"That's right, it's the exam."

Seeing many people subconsciously taking a step back when they heard the word"exam", Diancie winked mischievously.

""Primitive power!"

Then, it gently waved its little hand.


A wave suddenly exploded on the lake.

Then, everyone saw a floating rock appeared on the lake, which was more than enough for a person to stand on.

"I think you have tried it. No matter which way you go to the center of the lake, you will be returned to where you started. But……"

Diancie raised her hand and said slowly,"Next, you have to answer Diancie's questions. If you answer each one correctly, Diancie will use this rock to send you to the center of the lake, little by little. There is a teleportation array left by Su Yan there. You only need to answer ten questions correctly to pass the test.""


Only then did everyone understand, this is how the lake was originally crossed?

"May I ask, what are the questions?"

It's an exam, so people tend to be nervous, so some people still feel that they need to ask clarification first.

Diancie blinked and said,"They are all questions related to Pokémon's daily life and battles. But don't worry, Diancie, I will only give corresponding questions based on the Pokémon you bring."

After the words fell, someone asked again:"Then, what if the answer is wrong?"


Diancie made an explosion gesture, then spread her hands and said,"Then you will be eliminated."

"I see."

Ningguang already knew the purpose of Su Yan's last level.

This was to see if the contestants really understood their own Pokémon.

If they only regarded them as combat tools, they would not be able to answer.

But if they were too doting, they would not be able to answer combat questions.

However, Ningguang was very confident in herself.

During this period of time, she took care of the Sharptooth Land Shark, and asked herself whether she had a very comprehensive understanding of diet or combat.

"now that……"

But at this moment, Yae Shinko walked out first.

She smiled and said,"Then I'll go first. My Pokémon is Vulpix. I know best what it likes."

""Okay, put away your Pokémon first, and then come up."

At this time, Diancie also made an invitation gesture, super cute.

Yae Shenzi immediately took back the six tails, and then stepped onto the rock gracefully.

It can be seen that she is full of confidence.

After all, foxes know foxes best.

"Ms. Diancie, please start~"

"Okay, but Diancie has to tell you in advance, you only have three seconds to think about each question~"

Seeing that Yae Shinko was very confident, Diancie smiled and asked the question:"First question, what does Vulpix like to eat?"

"Haha, this kind of question is not difficult for me."

Yae Shenzi answered without hesitation:"Of course it is Fukunai Udon, that is my favorite dish, Vulpix must like it too."

As soon as she finished speaking!


Yae Shenzi suddenly fell from the rock into the lake.

Then... there was a fox in the square outside.

At this moment, Yae Shenzi was confused.

""Ah? I answered wrong? How is this possible?!"

Seeing her absent-minded look, Su Yan, who was standing in front of her, shook his head speechlessly.

"Hey... I was asking you what Vulpix likes, not you. Kyuubi expected you not to be eliminated so quickly, but you are the first one!"Yaezamiko asked without thinking:"But, but isn't it a fox?"

Su Yan immediately laughed and scolded:"Have you really seen the Pokémon Encyclopedia?!" After all

, Yaezamiko got Vulpix just before the competition.

To be honest, she can get to where she is now entirely due to good luck.

First, she fought Magikarp, and then she was transported to the volcano and met Kyuubi and was protected by it. It can only be said that she is really lucky.

Originally, Su Yan thought that she dared to go up first, and she must be confident that her good luck will continue...

As a result.

With one question, she was beaten back to her original form.

Just like now...

All the contestants on the shore of the lake were confused.

Yaezamiko looked so confident just now, they all thought... Hey.

Let's not talk about it.

She was just here to make people laugh. At this moment, Ningguang, who was beaten by Yaezamiko, suddenly walked out

"Ms. Diancie, let me do it."

""Okay, please."

Diancie made another invitation gesture.

When Ningguang stood firm, she nodded and said,"Please start."

Diancie thought for a moment and then asked,"First question, what is the use of the skin and scales shed by the sharp-toothed land shark?"

Ningguang answered the question in just one second.

"A powder that can make medicine and restore fatigue"

"Guessed it right~"

Diancie blinked slightly, it seems this one is reliable. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At the same time...

Suddenly, Ningguang felt the rock under her feet began to slide on the lake surface, not fast, very steady.

""Anyway, Master Ningguang can answer this question?"

At this moment, many people showed admiration.

However, when the rock was about one-tenth of the distance from the center of the island, Ningguang suddenly stopped moving.[]

At this moment, Diancie has arrived in front of her.

"Second question: At what level can the Sharptooth Land Shark learn the double attack?"

"You can learn it when the Round Shark evolves into the Fanged Shark."

During this period, Ningguang has been very attentive to the Fanged Shark.

I still remember that after the Round Shark evolved, she took out the Pokémon Book and recorded it. She still remembers the content in it. This is the title of the powder.

And the double slash is the move she uses most...

At the beginning, the Round Shark evolved in the battle with Keqing's Blue Blade Ghost. At that time, it didn't know this move, but it naturally learned it after the evolution. How could Ningguang not know this?

"Correct answer!"

As the rock moved again,

Diancie asked again:"What is the gender of your Sharptooth Land Shark?"


Ningguang answered without hesitation.

Although this question is simple, some people don't care about these things. They only care about strength.

Ningguang answered all the questions asked by Diancie.

It can only be said that

Ningguang's ability to go from an ordinary person to the Tianquan Star in Liyue is enough to prove her talent.

After nine questions in a row, Ningguang is only a stone's throw away from her destination.

"Miss Ningguang, as long as you answer my last question correctly, you can pass the second round!"

At this moment, Ningguang was a little nervous.

After all, this was the last question.

If she answered it correctly, she would be the first to pass.

If she answered it wrong, she would be eliminated.

It was difficult for people to stay calm at this moment, not to mention that this was about a legendary Pokémon.

After taking a deep breath, Ningguang nodded.

"Please start"

"Okay, question 10."

Diancie immediately stretched out her little finger and asked,"What is the favorite object of the Sharptooth Land Shark?"

"Hehe, hehe……"

Ningguang suddenly relaxed.

She replied:

"It likes sparkling things, such as... gems!"

Why does she know this so clearly?

You know, the Jade Pavilion is the most luxurious place in the whole of Liyue, and there are many gem decorations.


One day recently, Ningguang suddenly discovered that the Sharptooth Land Shark would sometimes secretly take away the gem decorations, and then find a quiet corner, just staring at the sparkling gems.

And he looked like he was enjoying it.

So she was full of confidence about this issue.

At this moment.

Diancie clapped her hands, applauded, and congratulated sincerely:"Congratulations, Miss Ningguang, you passed the test."

It knew very well that if it had not voluntarily understood its own Pokémon, it would never have been able to answer so fluently.

"Thank you."

Ningguang smiled and nodded, then looked at the Poké Ball on her waist.

"You've worked hard, Fanged Land Shark."

Then... in front of everyone's eyes, the rock had already sent Ningguang to the center of the lake, where there was a lighted teleportation array.

As soon as Ningguang stepped in... she passed

""That's amazing! You are worthy of being Master Ningguang, the first one to pass the level!"

Someone on the shore cheered.

After all, there was really no danger this time, but at the same time, they were also worried. Could they really answer all the questions?

Only at this moment...……

"Diancie, I, I, I will answer the question too!" The person who raised his hand was… Walnut?!.

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