A spaceship using stealth and radar evasion technology quietly appeared in the sky above Avignon. The spaceship was driven by artificial intelligence, which was safe and secure!

In the spaceship, there was a lounge with daily necessities, leather sofas, desks, coffee tables, and antique paintings.

Milis's father, Alges, was sitting on the leather sofa, looking at the information he had obtained by cracking the city surveillance.

Looking at the ninja duo who had forced Diancie into a dead end in the city, he couldn't help but comment, "Lelt and Maryling are indeed famous predators, they are quite powerful, we need to pay more attention to them, we can't let them ruin my plan."

Then the image of the three members of Team Rocket appeared on the screen, and after thinking for a while, Alges said, "According to the investigation, these three guys seem to be very good at inventions, but that's all."

"If the plan succeeds, we can pay them to be mecha designers. As for now, they are penniless and should not be qualified to hinder me...hahaha."

The screen was cut again, and the images of Xiaozhi and the other four appeared on it. This time, Alges finally showed a serious expression. Feelings, touching his chin, thinking seriously, "The two little girls don't need to be taken care of, but the remaining two guys are a bit difficult to deal with. One is the gym leader, and the other can defeat Leirte and Maryling in an instant. We have to be on guard."

"But fortunately, they and Diancie are just casual acquaintances. After knowing the troubles of Diancie, they should retreat."


After reading some information, Alges breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that his plan was stable. He picked up the tea on the table, took out the chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth, and lay on the leather sofa very happily.

"Hahaha, it's worthy of the chocolate I spent a lot of money to order from the Hoenn region. It tastes smooth and smooth, and tastes extraordinary."


The door was opened, and Miris walked in with a tired face, "Dad, I'm back."

"I'm back."

Arges put down the teacup and asked, "Dianxi is not in any big trouble?"

Hearing this, Miris smiled bitterly and said, "She is safe now, and there is a very strong boy with her."

"Hahaha, that's just right, you don't have to spend so much effort to protect Diancie."

Arges didn't notice, and another piece of chocolate went into his stomach while laughing.

Looking at the seven or eight empty chocolate boxes on the side, Miris raised her eyebrows and looked over helplessly,

"Dad, eating too much chocolate is not good for your health, can't you be more restrained?"

Arges ate another piece of chocolate and said, "Next time..."

Next time, you will never change your bad habits, right!

"Forget it, do whatever you want!"

Milis said she didn't want to say more, she brought up the topic just now, "That boy has been following Diancie, I'm worried that his goal is the same as ours, he wants to control herafter Diancie is fully able to make permanent diamonds."

"His existence will be very disadvantageous for us to completely control Diancie's actions in the future."

Arges called up the surveillance screen, it was Xiaozhi's figure, "Is it him?"

Milis took a look and nodded, "It's him!"

Arges, "..."

His expression became frozen, he touched his chin and said, "If he gets involved, it will be difficult to deal with."

"But there is no way."

Milis was puzzled, "The Pokémon on our two bodies tied together are not enough for a Charizard to fight, where is the solution?"

You drank tea, not wine, and ate chocolate, not peanuts, how can you be so drunk?

Arges rolled his eyes, this daughter is really loved in vain, always against him.

After thinking for a while, he patted the leather sofa, tapped his fingers rhythmically, and said:

"This spaceship is equipped with dozens of powerful missiles, which can flatten a mountain in one go. All the fear comes from insufficient firepower. With it, the boy can only make wedding clothes for us."


Although she was a little helpless, Miris had to admit that this was indeed a good idea.

Ever since Diancie came out from underground, they have been eyeing her. That is, Diancie can't control her power and make permanent diamonds, otherwise they would have been in their pockets long ago.

Now someone comes out to intercept, how can they be willing?



Stars dotted.

Xiaozhi looked up at the ceiling and couldn't fall asleep fora long time. He walked out of the bedroom and saw Diancie on the balcony gathering her hands to make diamonds, but the diamonds made were like a flash in the pan, and soon turned into a dry and disappeared starlight.Net.

Diancie looked at her hands and fell into deep doubt, "I really can't do it. Can I really save my country like this?"

"Dianncie, you are here!"

Dianncie looked back and saw Xiaozhi looking at her with a smile. She put down her hands and was a little flustered, like a girl whose secret was suddenly discovered.

Xiaozhi smiled and walked forward, stood on the balcony, and looked up at the starry sky. At this time, a meteor happened to pass through the sky.

"Look, it is said that if you make a wish to it before the meteor disappears, the wish is very likely to come true."

"Will the wish come true?"

Dianncie's eyes flickered, and she looked at Xiaozhi with her gem-like eyes, looked up at the sky, closed her eyes and said, "Then I'll try it."

"Right now."

After waiting for a while, another meteor finally passed by. Xiaozhi prayed seriously and said with a smile, "I hope Diancie can quickly master her power and create diamonds."

Dianncie, who was making a wish, opened her eyes and looked at Xiaozhi with some different emotions.

Since coming here, it seems that Xiaozhi has been taking care of her, and she is a little obsessed with it.

Diancie shook her head. I am a princess. I should take care of Xiaozhi in the future. How can it be the other way around?Thinking of this, suddenly a pink light appeared in the palm of Diancie's hand, and a diamond the size of a child's fist appeared in an instant.

"Xiaozhi, this is my gift to you. Although it will disappear soon, I think we are already friends."

Looking at the bright and crystal clear pink diamond in his hand, Xiaozhi's eyes were a little confused. This diamond seemed a little different.

The fluctuations on it made him very familiar. It was the energy fluctuations related to super evolution.

The dead memory attacked him again.

Xiaozhi remembered that Diancie had achieved super evolution in the movie version using a diamond she made. Although it was incredible, this was the fact.

And this diamond also has the energy fluctuations of the super evolution stone and the evolution key stone, which means that as long as Diancie can resonate with it, super evolution can be achieved.

It is different from the previous diamonds, and it can exist forever. It is the first successful product of Diancie so far.

"Thank you, I will keep it well."

Xiaozhi looked at the starry sky with a smile.


On the other side, Pikachu, who was originally lying on the bed, rubbed his sleepy eyes and was about to get up to go to the toilet. He happened to see this scene in front of him and was stunned in disbelief.

Xiaozhi, is it really okay for you to do this?

How many times has this happened?

You still say you are not a female Pokémon killer?

Pikachu showed a cute expression and rubbedhis face with his little hands. It's over. Mistress Serena is going to be robbed.

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