The boy's surprised look at her teasing flashed in Serena's mind.

"Serena, right? It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

Before Serena approached, she heard Xiaozhi's voice and lost her temper. Her previous intention to tease him was gone.

Serena pouted, "What? Xiaozhi, you have already discovered me. It's not fun at all."

While talking, Serena came to Xiaozhi's side. She sat down gently, turned her head to look at Xiaozhi's profile, and asked, "Xiaozhi, when did you discover me? I don't think I made any sound."

Xiaozhi explained, "You forgot, I have the power of waveguide, I can feel your movements clearly."

"It's like this."

Serena understood. If Xiaozhi didn't mention it, she would have really forgotten about it.

Thinking of today's battle with the White Sandalwood Gym, Xiaozhi used the power of the wave to easily deal with the stand attack, and couldn't help but envy, "Superpowers, I envy Xiaozhi."

For special abilities, especially this kind of superpower that can be of great help in life, no one doesn't want to have it.

It's normal for Serena to behave like this.

Xiaozhi looked at Serena's little hands that didn't know where to put them, and the silly expression she just showed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, saying, "What's wrong with you, why haven't you slept yet?"

"It's my first time to go out far away, and I'm a little uncomfortable."

Salina looked up at the quiet starry sky and suddenly said, "Especially today I'm lucky enoughto meet you, Xiaozhi, I'm a little excited and can't sleep."

"By the way, Xiaozhi, why can't you sleep."

Listening to what Serena just said, Xiaozhi was still a little dazed. Now thinking back, he couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, there is no reason, just simply sleeping late.

Although it was already midnight, it was not even past 12 o'clock. No young person would stay up late and go to bed so early.

However, looking at the beautiful face beside him under the moonlight, Xiaozhi suddenly smiled and said, "Because I am honored to meet you, Serena!"

Is this a confession?

Serena felt sweet inside and felt much better. She suddenly said, "Xiaozhi, thank you. You should rest early. I will go to bed too."


Xiaozhi was not in a hurry. You can't become a big fat man in one bite. Although Serena liked him, the two sides did not go through a stage of getting to know each other.

It was enough to express the feelings tentatively. There was still a long time in the future.

"Pikachu~" (Xiaozhi, you are not really enlightened!)

Pikachu, who was lying next to Xiaozhi and pretending to be dead, suddenly raised his head and looked at Serena's back as she left, and couldn't help shouting.

Xiaozhi picked up Pikachu and said, "You can't say that. I do have some feelings for Serena, but I haven't reached the point where I have to marry her."

"Pika, Pika~"

Pikachu shook his head. It was already outrageous.

But Xiaozhi was a little late in coming to his senses!

Thinking about the girls who had feelings for Xiaozhi before, Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao, Xiaoguang... Alas, Pikachu felt a little pity.

The next day, Xiaozhi, Serena and others gathered in the restaurant. They were going to discuss how to go to the Haruka Gym today.

"This is the White Sandalwood Gym, this is the Haruka Gym, and in the middle is Miare City. It seems that if we want to go to the Haruka Gym, we have to go to Miare City first."

Serena took the map and explained to the few people.

Xiaozhi looked at several roads. If he wanted to go to the Haruka Gym, he would pass through Miare City no matter how he went around.

"Miale City, it just so happens that this is my first stop in the Kalos region. I haven't visited Miare City properly. It just so happens that Xitron and Yulijia are locals and can be our guides."

Yulijia interrupted, "Yes, we can lead the way, and there are many clothing and dessert shops in Miare City."


Salina clapped her hands, "I just want to buy a few clothes as a backup, so let's go now."

Traveling is very boring, and traveling with like-minded friends will make traveling more fun.

Salina and Xiaozhi walked side by side, and Pokémon occasionally passed through the woods. This was a different experience for Salina.

Serena looked at the map, raised her head and suddenly said, "Xiaozhi, the armored rhino riding race in Smiloo Village is very interesting, should we go and have a look?"

"Iron armored rhino riding? It feels so interesting, I want to go, I want to go."

"Then I'll lead the way."

Smiloo Village is on the way to Miare City, and Xiaozhi also wants to experience a different feeling.

After all, Serena's mother is a famous armored rhino rider, andAs her daughter, Lina also has some experience in riding the armored rhino.

Thinking about the horse riding scenes in his memory, Xiaozhi couldn't help but get excited. He wanted to ride an armored rhino with Serena and travel across the racing field. That must be very cool.

"What are you guys doing here? Ordinary people are not allowed to walk here. This road is specially prepared for the armored rhino competition. It will be very dangerous for you guys to continue walking on this road."

Miss Junsha came from behind in a police car and warned Xiaozhi and his group immediately after seeing him.

After all, the armored rhino doesn't care who you are. If someone is really injured, it will be a great dereliction of duty for the inspector who patrols this route.

"The route prepared for the competition?"

Xiaozhi looked at Serena who shrank her head a little embarrassedly, glared at her, and said politely to Miss Junsha, "Sorry, Miss Junsha, we didn't know that this road was the route prepared for the competition of the armored rhinoceros."

"Let's leave now."

"No, I'll take you there. The route of the armored rhinoceros here is very complicated, and there is no mark on the map. If something happens to you, it will be very troublesome."

Miss Junsha would never let these guysrun around, don't let them disappear in the blink of an eye, and these guys will be hit by the armored rhinoceros and sent to the hospital.

Xiaozhi and the others thanked, "Then please Miss Junsha."

Xiaozhi looked back at Serena, who embarrassedly showed her cute little tongue, and she felt very uncomfortable.

After all, she knew very well how fierce the Pokémon such as the armored rhinoceros was. Fortunately, their whereabouts were discovered by Miss Junsha and stopped in time, otherwise, God knows what would happen.

Xiaozhi patted her shoulder and smiled, "It's okay, Serena, it's normal to encounter such a thing when you go out for the first time."

It's just a wrong way, what's the big deal?

Xiaozhi recalled the times when he often got lost in the past few years and couldn't help but sigh that he was used to it.

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