"Ah! Why is this bus so slow? It takes two hours to get there!"

Yu Lijia complained while looking at her watch. It seemed that every second passed very slowly.

Because they had been to the Forest of Oruans before, Xiaozhi and his companions' journey had already deviated from the originally planned route. In order to get to Miare City as soon as possible and fulfill the battle agreement with Xitron, Xiaozhi and his companions had to choose to take this long-distance bus.

Hearing Yu Lijia's slightly anxious voice, Xitron showed a helpless smile and comforted her, saying, "Okay, Yu Lijia, don't worry. Just be patient for a while, and two hours will pass quickly."

He patted Yu Lijia's shoulder gently, indicating that he understood her mood at the moment.

Salina stared at the constantly changing scenery outside the car window quietly, with a faint smile on her lips: "In fact, it feels good to travel slowly like this and enjoy the scenery along the way."

For Salina, every moment of the journey is a memory worth cherishing and savoring.

The most important thing is... Xiaozhi is here!

More than an hour later, the bus was driving slowly, and before we knew it, it had arrived at a magnificent bridge.

The bridge was like a giant dragon lying on the river, majestic and breathtaking.

"Wow! This city is so magnificent! It really lives up to its reputation!"

Yulijia couldn't help but exclaimed, her eyes were attracted by all kinds of novel things around her, and she was already dazzled.

The impatience caused by the long journey had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

After all, the destination was right in front of us, and the scenery and new things along the way made this journey interesting.

After getting off the bus, Xiaozhi stared at the city on the map in his hand that was almost traversed by a surging river. This city was Qingquan City, which was relatively close to Miare City!

Due to the special geographical location, Xiaozhi and his friends were unable to find a bus that went directly to Miare City at the departure point.

In desperation, they had to choose to take a bus to Qingquan City first, and then transfer to other means of transportation from Qingquan City to their destination.

Standing in the center of the bustling station square, Xiaozhi looked up at the blue sky like a gem, feeling the cool breeze on his cheeks.

Serena said confidently: "We are getting closer and closer to Fengxu Town. I must win the championship in this Fengxu Conference!"

Seeing the girl so confident, Xiaozhi's mouth corners also slightly raised: "Serena is so confident, then I can't lose, Xitron, you must take the next Miare Gym competition seriously!"

Hearing this, Xitron nodded without hesitation and said: "Don't worry, Xiaozhi! I am also looking forward to this duel, and I will do my best to deal with it."

"Okay, okay!" Serena walked quickly to Xiaozhi's side and giggled coquettishly, "Hehe, Xiaozhi is the best! When the game comes, I will definitely cheer for you desperately!"

"You..." Feeling Serena hugging him tightly from behind, Xiaozhi shook his head helplessly, but his face still showed a doting smile.

Yulijia, who had been silently watching the interaction between the two, now had bright eyes and exclaimed: "Wow, Xiaozhi and Serena are really getting more and more alike!"

When they walked out of the station and stepped into the Qingquan City district, Xiaozhi and others who were originally full of expectations suddenly felt a little strange.

Looking around, they saw that the streets were empty, with only a few people walking through them, which was in sharp contrast to the imagined prosperity and bustle.

Salina couldn't help but feel puzzled. She picked up the Pokémon illustrated book in her hand and looked at the introduction of Qingquan City on it.

It clearly said that this city is famous for its beautiful water and is known as the "Water Town". Every year, it attracts a large number of tourists from all corners of the Kalos region.

What's more, it is now during the holidays, and the streets should be bustling!

But, what is going on with this deserted scene in front of me?

Not only that, most of the shops on both sides of the street were closed, as if the whole city had fallen into a deep sleep.

Xiaozhi frowned and nodded: "Yes, it's really strange. I have never encountered such a situation before..."

Xitlon carefully observed the surrounding environment, and then slowly said: "Looking at this situation, it seems that something has happened around. Why don't we go to the police station to ask Miss Junsha, so that we may be able to find out the details."

"Well, this is a good idea."

Salina nodded in agreement, "We just need to go to the Pokémon Center to rest for a while, and the police station happens to be right next to the Pokémon Center.Near the Bay Center, maybe you can stop by and ask."

The whole city is so unusually quiet, there must be a reason.

"Ah! So sleepy, Kanhara, did you have a nightmare again last night?"

"Don't mention it, it's been half a month, and the nightmare still doesn't stop. If it continues like this, I feel like I'm going to die suddenly."

"Oh, I really don't know what happened. Recently, everyone seems to be troubled by nightmares and is listless every day. "

Xiaozhi and his companions walked silently. The streets around them were very quiet. Occasionally, one or two people would come out of their homes, looking sleepy and weak.

Everyone had deep dark circles under their eyes and was in a very bad mental state.

Xiaozhi and his companions rushed to the police station and saw Miss Junsha, who was also suffering from insomnia and had two big dark circles under her eyes like the residents outside.

"Excuse me, what happened here?"

Hitlon asked with full of doubts, and he really couldn't figure out what caused all this.

It stands to reason that if it was really the Pokémon that was causing trouble, Miss Junsha should have solved the problem long ago with her ability.

However, looking at the situation at the moment, it was obviously not the case, and even Miss Junsha herself was not spared.

"Ha..." Miss Junsha forced herself to cheer up, but couldn't help yawning, and explained: "Residents of Qingquan City have been having nightmares one after another recently, and the situation is getting worse and worse. Now it has almost developed to the point where everyone is in danger. "

"Based on the clues we have so far, it is very likely that the legendary Phantom Pokémon Darkrai is behind this."

At this point, Miss Junsha couldn't help but yawn again, looking very exhausted. She continued: "Due to this incident, most residents have chosen to go out for shelter, and those of us who are left, without exception, will be haunted by nightmares as soon as we close our eyes. Now we are basically in a state of severe insomnia."

"So, if you don't have other important things to do, it's best to leave Qingquan City as soon as possible, otherwise when night falls... Believe me, you definitely don't want to experience that feeling in person!"

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