Phoenix King?

Hearing this elf, Siso looked at Apollo with some surprise.


When did Team Rocket actually become interested in King Feng?

Originally, the rocket team found him, Siso thought that he wanted to ask himself to help catch the dream, after all, the ‘self-reliant’ rocket team is different from other evil organizations that are glamorous.

Other evil organizations are thinking about how to control and capture legendary Pokémon in their own areas, but Team Rocket is different.

They are thinking of how to make a legendary Pokémon out of their own!

And then he really got them a Mewtwo….

But now Apollo actually told him that he wanted to ask him to capture the Phoenix King?

“Mr. Apollo, I think I have already informed you in the newsletter that we do not accept commissions without any source of information.”

Ma Xiu frowned slightly and reminded Apollo.

The Phoenix King is a Pokémon in the legend of Guandu, and the existence of the Phoenix King is much higher than that of the Three Divine Birds, and correspondingly, the mystery of the Phoenix King is also much higher than that of the Three Divine Birds.

In layman’s terms, no one knows the whereabouts of King Feng!

Even the location cannot be determined, how to talk about arrest?

“We understand, but what if we already have a clue about the Phoenix King?”

Apollo did not care about Ma Xiu’s unpoliteness, and still smiled back.

Ma Xiu was stunned when she heard this, and then looked at Siso.

“If there is a clue, as long as the clue is reliable, I can try to take this commission.”

“But Mr. Sakaki, regardless of whether the final result is successful or not, you need to pay me a part of the reward, after all, it is only some clues of the Phoenix King, and whether you can find the Phoenix King is only unknown.”

Siso thought about it and asked Sakaki.

The whereabouts of legendary Pokémon are extremely difficult to find, especially legends like Lokia, the Phoenix King, which have almost no habitat.

Because they generally roam around, it is difficult to find them.

Even if there are clues, the devil knows if he can find the Phoenix King based on this part of the clues?

“This request is very reasonable, in fact, we don’t want Mr. Xiso to capture the Phoenix King, if we can bring back the Phoenix King feathers, it is also possible.”

Sakaki did not refuse, and replied with a light smile.

The purpose is the Rainbow Feather?

Siso’s eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this, the rainbow feather is also the feather of the Phoenix King, but this should be what the old monster of the Kamen in Kaji Town in the city capital needs.

Team Rocket hooked up with Kamen?

Maybe maybe it’s for Mewtwo?

Siso thought in his heart that the birth of Mewtwo was created by Team Rocket based on dream genes and then incorporating the genes of various excellent Pokémon.

If there is a chance to get the Phoenix King’s genes, it is indeed possible for Team Rocket to pursue it and integrate it into Mewtwo.

“We have also learned about Mr. Siso’s offer, as long as Mr. Siso is willing to accept this mission, whether it is successful or not.”

“We are all willing to provide a reward of 10 million, and if Mr. Siso can bring us back the feathers of the Phoenix King, we are willing to provide a reward of 100 million.”

Apollo said to Siso.

“It’s worthy of Team Rocket, it’s really bold.” Siso raised his eyebrows when he heard this, this price can be said to be very arrogant.

After all, this hundred million is just a feather of the Phoenix King.

“If Mr. Siso can capture King Feng, then we…”

“Four billion, I don’t negotiate the legend of the Phoenix King, four billion at least.”

Siso interrupted Apollo and laughed.

Apollo’s eyelids jumped, especially four billion? You can grab more than our Rockets?

Apollo looked at his boss, Sakaki.

“Four billion Phoenix King is indeed not expensive, it is acceptable.”

Sakaki did not react as much as Apollo, his face was still calm and calm, and he said lightly.

Cow ratio!

Ma Xiu looked at Sakaki with some surprise when she heard this, this was the first person she had seen to hear this price.

Karunai and the others all heard the price change, when they were in the United Public, Adek almost didn’t turn around and leave directly when he heard this price!

It is worthy of being the boss of Team Rocket, and this temperament is not comparable to ordinary people.

Ma Xiu sighed in her heart, no wonder it was possible to develop the rocket team to this point under the noses of the Guandu Alliance.

“Mr. Sakaki is cheerful, this is entrusted to me!”

Siso did not hesitate to finalize, the big turkey of the Phoenix King, as long as you can find it, Siso will definitely let the big turkey know what is sinister in the world!

That’s four billion!

The total unlocking level of the Suzaku Beast is only five billion, and the Suzaku Beast is now only 1.1 billion short.

As long as you can complete this commission, not only can you unlock the Suzaku Beast, but even the progress of the White Tiger Beast is half completed!

“I hope Mr. Siso will go well.” Sakaki stood up and smiled at Siso, looking indifferent as a rich man.

All over his body are written the words “grandpa is not bad money”.

“To borrow Mr. Sakaki’s words.” Siso smiled deeply and held Sakaki’s hand, which was a big boss.

But yes, the rocket team industry is all over Guandu, such as the largest game hall in Rainbow City, various amusement parks and so on.


If memory serves, the original world’s top chaebol Shiruf Company was given to the Magpie’s Nest by the Rockets, and even the president of Shiruf became a prisoner of the Rockets.

Shiruf is the company that developed the Pokeball technology, and in this era of mainstream trainers, you can imagine how large Shiruf is.

However, it was such a chaebol that was quietly occupied by the invasion of the rocket team, and even the president became a prisoner.

Well~ After all, this is a world of elf trainers, money and strength can not be equated, really powerful trainers basically have their own pursuits, not that you have money will work for you.

Or in fact, in the elven world, the concept of money is already very small.

Moreover, the life industry is completely different from the trainer, and it is the Elf Alliance that maintains the stability of the life industry, except for Team Rocket, an evil organization that works against the Elf Alliance.

In fact, there are not many people who dare to offend the world overlord of the Elven Alliance for some money, even if it is a hunter organization, it is also in the name of receiving commissions to make money.

Not many hunters dare to brainstorm to rob company owners everywhere.

Of course, these are not important, the important thing is that the Rockets have money!

Especially after occupying the Shiruf company, the rocket team is extremely rich! That’s enough!


(Ask for flowers, tickets, ask for everything).

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