A ray of setting sun shines through the gaps in the leaves above their heads, and falls on the faces of Xiaozhi and his friends.

The Forest of Oruans is a primeval forest that no human has ever set foot on. Everything here is original.

The road... is very difficult to walk on.

Especially for people like Xiaozhi and Citron who are directionally challenged.

If it weren't for Diancie leading the way, Xiaozhi said, I would get lost in a minute.

Well... the kind that can get lost.


The more they move forward, the more surprised Xiaozhi and his friends are. The flowers in the jungle are growing abnormally, and in the blink of an eye, they have completed the process of breaking through the ground... blooming, blooming the beauty that belongs only to flowers.

Soon, Xiaozhi and his friends are surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers.


Xiaozhi and his friends who have seen Xerneas before will understand what such an abnormal scene means.

Xerneas is here.

Diancie looked at him with joy, and stood there in a daze. Following her line of sight, a figure emitting colorful light stood there.

Xerneas glanced at Diancie, then retracted his gaze and left with a jump.

"Please wait a moment."

Seeing hope in front of her, how could Diancie give up? She hurriedly chased after her.

Xiaozhi and the others did not hesitate and followed Diancie.

Xerneas had been keeping a distance from Diancie in front of her.

This guy definitely did it on purpose.

Xiaozhi thought to himselfthat with Xerneas's strength, he really didn't want them to find it. Even if Diancie was sensitive to the fairy atmosphere, she would never be able to find it.

Xerneas suddenly appeared, turned around and left, and kept Diancie hanging. It was hard not to think that Xerneas did it on purpose.

"...Xerneas, don't go, I...ah..."

Diancy accidentally tripped over a fallen tree while running fast. She didn't care about the pain and hurriedly got up to continue chasing.

In a hurry, she didn't notice that there was a slope in front of her, and she accidentally rolled down.


Xiaozhi followed closely behind. They stood on the slope and looked at Xerneas below. Minister Diamond was ecstatic.

"Ah... It hurts!"

Diancy opened her eyes, looked at the legs in front of her, raised her head, and looked at Xerneas who stopped in front of her with surprise.

Xerneas telepathically said, "Why are you looking for me so desperately?"

Dianxi looked at Xerneas and said, "My country is in crisis, I need your help..."

Before he finished speaking, Xerneas had already got the answer from Diaxi's heart and interrupted, "I already know what you need, so... I will give it to you!"

As he spoke, the pair of antlers on Xerneas's head burst into colorful light, and the power of the fairy atmosphere slowly flowed into Diaxi's body.

Feeling the changes in herself, Diaxi shook her hand, "It seems... I am a little different!"

Xerneas stared at Diaxi for a while and said lightly, "Remember, youare the only one who can give birth to life."

Dianxi blinked, a little confused.

Xerneas said nothing more and turned to leave, but then Xiaozhi's voice came up,

"Xerneas, wait a minute, I have something to ask you."

Xerneas was not surprised, he stopped, looked back at Xiaozhi, smiled meaningfully, and then disappeared into the jungle.

"You are the boy chosen by God, the answer has always been in you, and the mystery will be revealed sooner or later."

Xerneas was stunned, and the words of Xerneas rang in his mind.

Sarina poked him with her hand and asked in confusion, "Xerneas, what's wrong with you?"

Xerneas came back to his senses and smiled, "It's okay, I'm just a little disappointed."

That said, Xiaozhi already had the answer in his heart. In this world, perhaps only that person can be called God by Xerneas, a legendary Pokémon.


Is it His handwriting that I came to this world?

Xerneas suddenly looked up and didn't think about it anymore. There must be a way when the car reaches the mountain. I am waiting for the day when the mystery is revealed.

Diancie looked at the direction where Xerneas disappeared, closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and said, "Xerneas, thank you very much!"


"Your Highness!"

Seeing Xiaozhi and the others rushing to her side, Diancie smiled and greeted them.

Yurika said excitedly, "Xerneas looks so beautiful, I can't believe it."


Hitron smiled, "The moment the fairy atmosphere appeared, I felt full of strength and ran ten kilometers without breathing."


Yurika touched herself and said in confusion, "Is it really that magical? Brother,Why don't you run ten kilometers now so I can see it clearly? "

Hitron, "..."

Foolish Yurika, metaphor, metaphor, don't you understand?

Salina smiled at Diancie, "With the fairy atmosphere, Diancie can definitely save your country."

The Minister of Diamond said happily, "Princess, you should be able to make sacred diamonds now, and the country is saved."

Dianncie looked down at her hands, "Can I really do it?"

Always eager to get the fairy atmosphere of Xerneas, after getting it, Diancie suddenly found that she seemed a little confused.

Xiaozhi touched her head and encouraged, "Believe in yourself, you can do it."

The most difficult journey has been walked, there is no way to give up at the end.

Dianncie nodded, and at this time a huge mechanical arm suddenly stretched out from the jungle, grabbed Diancie, and quickly disappeared.

Xiaozhi was shocked, "Dianncie. "

The next moment, a Meowth brand hot air balloon took off. The three members of Team Rocket looked down and smiled proudly, "Little brat, little girl, we Team Rocket will accept Diancie."

"Thank you for helping Diancie master her own power. We will make good use of her."

Dianni was trapped in a carefully crafted glass ball. She kept slapping it, but no sound came out.

This thing has a very good soundproofing effect!

Meowth clenched his paws, looked atDiancie, and smiled, "Don't struggle. This is specially made for Pikachu. Even 100,000 volts can't break it, let alone you. Meow~"

"That's right."

Kojiro continued, "But as long as you work hard for us, we will write off the account of cheating us last time."

Dianni was anxious, and her little hand pointed upward.

Musashi smiled, "What can be up there? "

She looked up and saw a huge silver-white spaceship appearing. She was slightly stunned and asked, "What? What is this?"

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