In the Pokémon Cross-Country Race, the Frog Team won the final victory.

It became the leader among all the teams.

Night Canteen.

Bratano said in surprise, "What did you say? You saw the legendary Pokémon, Xerneas!"

"Yes, Doctor."

Yu Lijia excitedly recounted the scene at that time, which made Bratano very excited. Although he was a doctor who studied super evolution, the reason was that he loved Pokémon.

This kind of Pokémon that only exists in legends, as long as you see its true appearance, just thinking about it can make people excited for many days.

"Is it still in that forest now?"

Bratano wanted to see the legendary Pokémon.

Citron shook his head, "The fog was very thick at that time. It disappeared before we went there. It should not want to contact humans."

Bratano was dejected, "That's a pity."

Xiaozhi sighed while eating. It seems that he will meet Xerneas in the future. This is really helpless!

In the kitchen at this time.

Kojiro and Meow Meow were washing dishes excitedly, and they kept saying, "As long as we complete today's task, we will get another day's reward."

"When I think of this, I am full of energy, meow~"

Even though Kojiro is the heir to a top chaebol, he still lives a happy life after leaving the family. This is a stupid move in the eyes of many people, but it is Kojiro's love for life.

"Hey, have you two forgotten our jobs?"

Musashi quietly entered the kitchen and watched the two guys working hard. They have completely integrated into the profession of chefs. He couldn't help but say, "We are the Rocket Team. We are loyal to Boss Itaki. We can't forget this."

"I understand. Life requires an attitude towards life, and a sense of ritual is indispensable. This does not affect my loyalty to the Rocket Team."

Kojiro smiled, "But, Musashi, why are you showing such a serious expression?"

Musashi then remembered what Then, he hurried to Kojiro's side and whispered, "I have been monitoring the little devil and the others just now, and I learned a very important secret from them."

"About the traces of the beasts..."

Kojiro was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but sighed, "The little devil is simply the son of destiny. Others will never meet the beasts in their lifetime, but he has met a lot of them again and again."

"What nonsense, he is the son of destiny, the protagonist, then what are we?"

"The villain who sets off the protagonist?"

Musashi said dissatisfiedly.

Meow Meow interrupted at this time, "But... aren't we the villains meow~"

Musashi, "..."

Kojiro, "..."

Well said, please don't say it again in the future.

The topic returned to just now.

Musashi shouted excitedly, "This is a great opportunity. As long as we can catch this beast and use it for our own benefit, then our Rocket Team can dominate the world."

"Hey, did you two listen to me?"

Musashi watched Kojiro and Meowth return to their workstations to wash dishes, wondering if their fighting spirit had been worn out in the past few days.

"That's a beast..."

Musashi emphasized again and again.

Kojiro turned around and replied weakly, "You don't need to remind me, I know that it is because it is a mythical beast that Meow Meow and I don't want to get involved."

"You know that after owning the mythical beast, we can dominate the world, so... what makes you think we can catch the mythical beast?"

"If you ask me, you might as well send this message to the headquarters and take some credit."

"Kojiro is right meow~"

Meow Meow nodded, "The machine that we built with a few savings is used to catch Pikachu. The simplified version of the machine can't deal with the mythical beast at all meow~"

Kojiro and Meow Meow are very self-aware.

In fact, if they are given enough money and preparation time, it is not impossible to catch the mythical beast for you to see, but the biggest problem now is... no money!

A penny can make a hero fall!

Musashi was silent, and finally sighed. She asked, "The summer camp will end in three days. How is the development of the secret weapon going?"

"While the summer camp is not over, so many Pokémon are here. Let's catch them all at once."

Meow Meow wiped the plate and replied, "Wait until today's salary arrives and we get the last part of the materials, and it will be almost done, meow~"

"Tomorrow we can start the plan and capture Pikachu."

"That's good!"

The fifth day of the Pokémon summer camp.

The next two days will be a Pokémon battle with the last place elimination system. This Pokémon battle is a team battle with the goal of defeating the opponent.Due to the different number of people in the team, the clash between teams will also be very interesting.

Because there are teams of three, five, and eight people, the clash between teams will be completely determined by drawing lots.

This game is advantageous for teams with more people, but when there are more people, there will always be variables, so teamwork is very important.

Bratano has prepared the battle site and is expected to hold a Pokémon battle in the afternoon.

Outside the battle site, the Rocket team trio is still dressed as chefs in the past.

After breakfast, Yanyeruno, Shana, and Doroba happened to meet the Rocket team.

Yanyeruno greeted, "Hello, chefs!"

"What are you doing?"

Looking at the huge food cart pushed by the three Rocket team members, Yanyeruno was a little confused.

Kojiro said with a smile, "That's right, first of all, congratulations on your advancement to the finals."

"Mr. Chef is polite, and the delicious pastries that Mr. Chef usually cooks are also very delicious."

Shana said with a smile.

Kojiro scratched his head and said modestly, "It's great that you like it."

Musashi glanced at Kojiro and kicked him to prevent him from being too proud and forgetting their business.

Sana looked at the time and they were going to go somewhere else, so she asked, "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Kojiro smiled and said, "This is the doctor's arrangement. Before the Pokémon battle, we will do a comprehensive examination for your Pokémon."


Yeruno was a little confused, "Shouldn't the examination of Pokémon be conducted by Miss Joy?"

Musashi had already prepared a perfect explanation and said, "Please don't get me wrong. It's mainly because there are too many Pokémon on the field today. Miss Joy is too busy, so she asked us to help."

"Don't underestimate us. We have studied medical treatment."

After that, Kojiro took out a certificate from his arms. It was his forged medical staff qualification certificate. After spreading it out, Shana and others were surprised.

Shana said, "I didn't expect you guys to be so good. You're both a chef and a rescuer."

Since Kojiro and his friends had been in the summer camp for four days and had cooked four days of meals, the vigilance of the three people of Yeruno was at its lowest.

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Yeruno and his friends put their Pokémon in the modified huge dining cart, and Kojiro and his friends pushed it away, saying, "Remember to go to the Pokémon Center to pick up your Pokémon later."

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, Yeruno couldn't help but sigh, "They look so hurried."

How could they not be hurried?

Kojiro and his friends also planned to trick more Pokémon.

The trust accumulated by the chefs in the past few days must be consumed, otherwise it would be a big loss.

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