower than he imagined...

Su Yan touched his chin:"It will take another three months?"

Ningguang was also a little helpless. She had worked hard to get it.

"There is no other way. The Pokémon Battle Competition will be held in three days. Many people have put down their work and are working hard to train Pokémon. Even if we wait until the competition is over, I am afraid it will be difficult to recruit people so quickly."

"That's true."

Su Yan nodded, and then after thinking about it, he said

"Even so, three months is still too long. Let's do this. After the game is over, I will send a team of"super strength" Pokémon to help. They are good at building, but they must be rewarded accordingly, so let's use energy blocks to compensate."

""Super Strength?"

This was the first time Ningguang had heard of a Pokémon name, and what made her even more curious was……

"Can Pokémon also build?"

"Haha, Miss Ningguang, Pokémon can do more than just fighting. They can also build buildings, cultivate flowers and plants, charge electricity, deliver goods, and even deliver news."

After saying that, Su Yan smiled and said,"If they can only fight, why would I need to build a Pokémon Alliance?"


At this moment, Ningguang realized that her vision was still too short-sighted.

"I see. I have a feeling that Pokémon will promote the development of Teyvat as a whole, which is undoubtedly a good thing.々〃 々〃 "

"Not bad."

It's convenient to talk to smart people, so when it comes to business, Su Yan likes to cooperate with Ningguang the most.

At this moment, Ningguang suddenly looked up and looked around.

Ever since she came in, she always felt that something was missing.

Now she realized……

"By the way, Mr. Su Yan, where are Menghuan and Celebi? Why aren't they with you today?"

"They went to Xumi……"

Su Yan smiled, then seemed to answer but didn't quite.

"I have a task for them, so they won't be back for a while."


At this moment, Ningguang glanced at Su Yan. Although his answer was vague

, Ningguang knew clearly that Su Yan must be planning something big again.

But... what on earth could make Menghuan and Celebi go together?

She didn't ask, and she knew she couldn't ask.

Instead, after a light"oh", she suddenly made an invitation.

"The Elf House is closed recently. If Mr. Su Yan is free, I wonder if you could accompany me to the Glazed Pavilion for dinner?"

After saying that, Ningguang added,"I hope to discuss more about Pokémon with you."

However, she saw Su Yan shook his head without hesitation.

The direct rejection made her feel disappointed.

But the next second, Su Yan said,"If I show up at the Glazed Pavilion with you, do you think I can still have a good meal?"


Ningguang was immediately delighted.

That's right, Su Yan is now a god-like existence in the eyes of the people of Liyue.

And she is the Tianquan Star of Liyue. It is hard to say what kind of topics will arise if they go in and out of Liuli Pavilion together.

Ningguang immediately said:"I didn't think it through. In this case, I will invite Mr. Su Yan to dine at Qun Yu Pavilion instead. I will ask Liuli Pavilion to send the dishes there in advance."


This time Su Yan answered very straightforwardly, and then said:"But we have to wait a few more days."

"I see. You want to wait until the game is over. Mr. Su Yan is indeed very similar to me.……"

At this point, Ningguang suddenly realized that what she said was inappropriate.

She hurriedly tried to correct it.

However, at this moment, Su Yan said leisurely:"The guests are coming."


Ningguang immediately realized that Su Yan was waiting for someone.

"In that case, Mr. Su Yan, I will take my leave first."

Just as she said goodbye and turned around to leave...Su Yan suddenly praised her from behind.

""Ms. Ningguang, it's a pleasure to work with you. By the way, you can just call me Su Yan from now on, no need to add the word sir."

Ningguang didn't look back.

Having been doing business in Liyue for so long, she had heard too many such words.

Usually, she would respond politely and modestly.

But this compliment came from Su Yan, and she felt extremely happy and her heart was filled with joy.

""Okay, Su Yan."

After that, she quickened her pace and hurried out of the elf house.


Looking at the figure that seemed to be fleeing in panic, Su Yan smiled lightly.

"¨」 ¨」 After all, without the mischievous ghost around, there is always a lack of a lively atmosphere."

As soon as the voice fell, Palkia's voice came from the void

"Lord Su Yan, how about I chat with you?"

"……Forget it. I'd rather talk to Master Liuyunjiefeng than to you."

Su Yan rejected Palkia directly.

Then, he moved his fingers...


The door of the deep room suddenly opened.

Then, Ying's body slowly walked over. Her expression was dull, although her movements were much smoother.……


Since the explosion of the elf house, Su Yan has been helpless with this body.

Although he has a way to make it no different from a real person.

But after all, this body still has an owner, and he has promised Ying that he will return the body to her as long as those things are done, so he let her stay in the room these days.

At the same time

"Elf House."

At the door, under the guidance of the enthusiastic girl, Yae Shenzi and Ying finally arrived at their destination.

Looking at the sign hanging at the door...

Yae Shenzi and Ying looked at each other.

To be honest, after arriving at the door, they both felt nervous.

After all, they came here not only to get Ying's body back, but also to come with a request.

"This is my chance, and my sister's chance as well."

The shadow in the Pure Land of One Heart clenched his hands tightly, and then said to the Eightfold Son of God:"Son of God, let's go in, and remember not to cause any more unpleasantness with Mr. Su Yan."

"Of course."

The Eightfold God Son also had something to ask for.

The door was not closed, only a sign saying"Closed" was hung on the door.

With Su Yan's current status in Liyue, as long as this sign was hung there, no one would dare to visit.

But the Eightfold God Son and Ying came here on a promise after all.

"Let's go in."

After saying that, Yae Shenzi carried Ying's Pure Land and slowly walked into the Elf House.: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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