“Are you saying that the plasma team sent someone to Guandu, and N personally came to cooperate with the rocket team?”

Siso listened to Xiao Lan’s story, and couldn’t help but confirm it to Xiao Lan again.

What kind of god is this? Team Rocket actually mixed with Team Plasma?

“Yes, Xiaolan, I was in the rocket base at the time, I heard it clearly, I heard Apollo say that he also had to inform their leader to come in person.”

Xiao Lan confirmed very firmly that she deliberately stayed in Rainbow City because she found the underground base of the game hall here.

Unexpectedly, I just met the moment when the plasma team came.

“Now that I’ve informed the alliance about this place, Oh~ You see that there are very few people around, right?”

“Last night, the league specially notified the residents here to alienate them, and I am afraid that it will soon take action against the Rockets.”

Then Xiao Lan gestured around to Siso, and raised his little head a little proudly.

“It’s kind of interesting.”

When Siso heard this, he finally believed Xiao Lan, holding his chin with his hand and his eyes constantly flickering.

In this way, the Guandu Alliance is preparing to go to war against Team Rocket Plasma at the same time, after all, N is also in that base.

That’s a big move.

“It’s not interesting at all, Siso, you don’t see what the base is doing, the laboratory is full of elves who have been genetically tested.”

“Those guys on Team Rocket are really inhumane.”

Xiao Lan Dai’s eyebrows frowned slightly, and she said with some discomfort.

Although she is eccentric and usually does petty theft, Xiaolan is definitely a girl with a very normal view.

She personally secretly went to the laboratory of the underground base of the Rainbow City Rocket Team to take a look, but it was that glance that made her deeply shocked and angry in her heart.

Even now that she thinks back, she feels like she’s covered in goosebumps.

The miserable corpse soaked in biological salt water, the dying elf on the experimental table, the weak and missing hands and feet in the cage… Wait a minute!

How can such a thing be done to an elf!

“This evil organization, it really should be the alliance to eradicate them all, they should all live in prison for the rest of their lives!”

Xiao Lan said in disgust, although the abduction of the Feng King back then left a deep psychological shadow on her, it was only because she was too young at that time, which led to too deep fear.

But Team Rocket is different, it’s really a terrible evil!

“Although I can probably understand the indignation in your heart, if what you say is true, the league is not necessarily the opponent of the Rockets here.”

Siso raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiao Lan, who was rarely filled with righteous indignation, and spoke.

Perhaps the alliance is indeed determined to prepare for a big war, after all, alienating the people of Rainbow City is definitely not an easy task.

Even if it’s just alienating the area.

But it’s definitely not easy to take down Team Rocket and Team Plasma here with Power 9.

N is already very difficult to deal with, and if Sakaki is really present in person, it will be two bosses, and the difficulty is higher.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Sekido are now recognized as the strongest Four Heavenly Kings, but apart from the Imperial Dragon Do, the Imperial Dragon Crossing is at most equal to Sakaki, and Kikuko Hibakona wants to deal with N?

Siso can only say that he thinks too much.

Not to mention N’s hand-held workhorse, Czech Rom is the ideal dragon god!

“How can it be such an exaggeration, but I heard that the Four Heavenly Kings are all here.”

Xiaolan pouted, expressing deep doubts about Siso’s words.

All of the four heavenly kings of Guandu were present this time, which shows the importance of this alliance.

“Then wait and see, originally I was going to leave Rainbow City today, but now it seems that I still have to stay.”

Siso chuckled, his eyes turned into the distance, which was the direction of the Rainbow City Game Hall.

It is also the central point of this great war!


Game arcade underground base.

“So, did the alliance send people to encircle and suppress it?”

Akroma pushed his glasses, his eyes observed a slightly trembling Eevee on the experimental table, and said lightly.

“It seems that Mr. Apollo, there should be traitors within your rocket team.”

“No, it’s not a traitor, it’s a kitten who sneaked into the base, and she still has some ability.”

Apollo’s dark face had gloomy eyes, and afterwards he called up all the monitoring in the base, and sure enough, he found a little abnormality.

Someone actually sneaked into their base and changed into the clothes of their rocket team!

The waste was completely unfound.

“So you’re preparing for an evacuation operation?”

Akroma was noncommittal, he didn’t care about this, and when he learned that he was surrounded by the alliance, he was still extremely calm.

Of course, Akroma is certainly not worried, because he is confident in himself.

Let alone……

Akroma glanced at N, who was standing quietly on the side, the corners of his lips raised slightly, he still had the Black Dragon Trainer!

“That’s right, this time we didn’t entertain well, so that Chief N and Mr. Akroma laughed.”

Apollo bowed his head slightly to the two and apologized, after all, this is indeed the responsibility of their rocket team.

“Mr. Apollo doesn’t have to be like this, this kind of accident happens from time to time, as long as you break out.”

Akroma replied with a smile, his unhurried magnetic voice filled with an indescribable elegance.

“Mr. N, we may have to fight the Alliance later, do you need to prepare something?”

Akroma turned to N and asked.


N nodded and turned to go back to his resting room to sort out his belongings.

“I’m interested in this Ibrahimovic, is this your organization’s masterpiece?”

Seeing N leaving, Akroma looked at Ibrahimovic on the experimental bench and asked Apollo curiously.

This is an experimental product given to him by the Rockets.

“Yes, Mr. Akroma should have also discovered that the genes in this Eevee are inherently special and unique, and we have experimented, even if there is no evolution stone.”

“It can also evolve into three forms: fire, thunder, and water, but it is also because of its special genes, it is in constant pain, and it is actually extremely difficult to fight.”

Apollo then understood that Akroma had deliberately opened N and replied.

“That’s not all its potential, Mr. Apollo, I think…”

Akroma’s eyes full of wisdom flickered slightly when he heard this, was it really born and not caused by Team Rocket’s experiment?

No, no, no, of course, caused by the experiments of Team Rocket!

But this has nothing to do with Akroma, he is only interested in this Ibrahimovic, the genes are so unique, is the three forms really the limit?

Akroma felt that the reason why this Ibrahimovic was so painful now was entirely because the three attributes of thunder and fire in its body were too strong to oppress other genes in its body.

If it can subtly adjust and balance the genes in its body, this Ibrahimovic may well become the most special Ibrahimovic ever!

“If Mr. Akroma is interested, this Eevee will be given to you, Sir.”

Understanding that Akroma was interested in this Ibrahimovic, Apollo smiled and spoke to Akroma.

“Thank you very much Mr. Apollo.” Ah Krom gave Apollo a slight salute, and was not polite.

“You’re welcome, I have always admired such a good scientist as Mr. Akroma.”

“In addition, this base will definitely not be able to be retained, the boss has prepared a time to break through, if the two of you need it, I can send someone to protect Mr. and N leader.”

Apollo mentioned that the Coalition surrounded the entire area, and they definitely could not sit still here.

“We don’t have to waste manpower on us, we can break through on our own.”

Akroma replied with a smile, he and N still need other people to protect?

“That’s the best.”


And on the periphery of the arcade area.

“The people have basically evacuated, when will we act?”

Miss Junsha, the head of the Rainbow City Police Department, questioned Yulongdu, and since last night, they have sent staff to alienate the people in the nearby area.

Until now, the work has basically been done.

“It is impossible to conceal such a big movement, and Team Rocket must also know that they have been exposed, so they must be careful of their sudden attack and breakthrough.”

Kikuko was on crutches, and there was a thoughtful look on her wrinkled and gloomy face.

“But it’s strange that there is no movement at the moment.”

Yes, it’s too quiet.

It is absolutely impossible to conceal the act of alienating the population, and the rocket team only needs to send someone to investigate a little.

So far, however, no action by Team Rocket has been detected.

“No matter what plans those stinky rats have are in vain, none of them can run away today!”

Yulong Du said indifferently, his handsome face was expressionless, and his eyes were indifferent.

Since he arrived in person, then he will definitely not let go of any of the scumbags of Team Rocket!

“Then set a time to prepare for action, wife, I will guard the perimeter to prevent them from escaping, ah ferry you to go in and capture.”

Kikuko glanced at Ryu Du and nodded as she assigned the task.

As the most senior Heavenly King of the Alliance so far, although it is said that Imperial Dragon Du has more authority than her, she is the experienced person in chief of this operation.

And Yuryu Du did not have any opinions, and Kikuko’s ability was indeed beyond doubt.

“No problem.”



“Do you smell gunsmoke? Ma embroidery. ”

In the hotel room, Siso looked at the alliance personnel who were constantly advancing towards the game hall area downwind, and the corners of his mouth raised.

At this moment, the hotel is almost empty, after all, the evacuation requirements of the Elf Alliance, the people naturally trust.

And the Elf Alliance will also make up for their losses afterwards, which is also the consistent style of the Elf Alliance.

After all, this world is dominated by well-meaning people, and the reason why the elven alliance, as the world hegemon, has been able to remain stable and unbreakable is not unrelated to their behavior style.

Although it is said that power will corrupt people’s hearts, these glamorous eels are a minority after all, and with the most powerful people like Dama Lanqijunsha Joy, those high-level people actually dare not make too much moves.

At most, take some insignificant bribes.

The Elf Alliance is essentially the largest force to maintain this world order, and if there is no Elf Alliance, the world will truly fall into chaos.

“I really didn’t expect that the alliance would make such a big determination.”

At this moment, Ma Xiu is still very shocked.

The evacuated population went head-on with the rocket team, and this is definitely not a skirmish.

“After all, the leader of Team Rocket and the leader of Team Plasma are here at this moment, and the alliance naturally attaches great importance to it.”

“If you can catch these two people, this is a very successful operation for the alliance.”

Siso chuckled, he didn’t wonder why Damalanchi made such a decision.

Team Rocket is the strongest evil organization entrenched underground in Guandu, while Team Plasma is the largest evil organization in the United States.

Both organizations should not be underestimated for the Elven Alliance.

And at this moment, the leaders of the two organizations appeared in one place at the same time, of course Dama Lanqi had to seize the opportunity!

Even did not hesitate to evacuate the people, so that all the four heavenly kings of Guandu were dispatched!

“Siso, are you ready to just watch like this?”

Ma Xiu nodded, and then asked Siso curiously.

Based on her understanding of Siso, I am afraid that Siso is definitely looking forward to the exchange of fire between the two sides at the moment.

“This is a rare big scene, I really want to participate, but let’s take a look first.”

Siso shrugged and put on the coat on the side.

Standing here, you can’t see a better picture, of course, you have to go to the battlefield.

Outside the arcade.

Yulongdu stood on the back of the fossil pterosaur, looking at the arcade building in front of him with cold eyes.

It is with this disguise that the Rockets have been operating in this city!

“Hakron! Dragon Star! ”

The cold light in Yulongdu’s eyes flickered, and two Hakr dragons rose into the sky, and two dragon energy spheres that seemed to contain stars rose into the sky at the same time.

The most powerful special attack dragon star group among the ordinary tricks of the dragon system!

The Dragon Star Group rose to the top, burst with a bang, and the dragon meteor dragging the small tail of the light flame descended in the sky.

And the target is the game hall!

These filthy rocket teams should be buried underground!

And with the Royal Dragon Du taking the lead in attacking, this war was finally ignited!


(Ask for flower tickets, ask for custom booking)

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