
A sturdy figure suddenly jumped down in front of the two.

Before that, it was silent and no one could detect it hiding in the tree.

It was a grass-green lizard about 1.7 meters tall. It was standing, with a long, huge leaf tail behind it, and two arms with leaves as sharp as blades.

Lizard King.

It was the king-level Pokémon in this forest.

After receiving Su Yan's message, it had been waiting for the two people to arrive.

"I wanted to kill you, but I thought it was too easy for you."

The Lizard King spoke in Elven language, so how could the two understand it?

But the momentum of the Lizard King in front of them, plus the fact that they had just experienced the Dragon King Scorpion, made them know that this Elf was not ordinary.

This scared them so much that they crawled and rolled to their feet.

One of them subconsciously reached for his waist.

"Save me, floating……"

However, the next second, he realized that the Pokémon he could rely on had just been abandoned as bait.

While he was stunned, the Lizard King in front of him had raised his arms.


Its ghostly figure passed between the two in the blink of an eye.

The crossed leaves in the lizard king's hand were stained with a bright color.


Look at the two people again...

At this moment, their eyes rolled back and their bodies collapsed to the ground.

The color of blood dyed the ground in the forest red.

They did not disappear, nor were they teleported away like other contestants, but they were left here forever.……



It knew the whole story, but it was still very angry.

When it saw a contestant appear in the dense forest, it jumped down from the tree.

"Leaf Blade!"

The next second.

The contestant attacked by the Lizard King has already appeared in the square, and he doesn't even know how he was eliminated.

The Lizard King is like a killer in the forest, and it is hard to guard against.

Like the Dragon King Scorpion in the desert, it is also performing its mission, not just venting its emotions...

If there is any change, it is that it is more precise.

As long as it targets prey, it will never miss.

If... volcanoes, snow mountains, deserts, forests, which of these four places is the most terrifying?

The answer is the forest with the Lizard King.

Of course, in a place like a forest, if you don't always stay alert, then you can't blame anyone if you are killed by a secret killer.

You know, if this is not in the space (acbf) but in the outside world, no one will have a chance to come again.

But at this time……

"Huh, we have been walking for so long, why haven’t we walked out of this forest yet!"

Xiangling, Hutao, Xingqiu, Lisa, Klee and Zhongli, they didn't know how long they had been walking in the forest.

Even so, there was still a vast sea of trees in front of them.

At this moment, Xingqiu suddenly asked:"Mr. Zhongli, do you feel something is wrong?"

"How do you say that?"

After Zhongli responded, Xingqiu quickly expressed his doubts.

"Logically speaking, we are in Guyun Pavilion now, right? Although the owner of the Elf House has strengthened Guyun Pavilion several times, it shouldn't be so exaggerated. We have been walking for most of the day, but we haven't even reached half the distance."

"That 's right."

Lisa also interrupted and said,"We walked in the forest for most of the day, but don't forget that there are volcanoes, snow-capped mountains and deserts on this island. I think the area there will not be smaller than this forest."

After hearing what the two said, Walnut said with an incredible look on his face

"Hey hey hey, no wonder it took us so long, is this island so big?"

"……"Master Hu, you seem to have misunderstood."

Zhongli shook his head helplessly. Xingqiu and Lisa didn't mean that the island was big.

Forget it, ignore Hu Tao.

Zhongli looked at the two of them and nodded:"It's amazing that you can find this in such a short time. In fact, you can imagine this island as a space, a space that can be stretched. In fact, this place is much larger than what we see."


Xingqiu frowned.

How could the owner of the Elf House be so powerful?

He had also seen it when the Lonely Cloud Pavilion was rebuilt. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He just didn't expect that he could use this method to make this place expand several times invisibly.

Is this really something that humans can do?

As for Lisa, she knew more than Xingqiu. After all, Su Yan was a person who could easily defeat even gods.

"Mr. Zhongli, then we won’t be unable to get out forever, right?"


Zhongli shook his head and denied Lisa's question.

""Hey, how long do we have to walk?!"

Walnut and Xiangling pouted at the same time.

To be honest, the forest was damp and made people feel uncomfortable.

Besides, they were not out for a picnic, and they had to guard against attacks from Pokémon from time to time.

The process was still quite painful.

Klee was still full of energy. Anyway, she couldn't understand what the adults said...

She only knew that there was a lake ahead, and was wondering if there were any fish in it. Should she use a bouncing bomb or a thunder ball?

However, just as Xiangling and Walnut's complaints sounded...


Zhongli suddenly stopped, causing everyone to stop.

"There is a dangerous aura approaching us quickly"

"Hey, could it be another Pokémon from the forest?"

Hu Tao opened her mouth wide. Since being chased by the Toucan, they have stepped on walking grass, smelled the smell of stinking flowers, and kicked the prickly cactus.

What could it be now?

But Zhongli's face became very serious.

"The ones that came weren't the ordinary Pokémon just now. They might be the ones that Boss Su Yan mentioned...the ones that can only escape."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's faces changed.

"Here it comes!"

Zhongli reacted very quickly. He grabbed the scabbard of the single sword behind Xingqiu and swung it upwards.


In an instant, sparks from the friction of the blades... No, broken leaves fell from Zhongli's head.

Xiangling was even more surprised and pointed upwards.……

""Hey, what a big lizard!!!"

That's right.

The one who suddenly attacked them with the leaf blade was the Lizard King.

Since the start of the competition, it has eliminated many contestants.

When it saw Zhongli's team, it attacked without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, it didn't expect that... someone in this team could not only discover its hidden whereabouts, but also take its attack.

After the Lizard King was surprised for a moment, he immediately jumped back and did a somersault, landing steadily on the ground.

However, at this time, Xingqiu hurriedly shouted!

"Mr. Zhongli, please release the scabbard. It is a ghost possessing the ancient sword that will suck the vitality of humans."

"It doesn't matter, it can't suck my life force."

Although Zhongli couldn't use the power of the Rock God in this space, he was not deprived of his physical strength or skills.

But after answering Xingqiu's words, he felt something was wrong, and immediately added:

"After all, Wangshengtang is in this business."

As soon as these words came out, Hu Tao immediately gave a thumbs up.

"Well said, Guest Zhongli!"

This was definitely a good promotion for the Wangsheng Hall.

But soon Hu Tao realized... Unfortunately, there was no one else around.

But... they didn't notice that Zhongli's face didn't look relaxed, but instead said to everyone

"Everyone, you'd better leave here as soon as possible."

Then, he raised the scabbard of the sword in front of him.

"Just now, after receiving the blow from the lizard, Du Jianshao seemed to have fainted. I...didn't bring any weapons with me."

I want to say:

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