Fu Ye was not in a hurry. He looked at Xiaozhi opposite with a smile and said, "Have you decided which Pokémon to use?"

"I have decided long ago. Fu Ye uses a grass-type Pokémon, so I will naturally send a fire-type Pokémon."

Xiaozhi is not stupid. He can't always play a reverse attribute battle.

Although he longs for Pokémon battles, he doesn't want to force himself into a dead end when conditions permit.

"Is it that Charizard?"

Fu Ye asked solemnly.

If it is really that Charizard, then he will have to think about which Pokémon to use next, after all, Charizard is too strong.

Xiaozhi shook his head, "Of course not, Charizard is my first partner, but in the gym battle, I also want my new partner to appear."

"It's decided to be you, Rocket Sparrow!"

With a flash of white light, Rocket Sparrow spread its wings and flew high, chirping loudly, with complex patterns draped on it, as if there was a flame burning.

"Rocket Sparrow, if that's the case, then it's you, Shuttlecock Cotton."

Fuye didn't hesitate and quickly decided on the Pokémon he should use.

With a flash of white light, a blue ball appeared on the field. There were three cotton balls on its body, with oval feet and tail, and red eyes.

It is the evolution of Shuttlecock Flower, Shuttlecock Cotton!

"Rocket Sparrow vs. Shuttlecock Cotton, Xiaozhi has a big advantage in this game."

Sarina sighed.

Hitron nodded, "Yes, Rocket Sparrow with fire and flying types has a natural advantage against Shuttlecock Cotton with grass type. Even if Fuye, an old-generation gym trainer, cannot be underestimated, Xiaozhi will not lose."

After traveling with Xiaozhi for so long, Hitron knows Xiaozhi's fighting talent better, and he doesn't think Xiaozhi will lose.

Looking at Xiaozhi in the field with burning eyes, Xitron's face was solemn. Yulijia was right. After Xiaozhi defeated Fuye, he would be the next one to challenge.

After working so hard for so long, he couldn't lose too badly in the battle.

Xitron had made a decision. Maybe he should prepare well before fighting Xiaozhi.

Yulijia waved her hands and said excitedly, "Xiaozhi, come on, Yulijia cheers you up."

Seeing that the Pokémon of both sides were already in place, the referee waved a small flag and announced, "Then now, the game officially begins."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiaozhi took the lead in launching an attack, "Rocket Sparrow, attack with fire!"


Rocket Sparrow cried loudly and soared into the sky, bathed in hot flames, like the legendary phoenix.

"Want to strike first?"

Fu Ye laughed, "Young man, you are too anxious, Shuttlecock Cotton, use cotton defense!"

Shuttlecock Cotton did not dodge, but floated in the air motionlessly, emitting a trace of light from its body, and countless white cotton emerged, filling its surroundings, forming an invisible defense.


Rocket Sparrow's attacks followed one after another, and a large amount of thick smoke appeared between the two sides. When the smoke dissipated, Shuttlecock Cotton was unscathed and suspended in the air.

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, "What an amazing defense, the fire attack is useless."

Although Xiaozhi understood that Shuttlecock Cotton's defense was greatly improved after using cotton defense, he was also aware of Rocket Sparrow's attack power.

Under this attack, it was still intact, which shows that Shuttlecock Cotton's defense, even without using skills, should not be underestimated.

"It's my turn now."

"Jian Zimian, use Sunny Day!"

Fu Ye is still strong and picked up the big scissors hanging on his waist and waved them continuously.

This is the habit of the old man when fighting.

The scorching sun broke through the branches and leaves above the tree canopy and sprinkled all over the battlefield.

Xiao Zhi was shocked. What kind of behavior is this?

You know, Sunny Day can significantly improve fire skills.

You are using Sunny Day to help the enemy.

Xiao Zhi said that he, a young man, really couldn't understand the ideas of the elderly.

"No matter what, let's continue to use fire attacks!"

This time the fire attack was more fierce. The Rocket Sparrow was bathed in flames and disappeared instantly. When it appeared again, it had already come to Jian Zimian.

Fu Ye said calmly, "Dodge the attack!"

The people watching the game were also shocked. Salina said in confusion, "With the speed of Rocket Sparrow, isn't it too late to dodge now..."

Before she finished speaking, the shuttlecock cotton body floated to the right, leaving a residual image, and easily dodged the attack of Rocket Sparrow.

"The speed has increased."

Xiaozhi instantly understood Fu Ye's intention and murmured, "The characteristic of this shuttlecock cotton is chlorophyll, no wonder Fu Ye wouldUse Sunny Day. "

Yulijia shook her head. Xiaozhi was too far away from her and she couldn't hear what Xiaozhi said.

She didn't understand the situation of the battle and asked anxiously, "Brother, what's going on?"

Hitron raised his glasses. Did he think of me at this time?

He rubbed Yulijia's head and finally explained, "After using Sunny Day, the speed of the shuttlecock cotton with chlorophyll characteristics will be twice as fast as before."

"Twice as fast as before, no wonder it can avoid the fire attack of Rocket Sparrow."

Yulijia suddenly realized.

"Master Fu, the use of Sunny Day is not all good. Rocket Sparrow, continue to use fire attack."

After Xiaozhi figured it out, he didn't care too much. It was just a speed increase. He believed that Rocket Sparrow would be faster.

"It's useless. Avoid the attack."

Shuttlecock cotton avoided the fire attack again.

Xiaozhi shook his head and said, "Rocket Sparrow, turn back. "

The rocket sparrow rushed out and drew a trajectory in the air, changing direction very smoothly. This time it was closer to the speed of the shuttlecock cotton.

This was also Xiaozhi's idea.

The main attack was unexpected.

Facing such a close attack, the shuttlecock cotton naturally had no way to dodge and was hit directly.

"Don't stop, push it up."

Xiaozhi knew that this was the only chance, so he was naturally unwilling to give up. He wanted to take advantage of this time to completely make the shuttlecock lose its combat ability.


The rocket sparrow cried out, and the high-pitched voice resounded throughout the battlefield. The wings flapped violently, like a big truck, pushing the shuttlecock cotton in front into the air.

"Use cotton defense. "

Fu Ye was shocked. He really couldn't underestimate the young. However, he still wanted to make a final struggle.

Jian Zi Mian used cotton defense in the air, but it was too late. It had no chance to be hit by Rocket Sparrow's fire attack. Rocket Sparrow would not give it any chance.

After doing all this, Rocket Sparrow appeared above the field. Fu Ye and Xiaozhi looked up. Jian Zi Mian was like a stone doing free fall and fell heavily to the ground.

"Jian Zi Mian~"

Jian Zi Mian just fluttered on the ground twice, and his red eyes turned into spirals, losing his ability to fight.

The referee stepped forward and announced the result after confirming it, "Jian Zi Mian lost his ability to fight, and Rocket Sparrow won."

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