“Down with three! Brother Siso really has no pressure! ”

Seeing that the martial arts bear master had broken three times in a row, a bright smile overflowed on Sakura’s delicate and cute little face, and the flower fan in her hand shook even more pleasantly.

Hee hee ~ Sure enough, it is worthy of being my brother Xiso, invincible!

“There is no suspense, Siso’s strength to participate in this kind of event, will definitely win the championship.”

“It’s just a matter of time, I just don’t know if Siso will challenge the Dragon Ferry Champion?”

May said slowly with a light smile, she was not surprised at all, after all, in May’s opinion, Siso was bound to win.

Or rather, it is inevitable to win the championship!

I just don’t know if Siso will have the King Challenge? With Xisso’s strength, there should be no problem in defeating Yulongdu.

Guandu champion Siso, it’s not bad~

The corners of May’s mouth raised slightly, and her beautiful eyes looked softly at the red-clothed boy in the field.


And at the moment on the field.

Cleaning up her fluctuating emotions, Ai Lan selectively ignored the voices from the outside world.

Already three main forces have been seconds …

But so far, he hasn’t hurt this Martial Dao Bear Master on his side…

No, it seems that when the battle first began, the martial arts bear master resisted the wind of the arrogant pheasant, but that was no different from Gua Sha.

“Chop Commander! Over to you! ”

Ai Lan’s eyes kept changing, and finally he threw his fourth Pokeball.

A slashing commander with a cold breath like a samurai landed in front of Ai Lan.

“Chop Commander? Why? ”

And seeing this chopping commander, Xiaozhi and the others in the audience were shocked!

In addition to the first arrogant pheasant, the elves sent by Ai Lan are simply outrageous one by one!

“The chopping commander is four times weaker in fighting, is this guy really not afraid of death?”

Xiao Xia almost shouted out the three words ‘neuropathy’, if it weren’t for the situation on the field being too clear, Ai Lan would not be Siso’s opponent at all.

She even seriously suspected that Ai Lan was fighting a fake match!

The giant golden monster super power system against the martial arts bear master. One hit flow is invalid, and the attribute is completed by the martial arts bear master.

The evil Rock Lineage Bangira was also restrained four times by the martial arts bear master’s fighting system.

And the slashing commander of the steel evil system was also restrained by the fighting system four times!

Good guys, isn’t this just sending?

“This kid should have only bred this team… Right? ”

Ohki Xuecheng touched his chin and tentatively guessed, can’t it just be rotten?

Strictly speaking, the strength of the giant golden monster and Bangira as a quasi-god Pokémon is undoubted, and the Commander Slash is also quite an excellent Pokémon.

The intensity is not low, but they are very unsuitable for dealing with Xiso’s martial arts bear master. One hit stream!

“Commander Slash, then the last one should be Charizard and Margar.”

Siso on the field shook his head after seeing the chopping commander, it was exactly the same as the team in his memory…

Is this the inertia of the world?

Well, the ice evil line of Marura is also four times weaker in fighting…

“Forget it, let’s hurry up and take a look at his fire-breathing dragon.” Siso looked at the cold chopping commander on the opposite side.

“Chop Commander! What a gas bomb! ”

Ai Lan’s face was solemn, and she shouted at the slashing commander.

The slashing commander raised his arms, and the blue True Qi bullets condensed around him, and then shot directly at the Martial Dao Bear Master.


But obviously, with such a straight attack, it was impossible for the Martial Dao Bear Division to be hit at all, let alone a surprise attack.

The Martial Dao Bear Master drank lowly, and his figure instantly turned into a black shadow and charged towards the slashing commander at great speed.

“Here it comes! Chop Commander! ”

Ai Lan’s expression was extremely focused, it was this raid!

“Electromagnetic waves!”

A golden arc of electricity flashed on the slashing commander, calmly observing the surroundings.

Electromagnetic waves: A state-like trick that can paralyze opponents!

As soon as the Martial Dao Bear Division approached attacking the Chopping Commander, Ai Lan immediately asked the Splitting Commander to paralyze the Martial Dao Bear Division with electromagnetic waves.

Give Marula and Charizard in the back a chance to defeat the Martial Arts Bear Master!


“Wave missiles!”

Siso said lightly.


The Martial Dao Bear Master appeared behind the Chopping Commander, and the azure energy sphere condensed at the heart of the claw, shooting at the Splitting Commander at high speed!

“Slash Commander!” Ai Lan was taken aback.

But the wave missiles are too fast!


The wave missile directly hit the back of the chopping commander, and the chopping commander showed a painful expression, and his entire body was violently knocked away by the wave missile.

The wave missiles of the fighting system are simply stronger against the chopping commander!

“The slashing commander loses the ability to fight, and the martial arts bear division wins!” The referee announced the result.

The whole venue suddenly resounded with enthusiastic shouts, as well as sunglasses host BB Lai Lai’s ‘Oh ~ Four Degrees Break’ and so on.

Ai Lan directly ignored it, and he stared at the martial arts bear master who slowly returned to Xi Suo’s body at this moment.


Ai Lan directly threw out her fifth elf, and on the big screen, the avatar of Marula on Ai Lan’s side lit up.

With a bright red crown, two sharp claws, and a malicious smile, it was the ice evil Marola, an explosive assassin-like elf.

“Freeze light!”

Ai Lan did not hesitate to order Marula.

The ice light lit up in front of Marula, and a swift ice-blue beam shot towards the Martial Dao Bear Master.

“Raid!” Siso is still very calm.

The Martial Dao Bear Master turned into an afterimage again, approached Mar Fura at great speed, and the claws that lingered with black light slashed at Ma Fura fiercely.


Ai Lan immediately shouted to Marula.

The green protective barrier of absolute defense lit up around Marula.

But Siso was not surprised and chuckled and fell silent.

In everyone’s shocked expressions, the martial arts bear master’s raiding claws directly tore apart the protective barrier of absolute defense, and the raid hit Marula hard!

Marula screamed in pain, and her thin body was directly shot out.

But Ai Lan didn’t pay attention to this at all, his expression was dull at the moment, why?

“Wave missiles!”


The wave missile of the Martial Arts Bear Division quickly caught up with Marula and burst with a bang.

“Marula loses the ability to fight, and the Martial Arts Bear Division wins.”

The referee announced the result of the battle, even though he knew that he should not mix any feelings, but the referee couldn’t help but glance at the dull Ai Lan with pity.

This kid…

I hope it won’t be ruined by today’s fiasco…

It’s just a bit miserable.

The referee is not a trainer, but as the official and extremely professional referee of the Elf League, he has also served as a tournament judge for too many years.

So he probably also could tell that those elves of Ai Lan were actually not bad in strength, and the reason why they were so one-sided.

Purely because Xiso’s martial arts bear master is too strong.

“How could it be… Obviously…”

Ai Lan looked at Marra, who had lost her ability to fight and was unconscious, still full of disbelief.

Obviously, the protection trick is successful! It was a raid, not a feint!

Why is protection torn apart so easily?

“The characteristics of the Martial Dao Bear Master’s Invisible Fist, except for the extremely giant defense wall after the extreme giantization, any guardian type of trick is useless in front of the Martial Dao Bear Master.”

“But you should be facing the Martial Dao Bear Master for the first time, right? So it’s normal not to know. ”

Siso seemed to understand Ai Lan’s doubts, and explained to him with a light smile.

Invisible Fist: If you use a contact-type trick, you can attack regardless of the guardian effect!

Yes, this is the Martial Arts Bear Division . Features of one-hit streaming!

Whether it is protection or see-through, it is ineffective in front of the Martial Dao Bear Master!

“…… I see. ”

Hearing this, Ai Lan pursed her lips and withdrew Marula with a low sigh.

If he knew the characteristics of the Martial Dao Bear Master from the beginning, he would never let Marula use it to hold it.


Forget it, the result will not be different anyway.

“Mr. Siso, you have made me understand what it means to be a person outside the world, and next, my most cherished companion.”

Ai Lan’s face straightened, and after taking a deep breath, she said to Siso in a deep voice.

The blow was indeed very big, and all the Pokémon that he had worked hard for a year were all vulnerable in front of Siso.

It’s like…

As if all his efforts were ineffective, this blow was very heavy for Ai Lan.

But even so, the battle is not over yet, he still has to continue fighting!

“Of course, attack it with all your strength, let me see how your strength is.” Siso replied with a chuckle.

Unconsciously, he seems to have become a boss?

Siso looked at Ai Lan, who had a resolute look, and this idea suddenly arose in his heart.

But perhaps for Ai Lan, this martial arts bear master is indeed no different from the boss.

“Charizard! Just please! ”

Ai Lan threw the Pokeball hard, and an imposing fire-breathing dragon spread its wings, and then landed heavily in front of Ai Lan.

“Oh~ it’s Charizard!”

As soon as he saw Charizard, Ash’s eyes suddenly lit up, and his feelings for Charizard were still very special.

“It’s more than that.”

Ohki Xuecheng said with a smile, and his gaze fell on the neck of Ailan’s fire-breathing dragon.

Charizard’s evolution stone! This is a fire-breathing dragon who has mastered hyperevolution!

“Mr. Siso, this is my first partner and my most cherished companion, please advise!”

Ai Lan slowly raised her left hand and said to Siso with a serious expression.

“Of course, let the horses come.” Siso smiled and nodded.

“Charizard! Beyond evolution! Hyperevolution! ”

Ai Lan pressed her fingers on the keystone of her wristband and shouted to Charizard.


Charizard roared, the evolution stone on its neck echoed with Ai Lan’s keystone, and the brilliant evolution light instantly lit up.

Evolution beyond evolution!

The audience immediately looked at this fire-breathing dragon in surprise, this is still the first ultra-evolved Pokémon at this quartz conference!

Although hyperevolution has become popular now, there are still not many trainers who really have hyperevolution, and many viewers are attracted by the two special enhancement methods of extreme evolution and hyperevolution.


The dragon groaned loudly, the light of evolution dissipated, and the new fire-breathing dragon instantly appeared in everyone’s eyes!

The whole body is gray-black, and two dark blue flames spread from the two jaws, and the dragon power overflows, domineering!

Charizard X!

“Sure enough, Charizard X is still so handsome!”

When Ash saw this Charizard X, his eyes almost flashed with little stars.

“Hey? Ash, don’t you also have Charizard Evolution Stone? ”

Xiaoguang was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Ash curiously, Dr. Ohki had found the Charizard Evolution Stone for Ash and the Crimson brothers at that time.

After all, the relationship between the two of them is really good, take care of Ash Crimson, Oki Xuecheng has always been very willing,

“Whew… I was stupid, I picked the evolution stone of y…”

When Ash heard this, he instantly froze and bit his handkerchief to open his mouth with chagrin.

Oki Yukinari prepared two evolution stones, X and Y, for Ash Crimson to choose from, because both brothers have ace Charizard.

Then Crimson naturally let Ash’s younger brother choose first, well, and then he randomly chose the y stone.

Afterwards, seeing the domineering and mighty appearance of the crimson Charizard X, he almost didn’t cry Ash to death.

Although the strength of Charizard Y is not worse than Charizard X, the appearance of the two…

Well, it’s true that Charizard x is too handsome…

“Oh~ Ailan’s fire-breathing dragon super evolution is successful! So can this super-evolved fire-breathing dragon help Ai Lan players turn the tide of battle! ”

The ugly appearance under the sunglasses host suddenly lit up, and he ‘roared’ with excitement.

You’re going to die if you don’t talk, aren’t you?

Ai Lan, who was originally wary, heard the sunglasses host’s words, and almost couldn’t resist directly letting Charizard X explain to this stupid bi.

Turn the tide of the war? What about twisting Nima? This Sima explained.

Don’t get angry, don’t get angry! If the heart is ice, the sky will not fall!

Ai Lan constantly calmed the waves in her heart and focused her attention on the Martial Dao Bear Master.

Even if it is super evolved, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of this martial arts bear master, but it must not be killed in seconds!



Alora area.

Gu Liu was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a fishing rod, and was fishing for fish with a calm expression.

“Old man, look at that! Mr. Siso is really good! He pushed that player fast with one elf! ”

“Speaking of which, thanks to Mr. Siso and President Rosaminai, otherwise we would probably still be adrift now~”

“Really super grateful to Mr. Siso, and Mr. Siso is so handsome!”

Amamo was like a chirping little sparrow, sitting next to Gu Liu and muttering constantly, and the little mountain pig lying on Gu Liu’s leg changed his posture again, and glanced at this little girl very unpleasantly.

It’s so noisy that it can’t sleep!

Although Gu Liu didn’t react like a sculpture, Ama Mo didn’t care, and still kept talking.

But at this moment…

A white extreme hole appeared not far from the two, and the expression on Amamo’s face changed instantly, put away her mobile phone and stood up.

Gu Liu also turned his head slightly, looking at this spatial passage with calm eyes.

This is what they call the ultimate hole?

Not long after the Extreme Cave opened, an extremely embarrassed and injured white dragon flew out of the Extreme Cave, fell to the ground and breathed weakly.

“Huh? This is not the ultimate beast. Amamo was stunned and looked at the white Pokémon suspiciously.


Gu Liu instantly recognized this white dragon, which was the real white dragon Lehiram.

But how could Lehiram be here? And the injuries were so bad, and …

Gu Liu’s gaze fell on the middle-aged man on the back of the white dragon.

“That should be the otherworldly person that President Rosaminai told Mr. Siso.”

Amamo whispered to Gu Liu, and Gu Liu nodded, and he also thought of it.

“Damn it! Damn it!! Damn it!!! ”

Rainbow Quichisi’s face was extremely gloomy and ugly, how could this be?

He came to this world with great ambitions, but as soon as he arrived, he was actually hunted down!

If it weren’t for the last moment, allowing the white dragon to escape into this spatial passage, Rainbow Kui Qi would not dare to imagine the consequences.

That black crystalline Pokémon should obviously be injured, but it can actually press the white dragon on the hammer!

It’s outrageous to step on a horse!

Rainbow Quichisi stood up, looked around, and glanced at the Ultimate Cave that disappeared behind him, and sighed with relief in his heart.

That black Pokémon didn’t chase after it, so it would be best.

As long as that black unknown Pokémon is not there, his Lehiram is invincible!

That’s right! Invincibility!

“You two locals, what do you see?”

Rainbow Kui Qisi’s gaze fell on Gu Liu and Amamo not far away, and his eyes were gloomy and cold.

The strange gazes of these two people as if they were looking at a cherished species made him extremely uncomfortable.

He’s Quisch! It’s not a bad old man and a guy dressed like an alien can gaze at it at will!


Gu Liu narrowed his eyes slightly and patted the little mountain pig in his arms.

Visitors from a parallel world?

A little arrogant, huh?

According to Siso, if you encounter a single visitor from the parallel world, it’s okay to beat him half to death and arrest it, right?


(Ask for flower tickets, ask for custom booking)

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