"We don't accept it, why do you arrest us?"

In the police station, Kojiro was handcuffed and shouted angrily.

Miss Junsha looked at him and responded calmly: "Well? Why do you arrest you? Dyeing Bobo feathers into crescent feathers and selling them to make huge profits, your behavior has seriously violated laws and regulations!"

Musashi chimed in: "You can't blame us for that. At most, we did some false propaganda. At first, the price of the crescent feathers was not expensive. It was those ill-intentioned residents in Qingquan City who drove up the price themselves."

"Is it fair that you only arrest us when something goes wrong? To be honest, you should thank us. Although the crescent feathers are fake, they do have a certain sleep-inducing effect."

Kojiro quickly echoed, "If there is no real material, do you think those residents will buy it? Even Miss Junsha, didn't you buy it?"

Miss Junsha remained silent, but she was obviously not disturbed by it.

She slapped the table in front of her vigorously, stared at Kojiro with a sharp gaze, and asked sternly: "Pay attention to the situation you are in now! This is not the time for you to make random excuses! The law will naturally make a fair judgment on your guilt. No matter how you talk, it will be useless!"

Kojiro and the other two people beside him looked at each other, and seemed to understand that more words at this moment would be futile, so they stopped any unnecessary arguments.

They chose to answer a series of questions raised by Miss Junsha obediently.

In fact, if they were not worried that Xiaozhi had not gone far, they would probably have already found a way to escape from imprisonment.

No other reason, just practice!

As for Xiaozhi and his friends, they were strolling in Qingquan City at this time.

Looking at the deserted streets, Serena said, "Xiaozhi, can we really find Darkrai like this? It seems unreliable."

Xiaozhi was also aimless, looking around, shaking his head and said, "I don't know either. Although my wave power can sense the wave of Pokémon, it is not that easy to find Darkrai in such a big city."

As he said, Xiaozhi looked up and looked into the distance. As they walked, they had already arrived at the famous 'Qingquan Bridge' in Qingquan City. In the past, this place should be crowded with people, but now it is deserted.

However, this is also a bargain for Xiaozhi and his friends.

Xiaozhi smiled, took Serena's hand, and said, "Anyway, it's just luck, so why not play around and save this beautiful scenery."

"I'll listen to you, Xiaozhi."

Salena nodded, showing a gorgeous smile, followed Xiaozhi's footsteps, walked side by side, walked with Xiaozhi on the Qingquan Bridge, and looked at the endless river under the bridge.

The land and water nurture the people. Qingquan City, Qingquan Bridge, the name of this river is naturally Qingquan River.

Yulijia turned her head. They passed Qingquan River when they took the bus earlier. She had seen the beautiful scenery in the river a long time ago, but now she had no interest.

"Brother, it's so hot! I feel like I'm going to be sunburned. Why don't we go over there and see if there is a store selling ice cream. I want to eat mini ice cream."

Yulijia wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead and looked at Xitron, hoping that he would agree to her proposal.

Hearing Yulijia's words, Xitron actually wanted to meet his sister's request in his heart. After all, the weather is so hot, eating ice cream will indeed make people feel more comfortable.

But he thought that the situation in Qingquan City is not optimistic now. Many stores may have closed, and ice cream may not be available.

So, Hitron hesitated for a moment, and said, "Okay, but Qingquan City has become like this, and I guess no store will be open for business."

Hitron's tone was full of helplessness and worry. He didn't want to disappoint Yurika.

Yurika didn't give up the idea because of Hitron's words. Instead, she couldn't wait to urge, "I know! Brother, let's go."

She took Hitron's hand and ran to the other side of the street, expecting to find an ice cream shop that was still open.

After a whole day of crazy fun, Xiaozhi and others who were relaxed did not leave Qingquan City at this time. They chose to stay in the Pokémon Center.

At night, the moon hung in the sky, casting a cold light. The moonlight was bright and soft, as if a layer of silver gauze covered the earth.

Xiaozhi was about to go to bed and was about to go back to his room when he saw Serena rushing out of the room like a gust of wind. Her face was as pale as paper, and her eyes revealed an unconcealable panic. Her forehead was evenThere were still a few crystal clear beads of sweat sliding down her cheeks.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was shocked and hurried forward, grabbed Serena, and then hugged her tightly in his arms, and asked softly: "What's wrong? Serena, what happened?"

Serena seemed to have not fully recovered from the nightmare. Her body was trembling slightly, and her voice was a little scared: "Xiaozhi, I... I had a nightmare. In the dream... I saw you left me..." At the end, Serena's voice became a little choked.

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.

He patted Serena's back gently and comforted her gently: "It's okay, Serena, it's just a dream. How could I leave you, don't worry."

However, Serena did not seem to relax because of Xiaozhi's words. She still hugged Xiaozhi tightly, as if she was afraid that he would disappear if she let go.

Her head was buried deep in Xiaozhi's arms, her hands tightly wrapped around Xiaozhi's waist, her body trembling, as if she was still immersed in that terrible nightmare and couldn't extricate herself.

Xiaozhi felt Serena's uneasiness and couldn't help feeling distressed.

Xiaozhi thought about it and decided to change the topic to distract Serena's attention. He whispered, "By the way, Serena, I remember that I haven't met Aunt Sachi yet. How about we go visit Auntie together after the matter of Miare Gym is over? I want her to know me, her future son-in-law." When he said the last sentence, Xiaozhi smiled mischievously.

When Serena heard Xiaozhi's words, her body was slightly startled, and she looked up at him, with a flash of surprise and expectation in her eyes.

She nodded and whispered, "Okay, Xiaozhi, I haven't seen my mother for a long time, and I think she will be very happy to see you."

Xiaozhi saw that Serena's mood was a little better, and he was relieved.

He smiled and said, "Then it's settled. When we finish the things here, we will go to visit Aunt Sachi together. At that time, I will definitely behave well and leave a good impression on Aunt Sachi."

Salina was amused by Xiaozhi and laughed softly. She hugged Xiaozhi tightly, feeling his warmth and love, and the fear and anxiety in her heart gradually dissipated.

Xiaozhi watched Salina regain her composure and felt relieved.

He carried Salina into the room, then gently put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

"Have a good sleep, Salina, everything will be fine tomorrow."

Xiaozhi kissed Salina on the forehead gently, then turned and left the room, leaving Salina to gradually fall asleep in the warm quilt.

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