After a wave of output, Mega Diancie couldn't hold on any longer, and the power of Mega Evolution faded, revealing her original appearance.

The first time she used the power of Mega Evolution, she didn't last long.

Everyone looked up at the smoke, was it solved?


Yveltal rushed out of the smoke, although embarrassed, but it was not a big deal. This is another feature of the legendary Pokémon, thick blood!

"Hey, big guy, look here!"

A familiar voice came from the sky. Xiaozhi looked surprised and looked up. He saw the silver spaceship, which was Miris and her father Alges.

They didn't leave.

Instead, they drove the spaceship to seek revenge on Yveltal.

Miris pressed the speaker button, and the voice came, "Xiaozhi, Pikachu, thank you for your help just now."

Arges locked onto Yveltal in the air and said with a smile, "I will repay a favor, I will pay it back."

"Hahaha, silly bird, try the missiles that I bought at a high price."

There were many launch holes on both sides of the spacecraft, and dozens of missiles were heading towards Yveltal.

Yveltal was very sensitive, and when he sensed the danger, he quickly took off and tried to avoid it.

"Silly bird, I'm tracking you."

Arges laughed and laughed as he watched Yveltal being hit by a missile and disappearing into the black fog.

"Very good, it worked."


Yveltal rushed out of the black fog and flew towards the spacecraft, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Deathwings unfolded, and terrifying energy waves gathered. It can be expected that if this attack hits, not only the spaceship, but also the father and daughter of Arges inside will be deprived of life and turned into stone.

"Charizard X, don't let it succeed, use jet flames."

Yveltal sensed the danger, and not wanting to fall in the same place for the second time, it could only stop and avoid the jet flames.

Xiaozhi has been observing the situation in the sky. The waveguide on Yveltal's body is much weaker than at the beginning.

It can be seen that the efforts of Diancie and Charizard before were not in vain.

Xiaozhi discovered this, and how could Yveltal, as a Pokémon at the time, not know it? It kept pulling away from Charizard X.

Deathwing brushed across the Oruans Forest below, and it needed to deprive some life to recover itself.

"Don't give it a chance, Charizard X, get close."

Charizard X nodded. It had been a while, and it could feel that the power of super evolution in its body was fading. If it continued like this, it would exit the super evolution state.

After several consumptions, Yveltal was already somewhat exhausted. When it sensed the approach of Charizard X, it did not distance itself.

For no other reason, its pride did not allow it to retreat.

As a legendary Pokémon that had existed since the appearance of Carlos, how could it allow a newcomer to stand on its head.

Therefore, Yveltal turned around and fought with Charizard X. Fire Fist, Dragon Claw, Lightning Fist, Charizard X also ignored the injury and punched to the flesh, venting the anger in his heart.

"Very good."

Watching Charizard X and Yveltal fighting each other, Xiaozhi knew the time was right, raised his hand wearing the Z bracelet, and shouted loudly, "Pikachu, 10 million volts!"

Xiaozhi and Pikachu, who was lying on the top of Charizard, moved in sync, and the Z crystal in the Z bracelet resonated with the pure crystal worn by Pikachu.

Pikachu slowly rose into the air, like Thor, emitting colorful light, and powerful thunder covered the sky and dispersed the dark aura.

Yveltal's eyes flashed with disbelief, and it didn't care about entanglement with Charizard X and wanted to stay away.

It felt a strong threat from the yellow mouse in front of it.

But how could Charizard X let it do what it wanted, fighting closely and trying to delay time for Pikachu.

Pikachu, who had gathered all the energy, put his hands together, as if he was performing Kamehameha, and shouted, and 10 million volts fell from the sky, hitting Yveltal mercilessly.

The main goal was to be fast, accurate and ruthless!

Xiaozhi looked at the sky, and he didn't believe it. Can you withstand Pikachu's 10 million volts?

Xiaozhi was right. Yveltal did not block it. The outside was burnt and the inside was tender. His eyelids fluttered, and he lost his strength and fell to the ground in free fall.

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi, who had been prepared for a long time, came to the unconscious Yveltal with the help of Mega Gengar and threw a Master Ball.

Look at me, a superman with one ball!

Ordinary Pokémon Balls, even advanced ones, do not have the function of catching mythical beasts, but Master Balls can.

After waiting for a while, Xiaozhi saw the red light on the Master Ball disappear, and he knew that he had successfully caught Yveltal.Yveltal.

And because the Master Ball is not in the league record, it will not be captured by the space instrument, so even if Xiaozhi has six Pokémon on him, they are not teleported away.


Sarina and the other two came with Diancie and looked at the Master Ball in Xiaozhi's hand, and they were shocked. "Yveltal was captured by Xiaozhi?"

Hytron was speechless. Although there are trainers around the world who have caught legendary Pokémon, those are weaker in the legends because they have tribes.

It's the first time that a powerful legend like Yveltal has been captured.

"Yeah." Xiaozhi smiled, "Lucky."

And with the Master Ball, he is not afraid of Yveltal getting out of control.

After hundreds of years of development, the Pokémon Ball has long had the function of restraining captured Pokémon, but most people usually get along well with Pokémon, so this function is not used much.

The Master Ball naturally has the functions of ordinary Pokémon Balls, and the restraint is stronger.

"Thanks to you guys."

Xiaozhi smiled and looked at Charizard, Pikachu, and Gengar. If it weren't for them, he wouldn't have been able to catch Yveltal.

"Xiaozhi,I really didn't misjudge you."

A sacred aura emerged, and Xerneas appeared in the field, with the spirit's aura fully open. Soon the power above the Aureus Forest dissipated and returned to calm.

Xiaozhi put away the Master Ball.

Xerneas, who noticed Xiaozhi's actions, was a little amused. It was not bad that the old opponent fell into the hands of this young man.

I hope its temper will change next time we meet.

As he said this, Xerneas looked around. Although Yveltal had been captured by Xiaozhi, the Aureus Forest had been destroyed by it.

Most of the area was finished. The trees and the Pokémon living there had all turned into speechless stone sculptures.

"I've traveled to so many places over the years, maybe I should sleep for a while."

Xerneas thought about it, and the light of life emanated from his body, spreading around like ripples in the water.

Under the nourishment of the light of life, all things revived, and the Oruans Forest returned to its former tranquility.

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