Serena left the Pokémon Center and walked on the street, looking at the green plants on both sides of the road, in a daze, and finally stopped at the door of a decoration store, looking at the hats displayed inside through the glass.

Slowly calming down, recalling her temper just now, Serena whispered, "Did I go too far just now?"

"Serena, so you are here!"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Serena hurriedly looked back at the smiling boy, a little panicked for a moment.

Xiaozhi smiled and also looked through the glass at the hat that Serena had just stared at. He walked to Serena's side, looked at it carefully and gave his evaluation, "I think this hat suits you very well. Why don't you go in and try on various decorations? Maybe you will feel better."

Serena shook her head, "Xiaozhi, I'm fine. I'm not thinking about the hat..."

Seeing Serena forcing a smile, Xiaozhi smiled and didn't talk about what happened just now. Instead, he changed the subject and stared into Serena's eyes and said seriously,

"Don't show such an expression. Once you get used to frowning, it will be difficult to change it in the future. Then Serena will not be cute."

"No, Xiaozhi, you are annoying..."

Hearing this, Serena actually realized Xiaozhi's intention and felt warm in her heart. The irritable mood she had just felt because of the training mistakes gradually calmed down.

The girl smiled and looked at the boy, "Thank you for your comfort, Xiaozhi."

Xiaozhi reached out and pinched Serena's cheek, saying softly, "That's right, you should always keep smiling, this is the Serena I know."

"Come on, don't be shy, smile again."

Serena's cheek was pinched, and she seemed to see a hint of cunning in Xiaozhi's eyes, and said angrily, "Xiaozhi..."

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Xiaozhi didn't care, but he didn't tease the girl.

He turned his head and looked at the street. This happened to be the prosperous shopping street in the city. There were quite a few clothing stores. People were coming and going on the street. Many people had noticed the two of them. It would not be beautiful if they stayed like this.

"Next, do you want to go shopping with me to change your mood?"

"It just so happens that I have a lot of things to buy. It's rare for me to go out alone, so it's too monotonous, so Serena, please."


Xiaozhi smiled and took Serena's hand. Seeing the girl nod, he couldn't wait to pull Serena into a nearby store, which was mainly engaged in Pokémon accessories.

Xiaozhi held two ribbons, one blue and the other purple.

"Serena, which of these two colors do I think is better?"

Xiaozhi's main purpose was not shopping, but mainly to change Serena's mood, so he asked Serena's opinion from time to time. After a long time, Serena had forgotten what happened just now.

After two hours of shopping, Xiaozhi took Serena to a cafe to rest, and the two sat opposite each other.

Serena held the coffee just brought by the waiter, feeling the hotness in her palm. She looked up and saw the boy opposite her who had eyes for her. After a moment of silence, she said, "Xiaozhi, thank you for your company today. I think I know what to do. I won't give up. I want to be an excellent Pokémon performer like Miss Aier."


"...But today I got angry with Fiona for no reason. Will they be disappointed in me? I am such a bad trainer..."

Xiaozhi said, "Everyone will fail when they start."

Serena said, "But whether it is Shana, Xiaozhi, or Citron, they all did a good job. No matter what it was, I..."

"See! You have a bitter face again. Shana won the Sea Wing Grand Prix. She will win, but she has also failed, as did Citron, and me, Serena, do you know? "

Xiaozhi's eyes were filled with memories, full of nostalgia, "When I was very young, I set the dream of becoming a Pokémon master, but this is not to mention the me at that time, even now I am still far away."

"Not to mention that I was very reckless at that time. When I set out on a trip to pick up a novice Pokémon, I missed it because I overslept the next day. It was thanks to Professor Oak's preparation that I met Pikachu."

"But Pikachu at that time was not as easy to talk to as it is now. He was very naughty and had a bad temper. He would electrocute people with 100,000 volts at any time..."

"Pika, Pika~" (At that time, Xiaozhi was obviously too silly. I was electrotherapy. Don't say, the effect was quite significant.)

PikachuPikachu puffed up his cheeks. He had been following Xiaozhi, eating dessert and watching the drama. He didn't expect Xiaozhi to change the subject and point the finger at him. He was immediately unhappy and issued a severe counterattack.

"You guy, you're not happy after I said a few words to you, eat yours."

After Xiaozhi understood what Pikachu said, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, rubbed Pikachu's rat head, looked up at Serena, and said with a smile, "Compared to now, both me and Pikachu have made great progress. People are always growing, and so are you, Serena."

"So, don't give up easily, and Serena is also very important to Filipino and the others. They also know that there is no hurdle that can't be overcome. Just try to apologize when you go back later."

"Is that all?"

"Of course, even if we quarrel with each other, we can always make peace. That's a true partner."

With Xiaozhi's guidance, Serena nodded cheerfully, "Well, I know, Xiaozhi."

Pokémon Center.

Yulijia smiled and took out a tree fruit and put it in front of Dongdong Mouse, holding her chin and looking at Dongdong Mouse's appetite, with a smile on her face.

On the other side, Foxfire and Naughty Panda watched the increasingly dark sky. They kept looking at the direction where Serena left, with worried expressions on their faces.

"Foxfire, Naughty Panda, are you worried about Serena?"

Yu Lijia said with a slightly playful tone, "The two who were arguing just now are now leaning against each other, quietly waiting for Serena."

"Wan Wan~"


After hearing this, Foxfire and Naughty Panda looked at each other and glanced away proudly.

Humph, who reconciled with it.

I just stood with it reluctantly because I was worried about Serena.

Knowing that the two were proud, Yu Lijia smiled and changed the subject, "With Xiaozhi here, Serena will be back soon, but if she sees that you two don't eat well, she will be very worried."

Hearing this, Naughty Panda and Foxfire showed some expectations in their eyes, as if they were really worried about making Serena unhappy again.

They immediately jumped down from the window and joined the group eating. The naughty panda especially wolfed down his food. It was obvious that the little guy was starving, but he was just angry with the fire fox for the sake of face, and he would not eat unless the other one did.

Yulijia breathed a sigh of relief, the matter was finally resolved.

She looked at the door, hoping that Serena would come back soon.

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