Pokémon Center.

In front of the remote videophone.

"Doctor, long time no see. What happened? Why are you looking for me so anxiously?"

Xiaozhi was a little confused. He was just about to eat when Professor Oak called him and seemed very anxious. Did something happen?

"Something happened. I just want to remind you."

"You are in trouble."

Oak ate instant noodles and talked about business with a bright smile, "Didn't you tell me about Hunter J last time and asked me to take care of her? I used my connections to try to put her in jail, but something unexpected happened. Something happened in the prison not long ago, and the woman escaped..."


Xiaozhi's mouth twitched a little. Are the prison defenses of the alliance so relaxed these days?

It feels like anyone can escape.

Not long ago, three members of Team Rocket who were sent in not long ago escaped.

But this is normal. Given the crimes these three guys committed at the time, it is the configuration of a normal prison.

The three members of Team Rocket are quite capable, so it is normal that the defense of this normal prison cannot stop them.

But Hunter J is different. Not to mention that she is a wanted criminal by the Alliance, and Professor Oak has used his connections to arrange a VIP room for Hunter J in the prison with the highest defense, with no Internet access, no electricity, and no contact with the outside world. Everything is subject to the prison's arrangements.

Just like that, Hunter J can still escape from prison?

My friend, are you sure you are not kidding me?

Xiaozhi even suspected that someone in the Alliance was bribed, which is a bit outrageous.

"Yes, he escaped from prison."

Professor Oak said helplessly,

"After escaping from prison, Hunter J sent people to make trouble in Pallet Town."

"Doctor, nothing happened, right?"

Xiaozhi was a little nervous. Although he knew that Professor Oak was very strong, he was just one person, and there was a possibility that he could be exploited.

"Don't worry, I'm here. No accidents will happen. I've dealt with all of Hunter J's men and sent them to prison."

Professor Oak shrugged. Hunter J might have gone crazy in prison. He didn't even ask about his name, Oak, and came to Pallet Town to cause trouble. He was simply tired of living.

However, it was fortunate that Hunter J had some brains and didn't come in person, otherwise he might have been dealt with by Professor Oak.

"That's good."

Seeing that Professor Oak said it easily, Xiaozhi finally breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that nothing happened. If someone in the town was injured because of him, he would feel guilty.

"But I have something to tell you."

"After I caught Hunter J's men, I got a piece of news from them, so I called you in a hurry."

Xiaozhi looked up and frowned, "What news?"

It must be extraordinary to be able to make Professor Oak pay so much attention to him.

Professor Oak did not hide anything and said straight to the point, "Xiaozhi, you should be careful recently. Hunter J has a grudge against you. It is said that he will cause trouble for you soon."


Xiaozhi was slightly stunned, smiled coldly, and said, "Then let her come. I can send her to prison once, and I can send her to prison a second time."

"You kid?"

Professor Oak knew that Xiaozhi's strength was not what it used to be, but he still reminded him, "It's good for young people to be confident, but Hunter J is a desperate criminal after all, so you should be careful."

"The friend who is traveling with you is not as strong as you. If she takes advantage of you and plays some tricks, it will be troublesome."

"Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Xiaozhi nodded. This is not wrong. Hunter J is definitely a bad guy among bad guys. Otherwise, she would not be a Pokémon hunter. She can still live a very comfortable life even when she is wanted by the alliance.

People like this will do anything to achieve their goals, so they should be careful.

"Just you know. Okay, I have something else to do. I'll hang up first..."


Xiaozhi looked at the black screen of the video phone and shook his head helplessly. He didn't know what Professor Oak was doing recently. He looked very busy.

Back to the restaurant area, Xiaozhi just sat down, and Serena and others beside him looked at him curiously and asked,

"Xiaozhi, what does Professor Oak want to talk to you about?"

As the top figure among Pokémon doctors, Professor Oak has awell-known reputation in various regions, and countless people are very curious about him.

Especially this one is a poet!

This matter concerns everyone present, Xiaozhi did not hide it. After thinking about it, he said directly, "It's like this..."

Xiaozhi made a long story short and simply stated what Professor Oak had just said.

Hitron patted his head.Table, "Lawless, this Hunter J is too lawless. He actually wants to take revenge in broad daylight. He simply doesn't care about the laws of the alliance."

No matter how strong he is, he must be biased towards the alliance.

For Hitron, Hunter J's behavior is completely trampling on the laws of the alliance.

Xitron thought for a moment and asked, "Xiaozhi, what are you going to do next?"

"Let's act separately. You stay out of the spotlight first. Hunter J wants to take revenge on me. I'm going to take the initiative and send her in to operate the sewing machine first, so that she won't come out to bother people all day."

After listening to Xiaozhi's words, Xitron shook his head, "No, we are partners, and we can't let you fight alone."


Salina held Xiaozhi's hand and said gently, "Wherever Xiaozhi is, I will be there, and I won't go anywhere else."

Yu Lijia raised her little hand, "Me too."

Everyone said in unison, "Xiaozhi, don't do it alone. If something happens, we will fight together."


Xiaozhi sighed, feeling a little touched, and thought about it, He looked at Xitron, who was the only one withthis strength, and said, "While there is still time, use the teleportation device to bring your main force."

"It may be a tough battle next."

"Since Hunter J wants to deal with me, I can't let her have an easy time. Xitron, do you dare to ambush her with me?"

Hearing Xiaozhi's plan, Xitron was slightly stunned. He touched his chest, his blood boiling, smiled, and said seriously, "Xiaozhi, sometimes you are really crazy, but this time, I will go crazy with you."

"I'll go get the Pokémon first."

Xitron now only has two Pokémon, Digger and Harri, and obviously can't deal with the next situation.

Fortunately, they happened to be in the Pokémon Center, so they had time to get ready and adjust themselves to their peak state.

Serena and Yurika asked hurriedly, "Xiaozhi, is there anything we can do?"

Xiaozhi originally wanted the two to hide, but when he saw their determined eyes, he finally said, "You can just act with Xitron when the time comes."

Xiaozhi actually didn't want Xitron to do much, just help deal with Hunter J's men.

Xitron's strength is not weak, and there are many quasi-king-level combat forces under his command. With such strength, if he can't even deal with some of Hunter J's miscellaneous soldiers, he can really find a piece of tofu to kill himself.

At the same time, Xiaozhi also contacted Miss Junsha, preparing to come up with a big wave, directly one-stop service, and arrange Hunter J properly!

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