Putting away the Phoenix King’s Spirit Ball, Siso looked at Ash and the others.

“Xiaozhi, I really thank you this time, otherwise it will be really difficult to find the Phoenix King.”

Siso slowly walked to Ma Xiu’s side and smiled slowly at Ash.

Ash pursed his lips tightly when he heard this, his eyes stared at Siso without blinking, obviously, witnessing King Feng being captured by Siso, Ash’s mood was not good.

Because he knew very well that Siso had the purpose of capturing the Phoenix King!

“Don’t look at me with such eyes, in fact, you don’t need to worry about anything at all, with the strength of the Phoenix King, it is not easy for my employer to trap it.”

Siso raised an eyebrow, shrugged at Ash, and spoke.

Sakaki’s strength is indeed very strong, maybe anime is for children, but in manga and games, Sakaki is a top trainer.

Strength, wisdom, city, strength, all of them are top-notch.

In particular, the Sun and Moon series version of the game has appeared the strongest evil organization in all generations, the Rainbow Rockets.

The leader of this strongest rainbow villain organization composed of the bosses of the parallel world is Sakaki, who has completed his ambitions in the parallel world!

You must know that the backbone members of the Rainbow Rocket Team are all legendary trainers!

Red Flame Pine, Water Sycamore, Akari, Quichisi, and Vladari all have a legend in their bodies, but even so, it is Sakaki who rules them.

This is enough to prove that Sakaki’s ability is the best among all villains.

But that is also a fully developed Rainbow Sakaki, and the Sakaki of Siso’s world is not as terrifying as Rainbow Sakagi, and without the help of Mewtwo, Sakaki is definitely not so easy to overwhelm the Phoenix King.

Indeed, Special Sakaki was even able to fight against one of the three gods for a short time, but with the strength of the Phoenix King, it was still no problem for Siso to escape.

Well, unless Team Rocket has something to suppress the Phoenix King’s black tech machine….

This Siso can’t guarantee this, after all, the black technology in the elven world is sometimes very outrageous…

“Brother Xisso, I never thought that we would one day stand in such a position.”

Ash spoke in a deep voice, his eyes firm and eye-catching.

“Oh?” Siso glanced at Ash.

It seems that this child is really a little stimulated and can actually say such things.

“I’ll stop you, this time… I didn’t, but there will never be a next time! ”

Ash took a deep breath, calmed down his somewhat messy thoughts and emotions, and said seriously to Siso, his eyes full of stubbornness and persistence.

He understood that he couldn’t stop Siso this time, but… There is no next time!

He will get stronger! And then bring down Siso! Correct the wrong Siso back!

Ash always believed that Siso just took a path he shouldn’t, because the feeling from childhood is not deceptive.

Ash believes that his brother took great care of him when he was a child, and he was by no means an evil person!

“Hehe~ Then I’ll look forward to it.”

Siso smiled when he heard this, and replied disapprovingly.

“Ash, as Ma Xiu said to you before, this world is far bigger and more complex than you think.”

“Everyone has their own way to go, everyone has their own way of thinking and will, maybe you feel that you are right, you feel that you are doing what you think is right.”

“But when you force your own requirements on others, you are entering a misunderstanding.”

Siso’s tone was calm and his expression unchanged.

“Don’t put on a high-minded appearance, you are just superior self-righteousness, think that you are well-informed and see the essence of the world, don’t you? But your actions are wrong! ”

Xiao Xia finally couldn’t bear it when she heard this, and this kind of thing said with an understated indifferent attitude was very outrageous.

“That’s right, right is right and wrong is wrong, in the end, what you two said is just arguing for your mistakes.”

Xiao Gang also spoke in a deep voice, in his opinion, perhaps what Xiso said had some truth, but this was definitely not the reason why Xiso forcibly captured the Phoenix King and sold it.

Elves are the friends of mankind, and for humans, elves are the miracle and gift of the world!

Some of them even have intelligence no less than humans, even smarter than humans, and there are even examples of humans marrying elves!

In Xiao Gang’s opinion, to put it ugly, Pokémon hunters illegally capture elves and sell them to their employers, isn’t it no different from buying and selling human beings?

Cross glanced at the two sides silently without speaking.

“Don’t get me wrong, this is not an explanation, but a statement of facts.” The corners of Siso’s mouth drew a hint of irony.

“I never feel that what I do is wrong, I am exchanging my labor for good pay, as for the content of the work, it has nothing to do with me.”

“You said that I went crooked, but I solved several big troubles for the Elven Alliance, and they hired me, are they also wrong?”

Xisuo glanced at Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang, who were stunned when he heard this, and suddenly lost interest, and the righteousness he said was awe-inspiring, and the result was to this extent.

Maybe it’s that he is cooler, except for the people or things he cares about, he really thinks very lightly of other things.

Especially after having the Blue Dragon Beast and the encounter when he was a child, this is even more so.

To put it bluntly, Siso belongs to the kind of egoistic kind of person, but in the final analysis, this is human nature, who will not have selfishness?

Oh, Ash really isn’t….

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to talk to you more, Xiaozhi, see you next time, although I say thank you very much for bringing me to find the Phoenix King.”

“But there is nothing suitable on you at the moment to give you a return, well~ wait for next time to see.”

After saying that, Siso took Ma Xiu and turned and walked down the mountain, he didn’t have time to waste any more here.

“The task has been completed, ready to pay.”

The moment he turned around, Nishi took out his phone and sent a message to Sakaki.

It’s still true to hurry up and exchange this big turkey for money, the Suzaku Beast is close at hand!

Ash looked at the back of Siso and Ma Xiu, his face was calm and solemn, and his heart was mixed, he didn’t know what he was thinking at the moment.

The brain is very confused, because today’s events have a really big impact on him who just came out to travel this year.


(Some commentators said that he deliberately exposed his identity with Ash in order to shape the identity of the protagonist’s villain…) Dear friends, I have emphasized many times that the protagonist is in the gray area, and for his own sake he can sell Ipertal to the Flames, I think that the protagonist has never been a good person, and I don’t think that the protagonist has something to do with Ash when he was a child, he is Ash’s person, right? He is now close to Ash only because Ash can summon the Phoenix King, not because he wants to reunite with Fa Xiao! There is also a saying why not wait for Ash to defeat the Phoenix King after failing to challenge the Phoenix King… I deliberately spent a few paragraphs on this chapter to talk about the reason ah, and even borrowed the protagonist’s mouth, so Ash will not object, but the protagonist is a Pokémon hunter, he will always be this identity, sooner or later they will be discovered by Ash, is there any point in hiding now? He won’t be with Ash and them, and the protagonist has long written in the introduction that he will blow up the headquarters of the Elf Alliance in the Quartz Plateau, you don’t think I’m bluffing, right? )

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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